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Bush TV ads playing the race card


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Oh, give me a frickin' break.

FYI: Every one of the 19 hijackers that hit the WTC towers were Arab. Al Qaida is the primary enemy right now in the War of Terror and the vast, vast majority of its members are Arab.

This is so much hooey.

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I heard an interview with John Zogby on Michael Medved's radio show. John Zogby is a Christian Arab-American, btw. Zogby was critical of the ads because he thought they amounted to racial profiling. He was brought down to Earth by a woman caller who reminded him that Americans are being "profiled" by the terrorists, and not just for racism purposes either but because they want to kill us! Then Zogby tried to say that Bush should have used Mohammed Atta's or Osama's face in the ad. Medved shot down that argument by pointing out that Atta is no longer a threat to the US because he's dead, and that Osama is the leader of the terrorists but by no means is he the sole threat. And the simple fact is: the threat remains from Middle Eastern Islamic terrorists, not Scandinavian Lutherans, Japanese Shintoists, SE Asian Buddhists or Latin American Catholics. If showing a picture of the real threat amounts to racial profiling .... too bad. Lives are at stake.

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Oh, give me a frickin' break.

FYI: Every one of the 19 hijackers that hit the WTC towers were Arab. Al Qaida is the primary enemy right now in the War of Terror and the vast, vast majority of its members are Arab.

This is so much hooey.

This is exactly the kind of nonsense response I expected. You plainly fail to see the Willie Horton connection here. After all, most violent criminals are black so apparently you're not being a racist when you pander to that stereotype. Bush has taken a lesson from his daddy. Race-baiting works.

Never mind that this panders to racism against law-abiding Middle Easterners in America. The number of racist incidents against them in the last few years is well-documented, but who cares about that when our President can get some political gain out of playing to racist attitudes?

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This is exactly the kind of nonsense response I expected. You plainly fail to see the Willie Horton connection here. After all, most violent criminals are black so apparently you're not being a racist when you pander to that stereotype. Bush has taken a lesson from his daddy. Race-baiting works.

Never mind that this panders to racism against law-abiding Middle Easterners in America. The number of racist incidents against them in the last few years is well-documented, but who cares about that when our President can get some political gain out of playing to racist attitudes?

The only nonsense response here is yours. I expect better from you CShine. This is weak. Very weak. And pathetic.

The only obvious connection here is that the War on Terror is primarily being fought against an enemy that is predominantly Arab, of the radical Islamic variety. That you can't see that and immediately jump to the tired "race-baiting" response is just so simplistic it barely warrants a response.

If those planes had been driven into the WTC by 19 white, Neo-Nazi skinheads, and that was the biggest terrorist organization we were dealing with right now, you can bet the brief representation of that threat would be a 20 something year old white kid with a shaved head and probably a swastika tattoo. I know you don't believe that, but that only tells us something about you.

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If those planes had been driven into the WTC by 19 white, Neo-Nazi skinheads, and that was the biggest terrorist organization we were dealing with right now, you can bet the brief representation of that threat would be a 20 something year old white kid with a shaved head and probably a swastika tattoo.

So, let me get this straight, you agree that the threat are radical Islamic terrorists, with an Arab background. And in the advertisement, Bush shows the same. And if the terrorists were white skin head Nazis, Bush would show them in the ad. This looks like truth in advertising to me. What kind of human would you propose that they use to get the point of the terrorist threat across, a little old lady from Pasadena? Or do you think he should be ignoring the radical Islamists from the Middle East like Clinton did?

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