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Auburn has a chance to repeat history


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I was but mere figment in my parents imagination at the time, but my Dad was there. He told me the story of the '89 game as we drove down here to Lagrange yesterday. He says it was one of the emotional moments of his life and also drew the parallel to this season.

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I was there, somewhere around the 5-10 yard line on the student side...it was my junior year.

I remember getting to the stadium around 9 AM and sobering up from the night before while waiting to get in.

I remember the sign referred to earlier re: Perkins' comment about the game never coming to Auburn.

I bought 3-4 of the "Beat Bama: We Cut 'Em No Slack" Tiger Rags shirts after the game...waited about an hour or so and didn't care.

There are two football games that I consider it a true privilege to have attended...this was one of them. It was a history-making day and I was proud to be one of 85,214 in the stadium.

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That was a 10-2 Auburn team that had only given up about 97 points going into that game. I think the parallels are limited. This team can win this game with some breaks and error-free ball-- a tall order-- but it will be a far bigger upset than the 1989 game. I went into that game pretty confident about how we matched up with Bama.

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I wasn't there, but i do recall entering that game w/ a confidence that Auburn would prevail. We had a good team, and Bama had not impressed me w/ their wins that year.

This year, I'm hoping for our best effort of the year coupled w/ some mistakes by their QB....

On another note:

I disagree w/ Barnhardt about it being a cultural war... what does that mean? Culturally, I'd say all Alabamians are pretty similar... Is it 'cow college' vs. 'elitism'? If so, other states have that... Texas and Mississippi just to name 2.

I do think the game transcends a traditional rivalry... but it's unique in its year-round intensity and the utter disdain each school's fans have for the other. Maybe I'm reading too much into his word usage :)

War Eagle Everyone.

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My wife and I remember December 2, 1989 well. The excitement and anticipation. The pure joy of the Auburn Family. The Bama arrogance with their "Your Ass On Your Grass" signs. Coach Dye leading the first Tiger Walk. Going to Tiger Rags for our "That's The Ticket" gameday shirts. Standing in the north endzone throughout the game (nobody sat at this game). Drowning out the Tide fans everytime they tried to start a cheer. Reggie Slack throwing to Alexander Wright. Stacy Danley running like a wild man. James Joseph plunging over the goal line. Auburn fans working for 60 minutes just like our team. The scoreboard reading Auburn 30 - Alabama 20 at the end of the game. It was a great day to be an Auburn Tiger. It still is!!!

Beat Bama! War Eagle!!!

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When Auburn wins the National Championship game I will be there, whenever and wherever it is. And when we win it, it will be the SECOND best AU game I have seen. I was a senior in my last quarter, so it was my last game as an AU student. The electricity for the WHOLE WEEK prior to the game was magical. When you walked outside your skin would tingle. Nobody cared that UA was undefeated and ranked #2. Everyone had a confidence that is generally unheard of prior to the Iron Bowl. A large group of my friends, students and non-students, stood on the ramp in the corner just behind the student section. It was a great place to watch, and you could walk off some of the nervous energy. All I can say is that, when the Auburn players came out of the tunnel prior to the game, we all knew what the outcome of the game would be. Not a single person I have talked to who was at the game after that thought that Auburn could lose (that includes Alabama fans). When we got behind 0-10 it was like "that is fine, you get it while you can because today is ours." As we proceeded to dominate the game we began to touch the hat of a very quiet and very drunk 60ish year old man for luck. Everytime anyone touched it we scored again! He loved being the lucky charm and we loved the touchdowns. The score was 30-20 but the game was never close. The atmosphere at the game and at Toomer's Corner was magical. It will always be the pinnacle of my Auburn Experience.

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