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Hannity Book free at NewsMax

DKW 86

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Sean Hannity's first blockbuster book, the New York Times bestseller Let Freedom Ring, cemented his place as the freshest and most compelling conservative voice in the country.

Good Lord! When it comes to finding good commentary, I can think of about a jillion conservative writers who are better than Hannity. About all he's good at is yelling really loud. Newsmax really does know how to make a joke out of themselves.

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Sean Hannity's first blockbuster book, the New York Times bestseller Let Freedom Ring, cemented his place as the freshest and most compelling conservative voice in the country.

Good Lord! When it comes to finding good commentary, I can think of about a jillion conservative writers who are better than Hannity. About all he's good at is yelling really loud. Newsmax really does know how to make a joke out of themselves.


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Sean Hannity's first blockbuster book, the New York Times bestseller Let Freedom Ring, cemented his place as the freshest and most compelling conservative voice in the country.

Good Lord! When it comes to finding good commentary, I can think of about a jillion conservative writers who are better than Hannity. About all he's good at is yelling really loud. Newsmax really does know how to make a joke out of themselves.

How pathetic! Is that the best you have? :lol:

What a joke! :lol:

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Sean Hannity's first blockbuster book, the New York Times bestseller Let Freedom Ring, cemented his place as the freshest and most compelling conservative voice in the country.

Good Lord! When it comes to finding good commentary, I can think of about a jillion conservative writers who are better than Hannity. About all he's good at is yelling really loud. Newsmax really does know how to make a joke out of themselves.

How pathetic! Is that the best you have? :lol:

What a joke! :lol:

It's the truth. Give me Mark Steyn, Ward Connerly, or Matt Towery over Hannity any day of the week. They really are fresh and compelling conservative voices. Hannity is just a non-thinking hack who shouts a lot.

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To be honest with you, I don't listen to Hannity as much as I used to. I tend to listen to Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly on the radio.

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I like Hannity, actually saw him speak in Birmingham about a year or so ago. I just don't listen to him as much on the radio anymore. I do enjoy Hannity and Colmes on Fox News!

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non-thinking hack

That's pretty descriptive of everyone at ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, BCC, CNN or the NY Times.

But, Sean Hannity uses more citations in his books for the facts that he lays out than any people at the slime-ball firms listed above ever thought of. About the yelling, you're right though, he's not afraid to talk through the spin someone across the table is spewing. I know the liberals liked the old-style conservative that would sit there and get bowled over by some hippie, but we've got a few that will stand-up for conservatism nowadays...sorry it makes you so uncomfortable CShine.

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Cshine....As they say, the people have spoken. Apparently a ton of people buying his book disagree with you. Hannity was in Huntsville last Friday (he began his career here in radio and married a girl at the same station). I tried to get a ticket but it was sold out way in advance even for standing space. :D

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Cshine....As they say, the people have spoken. Apparently a ton of people buying his book disagree with you. Hannity was in Huntsville last Friday (he began his career here in radio and married a girl at the same station). I tried to get a ticket but it was sold out way in advance even for standing space. :D

Just what I was going to say. Hannity does beat around the Bush with his guests. Give me a straight-talker over a bull----er any day, regardles if I agree or disagree with them.

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