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Gibson film violates?


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Claiming Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" has resulted in "hate crimes" against Jews, a nonprofit organization is seeking online signatures for a petition asking Attorney General John Ashcroft to "evaluate possible actions" against the filmmaker.

According to a statement from the Messiah Truth Project Inc. – a nonprofit group that says its purpose is to "combat the deceptive missionary techniques of evangelical Christian denominations and the Messianic movements" – "The Passion," through "purposeful rewriting of the Christian Gospel mythos has, itself, become an anti-Semitic diatribe." The organization claims the movie has caused crimes against Jews, synagogues and Jewish cemeteries "throughout the U.S."


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What hate crimes? Just more crap from the politcally correct IMO. I still don't see where this movie puts Jews in a bad light. It shows how out of touch they are by wanting to get John Ashcroft involved.

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I was listening to Jon Voight yesterday on Linda Vester's show on Fox and he was saying the Passion would create a anti-Semitic backlash across Europe. Some of the members of the audience jumped on that and said they had heard the grim predictions of a holocaust here in the States because of this movie since before it was released, yet we aren't seeing these predictions come true. One lady noted that it was funny that the concern with the critics has shifted from America to Europe. She asked Voight whether his anti-Passion stance had something to do more with a personal vendetta against Mel Gibson rather than a real concern for the worlds Jewish population. Her point was that any feelings of anti-semitism that might be experienced in Europe can most likely be attributed to feelings that were in place long before the movie was even though of.

When the audience started groaning and hissing after many of his attempts at making a point, he came to the realization that he was fighting a losing battle.

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If this even comes up with a Jewish friend, I just ask them to stop a minute and ask them "if Jesus Christ is a Jew, and I worship Him as my Savior, how am I am I, or the movie, showing Jews in a bad light?" Thiis usually ends the conversation.

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This is actually old news but it is a shame that people are using this movie (of which I haven't seen yet but will) as a vehicle to bring up hate, on either side.

Basically people let us go back in history and remember what the Jewish population did to "Christians" when the church was forming in the first Century!

They were thrown out, they were persecuted they were outcast they were the butt of hate crimes. If the movie (again of which I haven't seen) shows some of this it is not a reflection on the Jewish populous and their beliefs it is a point in time when religion was changing and people had opposing views and weren't so kind to each other, so guess what the Jewish faith had point in history when they actually persecuted others. It happened sorry.

Now if that creates anti-semitism today then it highlights a major issue in the world today, We still don't learn from the past and we are persecuting people today for things that happend in the past. We the people of the world need to move on let by gones be by gones (sp?) and find a way that we can get along and be more Jewish, Christan, Muslim, Buddhist, (all all the others) to each other.

Each of us has a faith that we beleive in each has it's own way that we are expected to live but all have a underlying theme and that is respect others and treat them as you expected to be treated.

Too much hate in the world, but this should not stop strong and powerful issues and themes from being captured and displayed in cinematic venue for pleasure, purpose, knowledge or money whichever it was done for!

We all need to read more and decide are we going to interpert what we read literally or imply what we read. Baptist interpert the bible literally and Catholics are interpet it non-literally, meaning they put each reading into context of when and who it was written for.

I hope i made sense got distracted here at work and started to ramble hard topic to get the point across in just 2 paragraphs

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eibua12.....just a nit, but not all Baptists (by a long shot) interpret the Bible literally. As a Baptist by heritage and raising, I can tell you Baptists are all over the palce on this and other issues. Each Baptist Church is independent and hence each congregation /individual intreprets the Bible in his own way.

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Now if that creates anti-semitism today then it highlights a major issue in the world today, We still don't learn from the past and we are persecuting people today for things that happend in the past. We the people of the world need to move on let by gones be by gones (sp?) and find a way that we can get along and be more Jewish, Christan, Muslim, Buddhist, (all all the others) to each other.

I was challenged on this recently until I got into the WORDS the Europeans use. They dont think it will CREATE more anti-Semitism. They think it will INFLAME anti-Semitism. In other words, the EU admits it is very anti-Semitic. They are worried that it will rouse those old hatreds until they come boiling over again.

The EU is not like the American church at all. We over here are apparently much farther ahead on the Jewish question evidently.

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Proud Tiger I agree but my statement was more of generality then sepecifically driected at Baptist I used the statement as a vehicle to show that there are different interpertations of everything most can fall into to area literal and contextual it was easy to pick Baptist and Catholics at a high level because the fall into those catergories (at a high level if you break anything down it just breaks apart because everyone has a mind of their own). I did a poor job of making my thoughts come through..

I personally feel everyone should make their own judgements and iterperations on everything. Does that mean a Catholic can beleive in Gay marriages and abortion and still be called a Catholic not sure but I would say yes. Everything is a mystery of faith ;) .


Does that mean we have to censor anything that will inflame old hatreds, even if it is factual? (very leading question)

I am a little naive here can someone explain to me why there is anti-semitism in the first place. Is there something in history that I missed that has caused the great hatred for the Jewish people?

Hasn't every religous sect been persecuted at some point in time?

I need to go see the movie before I can really make a judgement I am just upset that everytime something that is borderline controversial someone has to use it as a platform for unrest, obviously it hasn't slowed the people from going, and I don't see all these people coming out of the theaters and doing bad things maybe they are plotting and planning hmmmm or we are just more concerned that the terrorists these days to really worry about anything else.

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Proud Tiger I agree but my statement was more of generality then sepecifically driected at Baptist I used the statement as a vehicle to show that there are different interpertations of everything most can fall into to area literal and contextual it was easy to pick Baptist and Catholics at a high level because the fall into those catergories (at a high level if you break anything down it just breaks apart because everyone has a mind of their own). I did a poor job of making my thoughts come through..

I personally feel everyone should make their own judgements and iterperations on everything. Does that mean a Catholic can beleive in Gay marriages and abortion and still be called a Catholic not sure but I would say yes. Everything is a mystery of faith ;) .


Does that mean we have to censor anything that will inflame old hatreds, even if it is factual? (very leading question)

I am a little naive here can someone explain to me why there is anti-semitism in the first place. Is there something in history that I missed that has caused the great hatred for the Jewish people?

Hasn't every religous sect been persecuted at some point in time?

I need to go see the movie before I can really make a judgement I am just upset that everytime something that is borderline controversial someone has to use it as a platform for unrest, obviously it hasn't slowed the people from going, and I don't see all these people coming out of the theaters and doing bad things maybe they are plotting and planning hmmmm or we are just more concerned that the terrorists these days to really worry about anything else.

I dont censor a thing here other than nudity, namecalling, and profanity.

BTW, I totally disagree about the film having saw it. The EU is just looking for some trouble to me. They say INFLAME, not create.

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Now if that creates anti-semitism today then it highlights a major issue in the world today, We still don't learn from the past and we are persecuting people today for things that happend in the past. We the people of the world need to move on let by gones be by gones (sp?) and find a way that we can get along and be more Jewish, Christan, Muslim, Buddhist, (all all the others) to each other.

I was challenged on this recently until I got into the WORDS the Europeans use. They dont think it will CREATE more anti-Semitism. They think it will INFLAME anti-Semitism. In other words, the EU admits it is very anti-Semitic. They are worried that it will rouse those old hatreds until they come boiling over again.

The EU is not like the American church at all. We over here are apparently much farther ahead on the Jewish question evidently.

Great point David. There are large anti-Semitic groups in Europe who are very vocal. Some of the ruling governments in Europe worry me along those lines.

If a person or group is actually or is inclined to be anti-Semitic they will use the movie to make their point.

This group is working against Christian evangelism groups, Jews for Jesus and others.

It all proves that you can be very sincere in what you believe and be sincerely wrong.

You can be sincere in what you believe and sincerely go to hell.

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I know you don't censor I meant the world in general.

Maybe Mel an give 1% of the gross box office to and anti-Semitism organization, would that make anyone happy :o

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If this even comes up with a Jewish friend, I just ask them to stop a minute and ask them "if Jesus Christ is a Jew, and I worship Him as my Savior, how am I am I, or the movie, showing Jews in a bad light?" Thiis usually ends the conversation.

Good point.

My view is this:

He LAID DOWN HIS LIFE, nobody took it.

As for the guilty party.....IT IS ME.

I know, for a FACT, that he died for ME....as well as anyone else that will accept what he offers.

I AM GUILTY..............

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If this even comes up with a Jewish friend, I just ask them to stop a minute and ask them "if Jesus Christ is a Jew, and I worship Him as my Savior, how am I am I, or the movie, showing Jews in a bad light?" Thiis usually ends the conversation.

Good point.

My view is this:

He LAID DOWN HIS LIFE, nobody took it.

As for the guilty party.....IT IS ME.

I know, for a FACT, that he died for ME....as well as anyone else that will accept what he offers.

I AM GUILTY..............


Eibua12, I don't think any man has the right to interpret the Holy Scriptures in their own way. I seem to not be able to find that in the Bible anywhere. We should interpret the scriptures through praying and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The reason we have so many skewed views of The Word is because man decided to "interpret" "twist" it into what they wanted. IMO, there is not much to interpret, except for Revelation. Most of the Bible is to be taken literally IMO. The plan of salvation is easy to figure out.

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