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Kerry's lying about anti-war past


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Kerry Lying About Anti-War Past, Supporter Alleges

By Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

March 18, 2004

(CNSNews.com) -  A Vietnam War historian and supporter of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has told  CNSNews.com  that Kerry is lying about key events related to his anti-war activities in 1971.

Kerry said he hasn't spoken to former anti-war associate Al Hubbard since the two men appeared side by side on national television in April 1971, but according to author Gerald Nicosia, that assertion is wrong. So is Kerry's insistence that he did not attend a November 1971 meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), at which group members discussed the possibility of assassinating U.S. senators who were still supporting the war in Vietnam, Nicosia said.

Nicosia backed up his comments regarding Kerry's presence at the November 1971 meeting by providing CNSNews.com with the FBI's redacted files about that meeting...

...Among the questions surrounding Kerry's involvement as a 27-year-old anti-war protester are those about his relationship with Hubbard, the former executive director of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Kerry and Hubbard appeared on NBC's Meet the Press on April 18, 1971 to argue for an end to the war.

But shortly thereafter, Hubbard, who had been introduced on the NBC program as a decorated Air Force captain, was exposed for having exaggerated his military credentials. A separate news investigation revealed that there were no military records showing that Hubbard had either served in Vietnam or was injured there.

Last week, during a Capitol Hill news conference, CNSNews.com asked Kerry whether he was still in touch with Hubbard or whether he was willing to repudiate Hubbard because of Hubbard's fabricated war record.

"I haven't talked to Al Hubbard since that week" of the Meet the Press appearance, Kerry replied. Kerry also said he did not believe that VVAW's credibility was hurt as a result of Hubbard falsifying his war record.

But Gerald Nicosia, author of the book Home to War: A History of the Vietnam Veterans' Movement and a Kerry supporter, disagreed with Kerry's contention that he and Hubbard saw no more of each other after the week of April 18, 1971.

"That is bull****. No, no, [Kerry] saw [Hubbard] at numerous meetings after that, including the one I talk about in my book, the July meeting in St. Louis," Nicosia told  CNSNews.com .

[Kerry] saw [Hubbard] in July, and according to FBI [files on Vietnam Veterans Against the War] and the minutes of those meetings, [Kerry] probably saw him in November [1971] too," Nicosia said.

Kerry and Hubbard had a heated argument at the St. Louis meeting in July that was "witnessed by 200 veterans," according to Nicosia... 

...Nicosia told CNSNews.com he was uncomfortable disputing Kerry's statements.

"I am in kind of an awkward position here. I am a Kerry supporter and I certainly don't want to do anything that hurts him. On the other hand, my number one allegiance is to truth. So I am going to go with where the facts are, and John is going to have to deal with that," Nicosia said.

"I am having some problems with the things he is saying right now, which are not matching up with accuracy," he added.

November 1971 meeting

Nicosia also disputed Kerry's denial that he was in attendance when VVAW members met in Kansas City in November 1971 to discuss the possibility of assassinating U.S. senators still committed to the Vietnam War.

Kerry was at the meeting, Nicosia insisted, pointing to FBI files and the minutes from the VVAW meeting, which he has obtained. "The minutes of the meeting -- November 12th through the15th -- it's got John Kerry there, it's got John Kerry resigning there on the third day," Nicosia said.

Nicosia provided CNSNews.com with a copy of the FBI's redacted files of that November 1971 VVAW meeting. The files refer to the fact that Kerry had "resigned for 'personal reasons.'"

"You are talking to a Kerry supporter, but I will tell you, after everything that I have heard and seen, I would conclude that he was there," he added...

...Nicosia concluded with advice for Kerry.

"The chickens are coming home to roost, and unfortunately he is starting to backtrack and I personally don't think backtracking is going to work because people are going to go at him and find the discrepancies," Nicosia said.

As recently as two days ago, Kerry's presidential campaign spokesman David Wade told the New York Sun that, "Kerry was not at the Kansas City meeting." Wade added that Kerry had resigned from the VVAW "sometime in the summer of 1971."


What I cannot figure out is why the Dems keep putting candidates up like this, who lie so much about so many things they cannot keep their stories straight. I mean, I know there are always parsing of words when politicians talk. Not saying it's right, but it happens. But there's a big difference between wording something very carefully and just lying outright, over and over. You'd think after what happened with Gore, they would have gone for someone who held their views on things, but didn't feel the need to lie at every turn. I know there are people like that in the Democratic Party, even though I don't agree with all their political views. It's just amazing this is happening all over again.

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Update: Kerry now backtracking on his denials.

Kerry Backs Away From Statements About 1971 Anti-War Meeting

(CNSNews.com)  - A spokesman for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has retreated from an earlier statement claiming Kerry was not present at a November 1971 anti-war meeting in which the possible assassination of U.S. senators was discussed.  "John Kerry had no personal recollection of this meeting 33 years ago," Kerry spokesman David Wade said in a statement provided to The New York Sun Thursday. Gerald Nicosia, a Kerry supporter and author of the book  Home to War , was the source of the FBI documents obtained by  CNSNews.com , proving, in Nicosia's judgment, that Kerry did attend the meetings.


Talk about a bunch of hooey. He "had no personal recollection" of a meeting where assassinating U.S. Senators was being discussed? Right. Kerry and his staff must think we're all a bunch of imbeciles to buy this.

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Kill a few Senators for disagreeing with them....hmmmmm.

Anyone want to make a list?...JUST KIDDING! :lol:

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"John Kerry had no personal recollection of this meeting 33 years ago," Kerry spokesman

That is why he resigned from that organizations after that. Huuuuuummmm

no connection there. :rolleyes:

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Kerry's backtracking on this some more. This is what happens when you lie so much you can't keep them all straight:

Kerry Still Backpedaling on Presence at 1971 Anti-War Meetings

By Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

March 24, 2004

(CNSNews.com)  - Five days after CNSNews.com reported that Democrat John Kerry had attended a 1971 anti-war meeting at which the possible assassination of U.S. senators was discussed, the presidential hopeful is still backpedaling on statements regarding his whereabouts during that meeting.

Kerry at first denied attending the November 1971 meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) in Kansas City, Mo.  According to FBI files obtained by CNSNews.com, that 1971 meeting included talk of possibly assassinating U.S. senators.  VVAW members discussed targeting then-Senators Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, John Tower of Texas and John Stennis of Mississippi because of their continuing support for the Vietnam war.

Early last week, Kerry's presidential campaign spokesman David Wade told the New York Sun, "Kerry was not at the Kansas City meeting." Wade added that Kerry had resigned from the VVAW "sometime in the summer of 1971."

But following the March 18 publication of the CNSNews.com report, in which the FBI files were used to corroborate Kerry''s attendance at the meeting, Wade reversed himself.

"If there are valid FBI surveillance reports from credible sources that place some of those disagreements in Kansas City, we accept that historical footnote in the account of his work to end the difficult and divisive war," Wade said in a statement late last week.

Kerry also retreated from an earlier comment he made in response to a CNSNews.com question about former VVAW executive director Al Hubbard. Kerry and Hubbard appeared together on an April 18, 1971 broadcast of the news show Meet the Press to discuss their anti-war efforts. 

But Hubbard, who had passed himself off as a decorated Air Force captain, was later shown to have lied about his military record.  An investigation in 1971 by a CBS News reporter revealed that there were no military records showing that Hubbard had either served in Vietnam or was injured there.

When asked about his relationship with Hubbard, Kerry told CNSNews.com at a televised press conference two weeks ago, "I haven't talked to Al Hubbard since that week" of the April 1971 Meet the Press appearance."

But after CNSNews.com reported that FBI files and eyewitness accounts from former VVAW members had placed Kerry and Hubbard in the same place on several occasions after the Meet the Press appearance, the Kerry campaign conceded that the senator was also incorrect on that point.

Other news outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post and ABC News picked up on aspects of the stories this week, reporting on the FBI surveillance of Kerry and his group and Kerry's inaccurate assertions regarding when he resigned from the VVAW and the last time he saw Hubbard.

Gerald Nicosia, author of the book Home to War: A History of the Vietnam Veterans' Movement and a Kerry supporter, told CNSNews.com last week that Kerry was being less than truthful about his anti-war activities.

"I am having some problems with the things he is saying right now, which are not matching up with accuracy," Nicosia told CNSNews.com...

...More recently, Nicosia offered some advice for Kerry: "The chickens are coming home to roost, and unfortunately he is starting to backtrack and I personally don't think backtracking is going to work because people are going to go at him and find the discrepancies," Nicosia said.


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Lock him up, or better yet fry the traitor. Here's what the law says:

From the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access


[Laws in effect as of January 7, 2003]

[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between

  January 7, 2003 and February 12, 2003]

[CITE: 18USC1117]


                             PART I--CRIMES

                          CHAPTER 51--HOMICIDE

Sec. 1117. Conspiracy to murder

    If two or more persons conspire to violate section 1111, 1114, 1116,

or 1119 of this title, and one or more of such persons do any overt act

to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by

imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

(Added Pub. L. 92-539, title I, Sec. 101, Oct. 24, 1972, 86 Stat. 1071;

amended Pub. L. 103-322, title VI, Sec. 60009((1), Sept. 13, 1994, 108

Stat. 1972.)


    1994--Pub. L. 103-322 substituted ``1116, or 1119'' for ``or 1116''.

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in sections 115, 930 of this title.




Sec.  1111. Murder.

Sec.  1112. Manslaughter.

Sec.  1113. Attempt to commit murder or manslaughter.

Sec.  1114. Protection of officers and employees of the United States.

Sec.  1115. Misconduct or neglect of ship officers.

Sec.  1116. Murder or manslaughter of foreign officials, official guests, or internationally protected persons.

Sec.  1117. Conspiracy to murder.

Sec.  1118. Murder by a Federal prisoner.

Sec.  1119. Foreign murder of United States nationals.

Sec.  1120. Murder by escaped prisoners.

Sec.  1121. Killing persons aiding Federal investigations or State correctional officers.

Sec.  1122. Protection against the human immunodeficiency virus.

See for yourself. Here's the link to the U.S. Code

It's funny how the media repeatedly nailed Bush concerning his DUI's and the alleged missing year of Guard service, but they are turning a blind eye to this.

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It's funny how the media repeatedly nailed Bush concerning his DUI's and the alleged missing year of Guard service, but they are turning a blind eye to this.

that's exactly what i was thinking...the similarities are interesting.


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