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Blame Spain for the Next Terror Attack

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When the next bomb goes off--perhaps this time in Poland--the families of the dead should blame the people in Spain who voted to run from terrorists and cower before them, instead of standing strong against them.

Sound cruel? Perhaps, but it's the sad truth. The majority of Spaniards decided to follow the illogical path of blaming their president for the attack in Madrid instead of the people who actually carried out mass murder. In doing so, they handed the butchers a victory. Terrorism and murder have been handsomely rewarded this day.

When word broke about the vicious attack in Madrid--killing 200 and severely injuring over a thousand broke--I had overwhelming sympathy for the Spanish people. I no longer have. That sounds horrible, but by taking the cowards’ path, they have given permission to al Qaeda or any other terrorist group to run amok across Europe and elsewhere to ''punish'' anyone who dares defy them. The terrorists must be giddy with joy over their success. They have been handed an entire country for a relatively inexpensive attack.

My guess is the new socialist president will pull the Spanish troops out of Iraq. After all, to leave them there would be a sign of defiance and he will not want the terrorists thinking there is any fight left in them. Total and complete capitulation is what the people have chosen. Appeasement, the European way, is the road they will now go down. I will have no sympathy for them from this point forward.

What is mystifying about all this is that Europe never seems to learn from the past. Over and over again there are examples of appeasement that have failed, often leading to terrible wars where millions have died. Yet, once again, these Europeans seem willing to give it just one more try. Maybe THIS time, it will work. But it won’t. I have no faith in the people of Old Europe ever learning from their mistakes. Instead, they have come to rely on the Americans to come and save them from their own ignorance. I’m beginning to wonder if we should bother.

Neville Chamberlain, perhaps the most famous appeaser, came home with a paper he said would keep England safe from Hitler. The British people could sleep well now, knowing that he had removed the threat. But Tony Blair did not want to become England’s modern-day Chamberlain. He knew you could not deal with or appease these terrorists, but the majority of British people don’t feel that way. Come election time, Blair may well find himself suffering the same fate as Winston Churchill. This will be another victory for the likes of bin Laden.

As country after country tries to hide from the death and destruction by holding up their hands in surrender, more people will die. You see, terrorists take no prisoners. They have no respect for weakness. Their master-plan is the total and complete destruction of the Western world and its way of life. It is mind-boggling that there are people who still cannot see this.

As an American, I have heard the same train of thought here. The attack of 9/11 was deserved. Even an ex-president blamed it on the Crusades and American imperialistic attitude in the world. Yes, we should have taken the attack as overdue punishment and eat humble pie. We have a socialist party here as well. Its members these days pass themselves off as Democrats or ''progressives.'' What is progressive about their beliefs is yet to be seen.

The man presently running on that “progressive” ticket is one who will stop the war on terror. In his mind, there is no war--only random ''crimes.'' Let there be no mistake or misunderstanding about this—the vote in Spain absolutely guarantees that there will be a major attack, here, in the States, prior to the November election.

Not only will Islamic fundamentalists run wild all over Europe killing and creating mayhem, they will activate groups here, and their attacks will be specifically carried out to alter the outcome of the election. They want George W. Bush out of office. He is their biggest threat. Perhaps, he is their only threat.

The pattern is now set. The machine is in motion and it is unlikely anything can stop it. There will be a massive attack here, somewhere, with many casualties and the opposition will blame President Bush for the attack. Count on it.

Just as in Spain, the Democrats will not blame the true enemy of America--they will blame the incumbent president. With all the fervor of maniacal Bible-thumpers, they will point the finger of blame at Bush as the evil one. HE started this war. Americans have died because of HIM. HE didn’t try to reason with the enemy. HE chose to irrationally fight our enemies. HE decided to root them out where they live, making them angry and defensive. HE went against the will of the world to simply look the other way and hope it all goes away.

Our only hope is this—that as Americans we have been away from the European mindset long enough to know that you cannot run from our enemies, but we must face them. You cannot reason with them because they are irrational. You cannot talk with them because they will not hear. If Americans must fight this war alone, then so be it. I will have neither respect nor sympathy for those who will pay the price of trying to bargain with the devil.

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It has already begun during a news flash came across the screen about France and a crediable threat!

Sorry can't find it on the web I will see if I can find a link and edit the post

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It has already begun during a news flash came across the screen about France and a crediable threat!

Sorry can't find it on the web I will see if I can find a link and edit the post

I saw this on Fox a short while ago. So much for the theory that if a country ignores terrorism, the terrorists will ignore them. The Spaniards should take notice. All they did with Sunday's vote is open their country up to every Moroccan and Algerian bomber that can make their way across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Some of the papers over here are really laying into the voters for what they did Sunday. Despite what CNN tells you, there are quite a few people over here that realize the disasterous implications of the election.

BTW, France holds it's regional elections this Sunday.

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As country after country tries to hide from the death and destruction by holding up their hands in surrender, more people will die. You see, terrorists take no prisoners. They have no respect for weakness.

We don't need to go back to the 1930's to see this lesson, it was just proven in our own backyard; the 9/11 attacks resulted because of the weakness, and 'hands up in surrender' attitude of the Clinton administration towards the fanatical Islamic terrorists through out the 1990's.

Imagine the blood they will smell if Kerry is elected...

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Dead on article; I'm pretty fed up with the political discussion in the US and around the world.

What's even worse is that about 1/2 of the US electorate either buys into it or is so full of hate for the president they go along with it and parrot this crap.

I think two things should be required remedial training for all adults; world history for the last 150 years with a focus on the real causes of war; 2nd would be basic economics (practical economics) about what a company really does to create wealth; profit analysis, national competitive analysis and job creation.

Maybe then we could have a real political discussion on the merits of policies.

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