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Bush-Rice 2004

DKW 86

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In fairness to TigerAl, his family just experienced a 25% increase in population. He's got more important things on his mind, I'm sure. :)

Ahhhhh yes, he is now changing diapers, rather than shoveling the bull s **(&)( t in here! :lol::lol::lol:

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TA has 2 or 3 kids now???

I thought I read where he said this was their third child.

Isn't there some kind of law against having children just so someone would HAVE to listen to you?

Against brain-washing maybe?

And CT, what would you expect from an uga? I work with several. They are a minute step above a bammer. Minute, I say!

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SLink! i'm very disappointed that you ask for a discussion and then cut-and-paste some spin AND THEN what you cut & pasted isn't even related to the topic at hand!

that's gotta be at least a 10 yard penalty, if not 15. where's the ref that's so hard on me & my posts? :P


Well, I frankly agree with most of what is posted within that article. People bash Kerry for many things...most of which I would agree...then turn around and don't understand how much Bush lacks in the same department. Bush's, IMO, is trying to run a campaign based on him being a leader of protection for America and I find it laughable considering how little he did previous 9/11 with intelligence officials. Now, I will also lay plenty of blame on the Clinton era, I completely agree with how bad of a job he did even after the WTC bombings of his own era. If people are going to bash Kerry for stupidly changing sides on an issue, let's look at what Bush has done in office. I am sure many of you have seen the constant flip-floppings of Bush as well (Homeland, Gay Marriage, ext.) so I dont hold much to the argument that Kerry loves both sides while Bush doesn't. Give me a break.

Another big difference is the fact that I believe that calls for new trade restrictions to preserve current jobs are misguided. This is quite an interesting take on it. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/briefs/tbp-019es.html

Lastly, I just will go back to the original statement I made. The Tax Cuts will not work for this country. I believe they will just inflate the deficit to record numbers and people like me in 10 years will be paying for it dearly. Seems odd how some on here can't just have a simple argument without name-calling or insults. Geez


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I would love to see Bush-Rice in 2004 and hope that Cheney will step down, not because his health forces it, but "to spend more time with family" or something like that.

Not only would Condi Rice be a great choice for VP in terms of qualifications, but the Bush-Rice ticket would completely screw up the demoncratic strategy for the next decade! For all their high minded rhetoric, the demoncratic party will NEVER allow a serious minority candidate near the podium. Sure, they will have their Jesse Jacksons and The Irreverent Al Sharptongue but they will never allow one who has an actual chance of winning to become strong enough in the party to be a serious contender for president or VP. Hillary doesn't count on this; women are NOT a minority, check the census data!

The Bush-Rice ticket would appeal strongly to a significant percentage of the voters that the demoncrats count on to make Kerry a viable candidate. The result would be a landslide on the order of 60 to 65 percent of the popular vote.

In order to counter a Bush-Rice ticket, the demoncrats would, again show their true colors just as they did when Clarence Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court. Then, the had to find a "more oppressed" attack dog since they couldn't come out and attack him directly as they would have liked without alienating a significant portion of their core constituency. So they attacked a minority male with a minority female; it will be hilarious to see who they use to try and discredit Condi Rice should that ticket come about. Will their "attack dog" for this be a gay minority female who is also disabled? It would be fun to watch the demoncrats squirm and especially Billary Clinton with their plans to reclaim the White House in 2008.

BUSH - RICE IN 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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