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Kerry proposes a deep tax cut for the middle class


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Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry called Wednesday for deeper tax cuts for the middle class than proposed by President Bush and described his Republican critics as "the most crooked ... lying group I've ever seen."

In a speech to top leaders of the AFL-CIO, Kerry said a "Bush Tax" stemming from the president's economic policies has driven up costs for working families. He vowed to reverse that trend while asking those making more than $200,000 a year to pay the same taxes they paid under President Clinton, effectively repealing portions of a tax cut Bush pushed through Congress.

Kerry also proposed creating a $50 billion fund to help states provide relief from state and local taxes for working families that he said have been struggling.

"Under George Bush's policies, middle-class families are paying more," he said. "America's middle class can't afford a tax increase. That's why we're going to give the middle class a tax cut."

"Our middle-class tax cut will help working people afford college and pay for health care and make ends meet," he said. "If this president wants to make this election about taxes after he's cut billions for billionaires and given middle-class families a larger share to pay, we're ready for that fight."


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"the most crooked ... lying group I've ever seen."

Wow, he has not only gone too far, he has gone OFF the cliff with his political rhetoric. I lose more respect (if there were any left I mean) for the guy everytime he opens his mouth...

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I assume most of us have actually done our taxes or at least did a prelim shot at it.

I don't have it in front of me but I will check my numbers when I get home.

Here is the question:

The amount that was actually paid to the Federal Goverment for 2002 and 2003 which number is lower?

So if your AGI for 2003 was about the same as it was for 2002 and you didn't take some major deduction this year out of the norm (donated a car or something) how well did you do with regard to Bush's tax cut?

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Kerry needs to get his head out of his own behind and own up to the fact that the rich already pay their fair share (actually, way more than their fair share, but let's not quibble) of income taxes. I'm sorry Mr. Kerry, but it is not the responsibility of the successful in this country to pay for everything the middle and lower class wants or needs.

Here's another take:

The Bolshevik in Kerry

By George Neumayr                                         

Published 3/11/2004 12:07:47 AM                                               

Yesterday John Kerry demanded "tax fairness for Americans." This is his euphemism for fleecing Americans who pay the highest taxes. What he calls "tax fairness," Karl Marx called wealth redistribution.

Kerry railed against the "the top one percent of taxpayers" receiving "breaks." He made sure not to inform his audience that that top one percent pays about 33 percent of income taxes. How is diminishing this disproportionate tax burden a "break"?

"Tax fairness" for Kerry just means ripping off the rich and redistributing their wealth to Americans who don't even pay taxes. He says that he will raises taxes on families earning more than $200,000 a year but will cut taxes on the "middle class."

Kerry's "middle class tax cut" will amount to government subsidies for Americans not paying taxes. In his mind, a middle class tax cut is a government-subsidized job retraining program. Notice he never straightforwardly says that he will cut the middle class's income taxes but rather, "We're going to invest in our people again."...

...Kerry's limousine liberation theology led him into one of the most embarrassing moments of his early Senate career -- his disastrous Neville Chamberlain-style diplomacy with Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega. Shortly after becoming a Senator, Kerry took off for Nicaragua with Tom Harkin on a free-lancing fact-finding tour, the purpose of which was to stymie congressional support for the Contras by "finding" that the Sandinistas weren't such bad guys after all. After Kerry met with Ortega, he returned to Washington waving a promise from Ortega that the Communist leader would moderate his policies. "We believe this is a wonderful opening for a peaceful settlement without having to militarize the region," Kerry said. "The real issue is: Is this administration going to overthrow the government of the Sandinistas no matter what they do? This opportunity puts this to the test." The normally cautious Secretary of State George Shultz was so flabbergasted by Kerry's shilling for Ortega that he denounced Kerry publicly for "dealing with the communists" and letting himself be "used" by Ortega.

Kerry's diplomacy blew up in his face. As Kerry was reassuring his colleagues that Ortega wouldn't establish Soviet and Cuban bases in Nicaragua, Ortega (a few days after he met with Kerry) was flying to Moscow to arrange a $200 million transfer of Soviet monies to Nicaragua...

...It was a revealing episode in Kerry's career. That he still talks about "liberation theology" -- as when castigating the Bush administration for its "ideological and theological hatred" of Aristide -- shows how deeply the culture of class-warfare rhetoric seeped into him. When Kerry calls for "tax fairness for Americans," it is that culture in him which is coming out.


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At this point, I am longer surprised by the irresponsible and outlandish things Kerry as said or done.

The normally cautious Secretary of State George Shultz was so flabbergasted by Kerry's shilling for Ortega that he denounced Kerry publicly for "dealing with the communists" and letting himself be "used" by Ortega.

And this wasn't the first time he dealt with communists or were used by them. Who do you think backed his anti-Vietnam movement when he returned from his 4 month cruise on the Mekong?

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Typical Dem rhetoric. Class warfare. "Us liitle people against the mighty rich" I would really like to know what he defines as middle class. Who is middle class? It is funny that a wealthy Dem is talking about helping the middle class. If he was really serious he should devide up his fortune and his wife's and send the "middle class" a check.

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My take home was 4.21% better this year then last years. This number is skewed it should be much higher because I had some big deductions last year which I didn't have this year.

So Best guess...6.5 to 7% better this year.

That means more money in my pocket and last time I checked we are not anywhere near the rich end of the spectrum.

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I have been having to pay in since 1999. I went from paying over $1000 the last few years to just $300 this year. Hmmm...seems I am doing much better now with the Bush tax cuts. What did that moron mean by "middle class families are paying more"? Where did he get that idea? Most middle families I know are paying less. Boy, Kerry really has the pulse of the middle class doesn't he? <_<

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Well since he looks like the crypt keeper I think he has the pulse......

Watch out the remake of Dawn of the Dead is a Kerry propoganda vehicle


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I have been having to pay in since 1999. I went from paying over $1000 the last few years to just $300 this year. Hmmm...seems I am doing much better now with the Bush tax cuts. What did that moron mean by "middle class families are paying more"? Where did he get that idea? Most middle families I know are paying less. Boy, Kerry really has the pulse of the middle class doesn't he? <_<

Yes, he drove by us in his Rolls the other day. :lol:

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