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Another Dem Whopper being exposed

DKW 86

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Kerry wont back up claim that he has met with foreign dignataries and they want him to win. Fact is his published schedules actually say he hasnt met with anyone. Could this be another one of those "I invented the internet claims" from the Dems? Will the press hold his feet to the fire?

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I saw this article as well and it raised my suspicions. Is this guy incapable of saying anything that remotely resembles the truth? He calls President Bush and republicans in general "crooked liars", but by Kerrys dishonorable standards I'd say being a crooked liar is a most definitely 2 steps above being a democrat. If he considers President Bush to be a crooked liar, then I am proud to be included in that company. As a matter of fact, I will stand and state proudly, "Hi my name is Glenn and I am a republican and a crooked liar". Dang, I feel great!!

Back to the article though, the poll numbers that were quoted really caught my attention. According to this survey, 60 percent of the respondants thought terrorists would be happier with Mr. Kerry, while just 25 percent said the terrorists would prefer Mr. Bush.

Call me naive, but shouldn't the American people perfer the candidate that the terrorists don't want?

With the proof yesterday that the war on terrorism is still being fought (despite what the dems think), how can anyone risk the safety of the nation by supporting this boob.

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They refused to give any hints about the leaders such as what region, what continent or even which hemisphere they're from.

maybe he's already been to mars and received a few endorsements from up there.

what a method he has...make a statement and then refuse to answer any questions about it...

I believe Kerry's next move will be to say that "a very high ranking official within the Catholic church as endorsed me as well, but it wouldn't be right for me name the pope by name"... :roll:

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You know, for all the "Bush lied! Bush lied" clap trap that's been spewed around here for the last year or so, you'd think this would give the Dems concern over their nominee. I mean, he isn't even president yet and he's making crap up. But the silence is deafening.

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You know, for all the "Bush lied!  Bush lied" clap trap that's been spewed around here for the last year or so, you'd think this would give the Dems concern over their nominee.  I mean, he isn't even president yet and he's making crap up.  But the silence is deafening.

but you're forgetting...it matters what the person is lying about.

silly nontrivial matters like endorsements from other countries' leaders isn't important.


you can't prove he lied. that's a good one, too.


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You're right, CT. I mean, I'm sure that Kerry's lying will stop if he gets to be president. He'd never lie about anything important. :roll:

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You're right, CT. I mean, I'm sure that Kerry's lying will stop if he gets to be president. He'd never lie about anything important. :roll:

and further, while bush's supposed lies concerning his alcohol abuse & guard service clearly points to a character defect, clinton's lying about monica is simply nobody's business and never should have been investigated in the first place.

the game really isn't that hard once you get the hang of it.

bush lied!

bush knew!


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Man, you're good at this, CT! And to think, you're just a lowly right-winger. Who knew your kind had the brain cells necessary to master such a complicated game?

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You guys make me sssooo proud. :hail:

I posted this wondering if anyone would get the joke. Kerry is just making this up and he knows the anal probe Bush and Clinton have dealt with will now be on him. I dont think Mr. Personality will handle it well.

what a method he has...make a statement and then refuse to answer any questions about it...

CT, I think this is one of those things that even the press will see through eventually. He has to give them some stuff to write and "I hate Bush" wont sell many papers. His M.O. has been: make a statement and then refuse to answer any questions about it...

The press will tire of it soon. They must cover real news or bore the reader, viewer.

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If he considers President Bush to be a crooked liar, then I am proud to be included in that company. As a matter of fact, I will stand and state proudly, "Hi my name is Glenn and I am a republican and a crooked liar". Dang, I feel great!!

Hi Glenn, I am TIM and I too am a republican crooked liar!"

WAR EAGLE ! ! ! ! ! :D

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