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National "I'm Embarrassed by the President" Day


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National "I'm Embarrassed by My President" Day

Are you embarrassed by the arrogance, greed, shortsightedness, selfishness, and outright lies told by George W. Bush?

Join tens of thousands of others across the country and world and wear a brown armband or ribbon to symbolize all the BS coming out of the White House.

It's not just that I disagree with the current administration. I'm outraged. And I'm downright embarrassed to talk to anyone from another country. I'm embarassed to have an President so arrogant, so dishonest, so hawkish, that in three years, he has nearly destroyed any good relations we had before he took office, and worsened those that were already bad.

I find myself apologizing to my foreign friends both in this country and abroad while trying vainly to explain the sheer idiocy and illogic of the current administration's policies.

So this April 1st, April Fools day, join tens of thousands of others who are wearing brown armbands or ribbons to signify the bullsh*t flowing down from Washington.

Making the armbands is easy - just use tape and cut a brown paper bag, brown cloth, a brown sheet, ribbon, or anything else into strips 3 inches wide and 12-24 inches long. Or get brown ribbon. If you make a band for yourself, then make lots of spares to pass on to friends and strangers.

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I'll tell you what Donut. Any group that would say

Are you embarrassed by the arrogance, greed, shortsightedness, selfishness, and outright lies told by George W. Bush?

And at the same time support a lying, two faced, flip flopping, dirt bag like John Kerry, has absolutely no credibility. Have a nice day!

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I find myself apologizing to my foreign friends both in this country and abroad while trying vainly to explain the sheer idiocy and illogic of the current administration's policies

I find myself apologizing to my foreign friends both in this country and abroad while trying vainly to explain the sheer idiocy and illogic ranting of democrats and leftist that are living in this country. :lol::lol:

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Are you embarrassed by the arrogance, greed, shortsightedness, selfishness, and outright lies told by George W. Bush?

In a word, no. I don't associate any of those characteristics with GWB. Funny, but substitute John Effin' Kerry's name for George W. Bush and then that sentence makes a whole lot of sense!

Join tens of thousands of others across the country and world and wear a brown armband or ribbon to symbolize all the BS coming out of the White House.

Thank you for the invite but again, no. While you join the "tens of thousands of others across the country and world," I will join the hundreds of millions here and across the globe dressed for work that day just like always.

It's not just that I disagree with the current administration. I'm outraged. And I'm downright embarrassed to talk to anyone from another country. I'm embarassed to have an President so arrogant, so dishonest, so hawkish, that in three years, he has nearly destroyed any good relations we had before he took office, and worsened those that were already bad.  I find myself apologizing to my foreign friends both in this country and abroad while trying vainly to explain the sheer idiocy and illogic of the current administration's policies.

It's unclear why anyone would be "embarrassed" to talk with foreigners just because one is mad or outraged with the current President. For instance, I never once tried to defend a clintonian policy to a foreigner -- it made no sense to do so because I never agreed with his policies (especially on Haiti, Kosovo & N. Korea.) Apologizing? For what!? This kind of thinking is expected from adolescent schoolchildren.

Making the armbands is easy - just use tape and cut a brown paper bag, brown cloth, a brown sheet, ribbon, or anything else into strips 3 inches wide and 12-24 inches long. Or get brown ribbon. If you make a band for yourself, then make lots of spares to pass on to friends and strangers.

LMAO!! "... make lots of spares to pass on to friends and strangers." Heads up, everyone. Be on the lookout for gullible dorks on April Fools Day passing out brown armbands to perfect strangers. The most perfect April Fools Day joke ever thought up!

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I propose we have a National "Cram a Brown Armband in the Mouth of a Socialist" Day. This day, coincidentally April 1st, will show the nation and the rest of the world that all American's haven't been inexplicably dropped on their heads like our democrat brothers and sisters. Part of the festivities planned include shoving the brown armbands handed to us by these liberal dim bulbs into their mouths and popping them in the head with a Wiffle Ball bat.

This will symbolize our recognition of the source of all the BS in this country. I can see it now, block parties being held in towns across the nation with themes like, "Let's put the crap back where it came from" or "Liberal BS Equals National Security Sewercide".

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And I'm downright embarrassed to talk to anyone from another country.

What a freaking wimp!!! No American has anything to be embarrased about, we have removed almost 40 million people out from under tryanny, given them some hope for freedom and democracy, we have as much to be proud of right now than just about anytime in our history.

That is a typical liberal, cowering in their home, 'embarrassed' and afraid that some Frenchman is thinking poorly of them. I was in London last March, during the first weekend of the war, and I was in Germany in September, I was not afraid to talk to anyone. At a bar in Germany when the young kids there realized we were Americans, they all came around us to talk about the States, there was NO criticism of our President, and we were not embarrased in any way to represent our great country.

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I say we declare a National "I'm Ashamed of American Democrats" day. It would be much more appropriate given the lunacy that's overtaken the party over the last several years.

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I say we declare a National "I'm Ashamed of American Democrats" day. It would be much more appropriate given the lunacy that's overtaken the party over the last several years.

That's not every day? :o:rolleyes:

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