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Spain's PM-elect pledges withdrawal from Iraq, slams Bush

While Spain has just started down the direction of 1930's Europe, giving in to butchers instead of standing up to them, the EU itself is already there; can you believe this ludicrous statement??? Maybe this is the 'world leader' that Kerry is already beginning discussions with...

The head of the EU executive arm, European Commission chief Romano Prodi, agreed, in an interview published by Italy's La Stampa newspaper.

"It is clear that using force is not the answer to resolving the conflict with terrorists," Prodi said.

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"It is clear that using force is not the answer to resolving the conflict with terrorists," Prodi said.

Yeah, just surrender like the French always do! That'll teach the terrorist not to mess with you! :roll:

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Surely no one is surprised by this.

We have very little in common with any of the old European governments (exception UK). They are socialist societies that have been on the US taxpayer dole' since 1945. They have relied on us to protect them and their institutions.

We are at the same time the root of all problems in the world; yet when something happens; we are also cast as the only one who can possibly provide a solution. Go figure.....

These folks haven't defended themselves in so long; they don't have any frame of reference for what this is like to stand up to anything. They appease, they pander, they cow-tow, they blame; they do anything other than stand up for the institutions and freedoms that made them what they are.

It does not make sense that we would be on the same side of issues as these countries or 95% of the UN nations. We are a constitutional democracy, the defender of the free world and the most powerful nation on earth. Our interests will not and should not align with the rest of the world. 90% of the UN nations are run by a dictator with no interest in freedoms, personal liberties or economic growth. They are not interested in the prosprerity of their people; but their personal prosperity. It is ridiculous to assert that we should align with the interest of these nations.

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You're wrong. The terrorists really will stop attacking Spain now that the government they wanted is in place. If the terrorists bomb Spain again they will threaten the government they just helped install. They won't do that, so Spanish voters get what they want here. The real terrorist targets are Israel and us. The Spanish elections are bad news for us, but the change really will make them less likely to be the target of Islamic terrorists. This is going to hurt us, but it's not going to hurt Spain.

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Maybe all the leaders of europe, Bin laden and all the other terrorists in the world can gather at the euphrates hold hands and sing Kumbiya. It seems by the statements of the new spanish P.M. that that is what they should do. Giving in to this intimidation will not save them from future attack.

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You're wrong. The terrorists really will stop attacking Spain now that the government they wanted is in place. If the terrorists bomb Spain again they will threaten the government they just helped install. They won't do that, so Spanish voters get what they want here. The real terrorist targets are Israel and us. The Spanish elections are bad news for us, but the change really will make them less likely to be the target of Islamic terrorists. This is going to hurt us, but it's not going to hurt Spain.

That is the most naive thinking I have heard in a while. I go back to the story of the high school bully, once he learns that you are willing to give in and give him your lunch money every day, he starts asking for your desert money too. The only way to stop the bully from taking what he wants is to stand up, grow a spine, and beat the S**T out of him in public.

If the U.S. is the only country willing to stand up to the bully then so be it. I for one will never be willing to give up my lunch money!!!!

The terrorists now know that the willpower of the Spanish people is weak and they will continue to take advantage of this in the future. We are not dealing wiith rational people, they can not be appeased, only eliminated.

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Getting back to this late; the Terrorists do not want the old or new govenrment in Spain. They want an Islamic government. They will not stop just because the Socialists are now in power. It will be easier to acheive their objectives with the current government; it is only one step along the way; it is not their end game.

They are not after co-existence with a more friendly government; they want to replace all Western constitutional democracies or societies. Look at what they say and look at the history of radical Islam or terrorism in general; they want to overrun Spain and the rest of Europe; they want to destroy their institutions and replace them with Islamic institutions.

If there was a true interest in compromise and co-existence; there would have been an Israeli/Palestinian compromise under Clinton.

It is the old wolf in sheeps clothing; say anything to acheive my goal; chip away one step at a time and ultimately will devour you one bite at a time before you know you have been eaten.

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