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Who is Susan Lindauer?


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.... apparently Susan Lindauer is a spy.

You may have heard about this story involving a woman arrested yesterday for allegedly spying for Iraq, both  before and after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.  That's Susan Lindauer, and she has quite a history.  She has worked for four members of Congress, Fortune, U.S. News and World Report, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Iraqi intelligence service. That's quite a resume. That's how it's being reported by the media, but let's look a little bit closer, shall we?

It turns out the four members of Congress that she worked for were all Democrats.  She worked for some of them for a short time, and one says she doesn't remember her. Fine. But it's interesting how the media is not really reporting that she only worked for Democrats. The AP story initially reported that they were only "members of Congress."  The party affiliation of those members wasn't mentioned.  There is, though, one newspaper out there will name names, and that is The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  In today's AJC you'll see a headline which reads "Accused Spy is Cousin of Bush Staffer."  Here we have someone who has worked for four congressional Democrats .. and ONLY congressional Democrats ... and our local leftist rag identifies her as the cousin of a Bush staffer.  Anyone who doesn't believe the media is biased needs their head examined.

Can you imagine if she had only worked for Republicans? The media would be spinning on its eyebrows and demanding accountability, wondering what it all meant, and writing endless columns about spies working in the Republican party.  Interesting how the news gets reported these days, isn't it?

Oh and by the way...when are we going to start executing people for treason?

Just another example of media bias against conservatives?


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By the way, this wasn't just the AJC that ran this headline. The Nashville newspaper, The Tennessean ran the headline, "Bush aide's cousin accused of spying for Iraq." I thought that was a very convoluted headline.

And for the record, Andrew Card is a distant cousin of this woman. They haven't talked since 2001 and are so far apart on the family tree that in most states, they could marry. Yeah, the key part of this story is that she's his cousin. :roll:

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AHA! But how do we know she wasn't planted in those Congressional Democratic offices by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy????

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what is she purported to have done, spy-wise?

She alledgedly received $10k from the Iraqi Intelligence Service.

Form the Tacoma News Tribune:

Federal prosecutors accuse Susan Lindauer of conspiring to spy for the Iraqi Intelligence Service and engaging in prohibited financial transactions involving the Saddam Hussein's government.

She could get up to 10 years in prison.

The indictment said she took money for working for the intelligence service from 1999 to 2002, including payments for lodging at the Al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad and expenses during meetings in New York City with Iraqi agents.

According to the indictment, Lindauer delivered a letter "to the home of a United States government official" on Jan. 8, 2003, in which she described her access to members of dictator Saddam Hussein's regime "in an unsuccessful attempt to influence United States policy."

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