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Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists

If the people of Spain voted for the Socialist Workers Party because of the current Government's strong stand with America and against terrorism, then this is a resounding victory for the terrorists. They will be encouraged beyond believe to do the same in any country that stands up against the terrorists, especially right before an election.

Let's all hope and pray that the Socialist Party in Spain comes out strongly against the terrorists, even if, or especially if, al Quada committed these acts, and remains strongly allied with America. Otherwise, the signal will be sent all the way to the rugged mountains in Afghanistan that western civilization has a serious weak spot, and it is to attack each and every American ally until they have all capitulated.

And then it will just be us against them. We could end up like Britain at the beginning of WWII. Then we must hope and pray that John Kerry is not in the White House standing against them, he is certainly no Winston Churchill, or the carnage in our cities will be unstoppable.

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Some commentary on the impact in Europe of the bombing in Spain. Just keep in the back of your head, this is the ultra-liberal BBC....

Europe: facing up to al-Qaeda reality

The civil liberties and security topics he brings up are interesting to consider. With the Kerry philosophy of just stepping up security and police force at home and not doing anything to wage war on the terrorists at their source, life in western civilization could be just going from one strip search to another, whenever you go out in public...

And the implications are huge.

First, there is the issue of whether governments will change their policies to try to placate the bombers or whether they will continue as before.

Civil liberties

Could a government carry on "business as usual" after maybe two or three massive attacks? Governments always say that we must not "surrender to terrorism".

But if some countries are not targeted because they did not support the war in Iraq, the others might find it convenient to trim their sails. Political leaders often cry no surrender in public but look for solutions in private.

The tactics of how to wage a war on terrorism are already dividing American society in its election year. In Europe, there are even more doubts. So, does a government gain electorally by being militant or by being pacifist?

A second issue is that of civil liberties. The British Home Secretary David Blunkett says bluntly that he prefers to be tough now rather then be blamed later.

A third consideration is security and how far the citizenry will accept disruption of ordinary life. The idea of being searched before getting on a train seems to many absurd. It might simply displace the target in any case and transfer death somewhere else.

It could not apply to the London Underground without seizing up the whole network and the Underground frankly remains a likely target in London.

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Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists

If the people of Spain voted for the Socialist Workers Party because of the current Government's strong stand with America and against terrorism, then this is a resounding victory for the terrorists. They will be encouraged beyond believe to do the same in any country that stands up against the terrorists, especially right before an election.

Let's all hope and pray that the Socialist Party in Spain comes out strongly against the terrorists, even if, or especially if, al Quada committed these acts, and remains strongly allied with America. Otherwise, the signal will be sent all the way to the rugged mountains in Afghanistan that western civilization has a serious weak spot, and it is to attack each and every American ally until they have all capitulated.

And then it will just be us against them. We could end up like Britain at the beginning of WWII. Then we must hope and pray that John Kerry is not in the White House standing against them, he is certainly no Winston Churchill, or the carnage in our cities will be unstoppable.

Very true and a great analysis of the situation. What should be even more eye opening to all, is that America is gearing up for our every 4th year revolution and if President Bush is defeated by the socialist in this country, then the terrorists gain a great victory.

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Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists

If the people of Spain voted for the Socialist Workers Party because of the current Government's strong stand with America and against terrorism, then this is a resounding victory for the terrorists.  They will be encouraged beyond believe to do the same in any country that stands up against the terrorists, especially right before an election.

Let's all hope and pray that the Socialist Party in Spain comes out strongly against the terrorists, even if, or especially if, al Quada committed these acts, and remains strongly allied with America.  Otherwise, the signal will be sent all the way to the rugged mountains in Afghanistan that western civilization has a serious weak spot, and it is to attack each and every American ally until they have all capitulated. 

And then it will just be us against them.  We could end up like Britain at the beginning of WWII.  Then we must hope and pray that John Kerry is not in the White House standing against them, he is certainly no Winston Churchill, or the carnage in our cities will be unstoppable.

Very true and a great analysis of the situation. What should be even more eye opening to all, is that America is gearing up for our every 4th year revolution and if President Bush is defeated by the socialist in this country, then the terrorists gain a great victory.

No, the terrorists will have won.

For all you idiot liberals out there, these attacks were planned upto two years before they happened. WTCII attack was at least two years prior in planning. That means that they were planned in 1999, during the Clinton "soft on terror" (see USS Cole, WTCI, Embassy bombings, etc) administration.

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I am so disgusted with the Spaniards. They were faced with the chance to stand up and fight back, but instead, they let these savages intimidate them. It irritates me to no end that these people can not see the consequences of what they just did. They just gave Al Qaeda the green light and the blood of future terror attacks is on their hands. Aesop said, "We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction." These guys just opened Pandora's box.

It's no wonder the Nazi's blitzed their way across Europe as easily as they did. Let's hope Blair wins reelection or we will be faced with this fight all on our own......that is until our own liberal pinheads vote Kerry into office and we join the other appeasers. If this happens, may God have mercy on us all. Our lives will become similar to the Israelis.

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Folks, I can tell you one thing. I am a little worried about what the world is turning into. The vote by the spainish people is a sign that the world is becoming more and more soft. They were intimidated by a very tragic event. Instead of standing up and fighting they backed down. It reminds me of the french in WWII. The please don't hurt us approach. What worries me even more is I see the same things happening in the U.S. If Kerry is elected, and I think it might happen, the U.S will become more like a european country. All we need now is the euro and we could fit right into the EU.

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The terrorists win. They made Spain break away from us.

Spain avoids further violence. They will no longer be a target of Islamic extremists now that the bombings had their effect. If the terrorists bomb Spain again they will threaten the government they just helped install. They won't do that, so Spanish voters get what they want here.

We're the ones that lose out in all of this.

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The world is turing in to cowards!

Hey Ranger, I'm afraid it's even worse than that.

I think that most of the world always has been cowards. In the past, the cowards used to know they were cowards so they would let the few courageous of the world lead them.

Now the cowards won't admit they are cowards so they support leaders who are weak like themselves. As a result, these masses don't have to feel weak, and in the process they weaken everything around them.

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The world is turing in to cowards!

Hey Ranger, I'm afraid it's even worse than that.

I think that most of the world always has been cowards. In the past, the cowards used to know they were cowards so they would let the few courageous of the world lead them.

Now the cowards won't admit they are cowards so they support leaders who are weak like themselves. As a result, these masses don't have to feel weak, and in the process they weaken everything around them.

Agreed. The world wants to criticize the good ole' U.S. of A when we take the lead and do something to defend ourselves, but when they need procection, we are the first ones the call and we are expected to take the lead then.

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The terrorists win. They made Spain break away from us.

Spain avoids further violence. They will no longer be a target of Islamic extremists now that the bombings had their effect. If the terrorists bomb Spain again they will threaten the government they just helped install. They won't do that, so Spanish voters get what they want here.

We're the ones that lose out in all of this.

You Sir are ignorant of history.

The Muslims see Spain as the forefront of past Crusades. The Conquistadors were the ones that threw the Muslims out of Spain in the 14-1500s. The Muslims want to even that score, They consider Spain almost like Palestine, to be occupied soil.

No, there will be more deaths in Spain, the terrorists know they listen and are afraid and wont have to worry about a US Military strike when they do.

Terrorists are not now, nor have they ever been rational nor logical. :no:

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The world is turing in to cowards!

Hey Ranger, I'm afraid it's even worse than that.

I think that most of the world always has been cowards. In the past, the cowards used to know they were cowards so they would let the few courageous of the world lead them.

Now the cowards won't admit they are cowards so they support leaders who are weak like themselves. As a result, these masses don't have to feel weak, and in the process they weaken everything around them.

Agreed. The world wants to criticize the good ole' U.S. of A when we take the lead and do something to defend ourselves, but when they need procection, we are the first ones the call and we are expected to take the lead then.

Isn't that a reoccuring theme for us? Get crtiticized by just about every country in the world - until they need our help. Then, even if they get it, complain that it wasn't enough, fast enough, or whatever. Thats one of the things I like most about GW - he has the "if you don't like it, kiss my...." approach. As a global "leader" that's what we have to do, lead - not beg and plead with the world to agree with us. There's nothing wrong with doing whats in the best intrest for the US. We have a hard enough time deciding what we want as a country - trying to get worldwide approval for anything is an excercise in futility and shouldn't even be considered. Heck, half the world will complain about anything we do out of jealousy anyway :rolleyes:

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What's the lesson learned here for the ETA & other Basque separatist groups? If I'm a member of one of these groups, I just witnessed that 3 bombs exploded simultaneously near a major train station causing massive casualties is enough to win some concessions from the new Spanish government. Up until now, the ETA has gone out of their way to limit casualties with advance telephoning before bombings, etc. I will be watching closely to see how Zapatero deals with increased activity from the Basque separitists.

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I will be watching closely to see how Zapatero deals with increased activity from the Basque separitists.

You won't have too watch too closely. Every time the government does something the terrorists don't like it'll be all over CNN. They have really opened Pandora's Box.

heck they may have even started a new election tradition. :rolleyes:

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In Spain, Bombs work.

The Basque separatists must be licking their chops. This new give into everything policy will just get you more of the same. Everytime they dont get anything they want, the bombs will just start to go off.

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Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists

If the people of Spain voted for the Socialist Workers Party because of the current Government's strong stand with America and against terrorism, then this is a resounding victory for the terrorists. They will be encouraged beyond believe to do the same in any country that stands up against the terrorists, especially right before an election.

Let's all hope and pray that the Socialist Party in Spain comes out strongly against the terrorists, even if, or especially if, al Quada committed these acts, and remains strongly allied with America. Otherwise, the signal will be sent all the way to the rugged mountains in Afghanistan that western civilization has a serious weak spot, and it is to attack each and every American ally until they have all capitulated.

And then it will just be us against them. We could end up like Britain at the beginning of WWII. Then we must hope and pray that John Kerry is not in the White House standing against them, he is certainly no Winston Churchill, or the carnage in our cities will be unstoppable.

No. The citizens of Spain view the war in Iraq for what it was, a war for oil. There is no link and never was a link between Iraq and Al queda. Our government spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting a personal vendetta for the Bush family while Al Quida and Osama bib Laden escaped into the mountains of Afghanistan. Only the Republican apologists still call the war in Iraq a war on terrorism. The Spanish public saw through the BS and according to opinion polls, so do the American people.

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No. The citizens of Spain view the war in Iraq for what it was, a war for oil.


There is no link and never was a link between Iraq and Al queda.


Our government spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting a personal vendetta for the Bush family


while Al Quida and Osama bib Laden escaped into the mountains of Afghanistan.

Bin Laden had escaped into the mountains long before anything happened in Iraq. Get your timelines straight before you spread the fertilizer.

Only the Republican apologists still call the war in Iraq a war on terrorism.

Because they are apparently the only ones thinking with some semblance of clarity anymore, thanks to the hijacking of the American left by escapees from the looney ward.

The Spanish public saw through the BS and according to opinion polls, so do the American people.

Oh, there's plenty of :bs: ...but it's all flowing from your keyboard at the moment.

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Dang, I had been missing Donut during his self imposed absence. But it only took one post to remember just what type of :bs: he usually spews.

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Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists

If the people of Spain voted for the Socialist Workers Party because of the current Government's strong stand with America and against terrorism, then this is a resounding victory for the terrorists.  They will be encouraged beyond believe to do the same in any country that stands up against the terrorists, especially right before an election.

Let's all hope and pray that the Socialist Party in Spain comes out strongly against the terrorists, even if, or especially if, al Quada committed these acts, and remains strongly allied with America.  Otherwise, the signal will be sent all the way to the rugged mountains in Afghanistan that western civilization has a serious weak spot, and it is to attack each and every American ally until they have all capitulated. 

And then it will just be us against them.  We could end up like Britain at the beginning of WWII.  Then we must hope and pray that John Kerry is not in the White House standing against them, he is certainly no Winston Churchill, or the carnage in our cities will be unstoppable.

No. The citizens of Spain view the war in Iraq for what it was, a war for oil. There is no link and never was a link between Iraq and Al queda. Our government spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting a personal vendetta for the Bush family while Al Quida and Osama bib Laden escaped into the mountains of Afghanistan. Only the Republican apologists still call the war in Iraq a war on terrorism. The Spanish public saw through the BS and according to opinion polls, so do the American people.

Okay Donut, If the war in Iraq wasnt against Al Qaeda, then why did Al Qaeda attack Spain? Al Qaeda says it is because Spain was in Iraq. Why would Al Qaeda care if the war wasnt affecting them, if there is no connection to Al Qaeda in Iraq??

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Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists

If the people of Spain voted for the Socialist Workers Party because of the current Government's strong stand with America and against terrorism, then this is a resounding victory for the terrorists.  They will be encouraged beyond believe to do the same in any country that stands up against the terrorists, especially right before an election.

Let's all hope and pray that the Socialist Party in Spain comes out strongly against the terrorists, even if, or especially if, al Quada committed these acts, and remains strongly allied with America.  Otherwise, the signal will be sent all the way to the rugged mountains in Afghanistan that western civilization has a serious weak spot, and it is to attack each and every American ally until they have all capitulated. 

And then it will just be us against them.  We could end up like Britain at the beginning of WWII.  Then we must hope and pray that John Kerry is not in the White House standing against them, he is certainly no Winston Churchill, or the carnage in our cities will be unstoppable.

No. The citizens of Spain view the war in Iraq for what it was, a war for oil. There is no link and never was a link between Iraq and Al queda. Our government spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting a personal vendetta for the Bush family while Al Quida and Osama bib Laden escaped into the mountains of Afghanistan. Only the Republican apologists still call the war in Iraq a war on terrorism. The Spanish public saw through the BS and according to opinion polls, so do the American people.

Okay Donut, If the war in Iraq wasnt against Al Qaeda, then why did Al Qaeda attack Spain? Al Qaeda says it is because Spain was in Iraq. Why would Al Qaeda care if the war wasnt affecting them, if there is no connection to Al Qaeda in Iraq??

Been wondering the same thing myself about that one. It still amazes me that you liberals can't admit that Bush did the right thing by bringing a cruel and evil man out of power before he become too powerful to do so. Liberals think we should have waited until Saddam had nukes to do anything about it also. Once Saddam would have had nukes, can you then imagine the threat he would have been? I shudder to think about that evil dictator with nuclear capabilites.

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Hello Liberals, the worst thing that could happen to al Queda is for a democratic government to be put in place in the Middle East. That's why they are fighting so hard in Iraq, and hit one of our primary allies in Europe. You can talk all you want about WMDs and Iraq's connection to terrorism, but the bottom line is that the smart people in the Bush administration saw an opportunity in the Middle East to get a foothold for democracy there and went after it. This is really the epitome of the liberal doctrine on fighting terrorism, go after the root causes. The liberals just cannot stand it that the Republicans had the balls to do it themselves...

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