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UAT post game thread


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coulda, shoulda, woulda, I am reading all this plus the Refs,,, dang these excuses are sounding like the Bammers from six years in a row...face it we had them down 14-0, they came back and won... no such thing as a moral victory.. we got out played and out coached.. But wait till next year my arse.

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Man, looking in from the outside I'd say PCChamp is a Bama fan still in the closet!

Great game Auburn fans, I'm impressed.

You pegged it. PC is a huge Bama fan who just comes here to gloat and pretend he is an Auburn fan but he is bad at it. I would trust Bill Clinton alone with my niece before I would ever buy PC as an Auburn fan. He is now, has always been and always will be the sterotypical Alabama fan.

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coulda, shoulda, woulda, I am reading all this plus the Refs,,, dang these excuses are sounding like the Bammers from six years in a row...face it we had them down 14-0, they came back and won... no such thing as a moral victory.. we got out played and out coached..

Bingo! I completely agree 100%

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Roof would deserve a raise if the game required stopping only one player. But Bama has multiple athletes and apparently he forgot about that Julio Jones kid at the end.

Gus continues to prove that he is nothing more than a coach with tricks. Big play at the beginning, a couple other big plays on the second drive, and one big pass in the 3rd quarter. Other than that, the offense was BAD.

Our game management ranks 1 notch better than Les Miles... but barely.

I never felt this game would be won by this team, but had hope I would be proven wrong. Unfortunately, I am not wrong very often.

Hope we don't have to bust out the moral victory police on everybody.

What's your batting average? What's your completion percentage? I'm just dying to know. Everyone take note that PChamp119 is not wrong very often. :roflol:

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What bad calls are you guys talking about? I would like a small sample of these "bad calls." I did not see one and I complain a lot.

- trying to sit on a 1 point lead with ~10 mins to go when you get 1 first down and can at least get 3

- after the 2nd/3rd 10 yard pass to JJ, not double covering him - especially when the D has stopped the run so well

Biggest ones I saw.

Still, we were in the game so I can't get too upset.

How the hell are those blamed on the refs?

I didn't blame the refs........ you asked for 'bad calls' so I gave you the two I saw.

As far as officiating goes, there are a couple of tick-tack things both ways. No way did it affect the outcome.

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Man, looking in from the outside I'd say PCChamp is a Bama fan still in the closet!

Great game Auburn fans, I'm impressed.

You pegged it. PC is a huge Bama fan who just comes here to gloat and pretend he is an Auburn fan but he is bad at it. I would trust Bill Clinton alone with my niece before I would ever buy PC as an Auburn fan. He is now, has always been and always will be the sterotypical Alabama fan.

Win or lose, you all played a heck of a game and I don't think any Alabama fan expected to see what we saw out there today. Auburn's gonna be a damn good team in a short time. Just looking at PChamps comments, if he is an Auburn fan he carries on like a typical Bama fan. I saw meltdown city from my fellow fans today...

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Defense stepped up. Very proud of them. Auburn won T.O.P early, but Bama dominated 2nd half. Todd threw the INT. That hurt. Todd fumbled. That hurt. Ziemba missed some blocks. Eric Smith missed a block when two guys came his way. Rather than at least get one, both ran by him. Semi-poor clock management on the final drive. Should have called the timeout after the completion to Tate before he got the 1st down. Then, we got a false start while the clock was moving. Once the penalty was enforced and ball was set for play, we lost a few seconds there because we weren't ready to snap the ball. Don't blame Washington for not going down sooner, but when he realized he wasn't going to get much more yards on the final kickoff, he should have went down or out of bounds.

Bama had excellent field position for most of the game. Our defense stepped up. We held Tiffin to 3 field goal tries, but the D wore out towards the end gave Julio too much cushion. Our offense again jumps up 14-0 and let's another game slip away.

Bama had he ball 33:47 to Auburn's 26:13

Take away the 1st quarter and it would have been worse.

Again, can't say enough about the effort, but we SHOULD have won this game. I don't care if Bama is ranked higher or has better players. We had this team in a situation to put them away... And we didn't.

Take away the last quarter and Auburn wins. :rolleyes:

Too bad the games 4 quarters, and our defense gets tired. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Look, all I'm stating is that Alabama was the better team today. Auburn could've won, but they didn't. Its not that they should've won. It wasn't the refs fault. Auburn came out strong with tricks, but the fact that they executed them only kept them in the game. If you look at how the offense did outside of 3 drives, they weren't very effective. Bama had 6 scoring opportunities and scored on 5 of them. We scored on 3 of 3. One of those was a 2 play drive and the other was a big play. We really only had one drive down the field. If that is what makes you guys excited...

Yes, the team played better than it was expected to, but in the end it's a game and that's all that matters. Alabama won the game and bettered this team. What does the future look like? I don't know. Things certainly looked better than last year, but I don't care. It's the W that matters and nothing else. I don't care if these kids "played hard" or not. I'd rather this team not play hard and win than play hard and lose. This team will likely lose next year as we break in a new QB and it's at Bama. So I don't think things will be better next year in the Iron Bowl. In two years, who knows? All I know is Bama will have a bunch of seniors at our place (much like 2004). So call me negative nancy, but I am not taking today and thinking the future is automatically better. The team and program may get better over the next couple of years, but I don't see victories over Alabama anytime soon. 2013 is the earliest I see Auburn pulling a victory over Alabama. I just want to beat those guys year-in and year-out. It sure was fun while I was a student there. I guess things are headed back to the 70s

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We won this game no matter what.

It has nothing to do with "moral victories" either.

Point me back to 2007 when we beat Alabama for the 6th straight year, finished with a better season record, and coincidentally lost almost every single recruiting battle we had against them (literally). Recruiting is the only thing that will improve our team and we won that battle greatly today.

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We won this game no matter what.

It has nothing to do with "moral victories" either.

Point me back to 2007 when we beat Alabama for the 6th straight year, finished with a better season record, and coincidentally lost almost every single recruiting battle we had against them (literally). Recruiting is the only thing that will improve our team and we won that battle greatly today.

Did today's close game help our recruiting today? Did we get a bunch of commitments that weren't expected? Though I agree the recruiting may have gotten better from the previous couple of years, I don't see how today's game affected our recruiting. It may show that this team is ready to compete, but unless we actually won some recruiting battles today, I don't agree with your statement.

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Our D was awesome outside of the one, two, three, four... five scoring drives. {Geez ... nothing gets by your awesome powers of observation, does it?} We give them a long field at the end of the game at our stadium and they march down and score like it's nothing. They didn't even sweat. {Oh, contraire. They were sweating plenty. I will give the uat team credit -- they earned every yard on that last drive.}

I would agree that the D was better in this game than any other game, but they still didn't do enough. No moral victories from me. No "way to fight hard" from me. You want credit? Win. It's simple. I don't care if we were underdogs or not. Upsets happen. Apparently Auburn isn't good enough to be a part of that this year. {Well just hop on board the uat bandwagon then, you putz. If only wins matter to you then you'd fit right in. It's not "simple" for an underdog to win every game. Have you watched much football before this game?}

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Anyone that can watch that game and still come back and be a douche like PChamp seriously needs to just go to a bammer site and hang with those they really love. Auburn was outmanned today. The defense played it's ass off. The offense scored more points on that defense than anyone else all year (Va Tech's offense only scored 17...7 came on a kickoff return). We didn't trail the entire game until 1:24 left. We absolutely shut down their running attack and held their offense in check most of the game.

It's the kind of game you can build on. Dye's first Auburn team took a lead into the 4th quarter of the Iron Bowl only to fall late, but everyone knew they saw a different kind of effort that day. I'm excited about the future.

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Anyone that can watch that game and still come back and be a douche like PChamp seriously needs to just go to a bammer site and hang with those they really love. Auburn was outmanned today. The defense played it's ass off. The offense scored more points on that defense than anyone else all year (Va Tech's offense only scored 17...7 came on a kickoff return). We didn't trail the entire game until 1:24 left. We absolutely shut down their running attack and held their offense in check most of the game.

It's the kind of game you can build on. Dye's first Auburn team took a lead into the 4th quarter of the Iron Bowl only to fall late, but everyone knew they saw a different kind of effort that day. I'm excited about the future.

Amen Bro. Better times are ahead. I'm pissed that we lost and thought we were in a position to hold on and win it, but that changed from hoping we could keep it close during the pregame. I'm proud of these players and this will show recruits that this team and staff are not intimidated by anyone, and are close, very close, to beating the nations best teams. They definately did more with less and I'm proud of them.

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Twas a good effort by ye olde Tigahs. AU played about as well as they could play and the crowd helped their cause. Hopefully it will help us mentally for a championship run. Am I correct in assuming that you guys will be pulling for us to bring home a nat'l title?

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Anyone that can watch that game and still come back and be a douche like PChamp seriously needs to just go to a bammer site and hang with those they really love. Auburn was outmanned today. The defense played it's ass off. The offense scored more points on that defense than anyone else all year (Va Tech's offense only scored 17...7 came on a kickoff return). We didn't trail the entire game until 1:24 left. We absolutely shut down their running attack and held their offense in check most of the game.

It's the kind of game you can build on. Dye's first Auburn team took a lead into the 4th quarter of the Iron Bowl only to fall late, but everyone knew they saw a different kind of effort that day. I'm excited about the future.



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Twas a good effort by ye olde Tigahs. AU played about as well as they could play and the crowd helped their cause. Hopefully it will help us mentally for a championship run. Am I correct in assuming that you guys will be pulling for us to bring home a nat'l title?


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Am I correct in assuming that you guys will be pulling for us to bring home a nat'l title?

:roflol: Now that's funny. Just so you know, I'll be rooting for who(m)ever is playing against you.

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Twas a good effort by ye olde Tigahs. AU played about as well as they could play and the crowd helped their cause. Hopefully it will help us mentally for a championship run. Am I correct in assuming that you guys will be pulling for us to bring home a nat'l title?

Assumption is a stupid thing. I hope Florida beats you 162-0. Then, I hope you lose your bowl game by triple digits.

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I must say, I was very impressed with Auburn tonight. We all knew it was going to be a dog fight, a rival game. You guys really played well, and showed a ton of heart. I think CGC has Auburn headed in the right direction. Another point, if Auburn had a little more depth on defense.....they more than likely would have won that game.

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Twas a good effort by ye olde Tigahs. AU played about as well as they could play and the crowd helped their cause. Hopefully it will help us mentally for a championship run. Am I correct in assuming that you guys will be pulling for us to bring home a nat'l title?

Assumption is a stupid thing. I hope Florida beats you 162-0. Then, I hope you lose your bowl game by triple digits.

Ah, come on. You gotta pull for the in-staters. I had to swallow my hatred years ago when AU played UT in the SECCG! Anyway, good game and Roll Tide!

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I must say, I was very impressed with Auburn tonight. We all knew it was going to be a dog fight, a rival game. You guys really played well, and showed a ton of heart. I think CGC has Auburn headed in the right direction. Another point, if Auburn had a little more depth on defense.....they more than likely would have won that game.

Wow! Every Bammer I know didn't think it would be a game at all. Impressed? I'm sure of that. Expecting it to be a dog fight? Not so sure. Chizik sent a message today. I think Bama got it. No more gimme Iron Bowls from us. Congrats on the win.

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Twas a good effort by ye olde Tigahs. AU played about as well as they could play and the crowd helped their cause. Hopefully it will help us mentally for a championship run. Am I correct in assuming that you guys will be pulling for us to bring home a nat'l title?

Assumption is a stupid thing. I hope Florida beats you 162-0. Then, I hope you lose your bowl game by triple digits.

Ah, come on. You gotta pull for the in-staters. I had to swallow my hatred years ago when AU played UT in the SECCG! Anyway, good game and Roll Tide!

The only thing I "gotta" do is go buy a Gators shirt for the SECCG. I hope they slaughter you guys.

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I must say, I was very impressed with Auburn tonight. We all knew it was going to be a dog fight, a rival game. You guys really played well, and showed a ton of heart. I think CGC has Auburn headed in the right direction. Another point, if Auburn had a little more depth on defense.....they more than likely would have won that game.

Wow! Every Bammer I know didn't think it would be a game at all. Impressed? I'm sure of that. Expecting it to be a dog fight? Not so sure. Chizik sent a message today. I think Bama got it. No more gimme Iron Bowls from us. Congrats on the win.

Thanks for the congrats, and not all fans are reasonable. Auburn has em too. As for a message, like I said, Chizik is solid.

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