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France 'Wild for Kerry'


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John Kerry's face is on the cover of the dailies and monthlies for sale at newsstands; he's talked about on the radio, fawned over on TV, his relatives are targets of the local journalists.

So it goes in France for the presidential candidate who is not George W. Bush.

The New York Sun is reporting that it may be his French roots, his adroitness with the language or his offerings of political olive branches to those who feel they were antagonized by the current U.S. administration before the war in Iraq.

Whatever the reason, the French love John Kerry, and it shows.


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Let's see.......that's Yassir, al Jazeera, the French, Kim Jong Il, the Iranians, the Spanish socialists...........Quite an impressive list. Maybe before it's over, ol' Osama himself will come out and say that he would prefer Kerry. You know Saddam would much rather have a olive branch holding, white flag waver like Kerry in the White House.

Who knows, if Kerry does somehow win the election, maybe he will pardon Saddam and apologize on behalf of all Americans for the inconvenience we caused him. We can beg everyones forgiveness for dispensing right hooks to the worlds bad guys, then sit around in a big circle and sing kumbaya with our misunderstood terrorist friends.

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