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Liberal Radio network opens 3-31-04

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Liberal Network

As Cuomo and many others have found, liberal radio is boring because there is no discourse on ideas, just the same pablum they have heard for years.

They bore their listeners till they just wend up closing shop.

I predict the same for this bunch, just a little longer till they go away. I am sure Soros is footing the bills anyway.

Besides they have NPR, where the taxpayers foot the bill for their silly ideas.

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Check out the lineup they are going to offer the flying monkeys:


Uprising: 6:00-9:00am

This is a fast paced morning show that will entertain and engage audiences with wit and political satire. It will feature the latest news, offering up to-the-minute interviews with newsmakers, analysis and strong opinions.

Host: Marc Maron

Co-host: Sue Ellicott

Co-host: Mark Riley

Unfiltered: 9:00am- 12:00pm

Air America’s midmorning program is a showcase for conversation about the political and cultural state of the union. Unfiltered introduces listeners to fresh new voices not available in mainstream media today.

Co-host: Lizz Winstead

Co-host: Chuck D

Co-host: Laura Flanders

The O’ Franken Factor: 12:00-3:00pm

Relentless, pure satire, delivered by the leading political humorist of this generation. With his partner, longtime radio host Katherine Lanpher, this will be three hours of fearless barbs, sketches, and interviews with newsmakers and characters who have lived, up until now, only in Al’s fertile imagination. He’s no policy wonk, but this best-selling author and veteran of Saturday Night Live, is devoting his energy to fighting back against rightwing propaganda with hard evidence and facts.

Host: Al Franken

Co-host: Katherine Lanpher

Producer: Billy Kimball

The Randi Rhodes Show: 3:00-7:00pm

Randi Rhodes has spent the last 20 years burning up the airwaves in southern Florida with her pointed and provocative brand of talk radio. Combining live interview, call-in and commentary, Randi engages her audience with a passionate presentation.

Host: Randi Rhodes

So What Else Is News? : 7:00-8:00pm

Based in Los Angeles, this is a one-hour program showcasing the intersection of politics, media and popular culture. This program will feature analysis and reports from the presidential campaign, as well as a daily reporters’ roundtable on how the news of the day is affected and reflected by the media. Marty will also cover the spinning of the news with a regular segment called “The Corrections.” This is also the place to hear the political voice of Hollywood, with celebrity guest interviews from the entertainment industries.

Host: Marty Kaplan

The Majority Report: 8:00pm-11:00pm

This program will introduce new, younger voices and opinions, with live guests from the world of politics, the arts and entertainment.

Host: Janeane Garofalo

Co-host: Sam Seder

Saturday and Sunday

Air America Radio’s weekend line-up will offer more original programming, like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mike Papatanio’s “Champions of Justice,” a program that brings a fresh and entertaining perspective to talk radio from the top legal and social issues focused minds in the country. Additional programming will include Best-of Air America Radio and Best-of-O’Franken Factor as well as other original programming to be announced soon.

I really don't see this lineup being too threatening. I mean, Janeane Garofalo and Al "Michael Moore is my best friend" Franken? Is that the best the lemmings can come up with? Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity will eat them alive.

It's proven that far-left radio talk show hosts fall flat on their faces. It's because they cater to the tin foil hat wearing under 30 crowd that comprise the extremist faction of the party. Why else would they have Garofalo and Franken? It's this very reason that makes me quite comfortable that Kerry is going to get beaten at the polls this November.

For example, look at the supposedly bright future of former left wing radio shows in the past. Guys like Jim Hightower, Gary Hart, Lowell Weicker, and Mario Cuomo were supposed to do extremely well; and some unbiased media talking heads even went as far to call 3 of them (Hightower, Hart, and Weicker) "Liberal Rush Limbaughs". All 3 of them crashed and burned within months of going on the air. The funny thing about this is that they aired in large predominately liberal radio markets.

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One thing I heard that scares me though is that no incumbent Pres. who was behind in the polls in March has ever won a second term.

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This is the latest from Mr Franken concerning the liberal network. Something tells me there will be more fiction aired on this channel than on the Sci-Fi network.

Franken: Lib Network will Take Bush Out


Republican-hating humorist Al Franken promised yesterday that he'll be bashing President Bush relentlessly when the liberal radio network he's headlining gets underway at the end of this month.

"We're going to put it to Bush," Franken told reporters on Wednesday. "Bush is going down in November."

After his radio network - bankrolled by Democratic Party fat cats - supposedly drives Bush from power, the frothing-at-the-mouth funnyman said he plans to "put it to the right-wing media."

In a dig at his nemesis Bill O'Reilly, Franken said he was calling his show "The O'Franken Factor" and promised, "We're going to be baiting him as much as we can."

The Democrat Party's official radio network will also feature Iraq war critic-comedienne Janeane Garofalo, who explained last year that she never protested any of President Clinton's military actions because "it wasn't hip."

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I think you're being too generous with having Lib Radio last 6-months. Btw, what happens the day after the 6-months end ... on September 32nd? :P

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