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Means Much More


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I've always made fun of people who say winning isn't everything...figuring most of the time they just say that cause their team stinks or whatever. But as we approach this season, I'm coming around. It's not everything. DON'T hear me wrong. I'm a competitive freak. As in very competitive. As in my blood boils when I see rivals school colors or hear a rival fight song. I want to win. Win big. Dominate.

However, this coming season means a good bit more to me. I haven't been able to attend many games over the past few years (working weekends with job)but this year will be different. I hope to make at least half the home games. And to make a long story short, I'll be seeing family and friends I haven't seen in awhile. Catching up. Tailgaiting. And introducing my kids to what The Loveliest Village on the Plains is all about!

Yes I want to win, but I'm anticipating so much more this Fall. Can't wait to scream my freakin head off with you, my burnt orange and navy blue friends! War Eagle and let's have some fun.

What do you anticipate most?

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I'm looking forward to being competitive in ball games, being original, seeing good coaching on the field, and seeing our players grow weekly (i.e. learning how to be a good QB, WR, LB, etc.) I think these things are what I'm most excited about.

I TRUST these coaches to make good decisions.

I WILL miss the one fake-toss-sweep-roll-out-throw-it-to-the-tightend that I was so used to each game with Borges and the extra-defensive-end-in-our-backfield-before-the-handoff play that Franklin made so popular. Ah, memories...

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I'm looking forward to being competitive in ball games, being original, seeing good coaching on the field, and seeing our players grow weekly (i.e. learning how to be a good QB, WR, LB, etc.) I think these things are what I'm most excited about.

I TRUST these coaches to make good decisions.

I WILL miss the one fake-toss-sweep-roll-out-throw-it-to-the-tightend that I was so used to each game with Borges and the extra-defensive-end-in-our-backfield-before-the-handoff play that Franklin made so popular. Ah, memories...

I believe the plays you mentioned (dashes included) are trademarked. Be careful when mentioning them. :big:

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I'm looking forward to being competitive in ball games, being original, seeing good coaching on the field, and seeing our players grow weekly (i.e. learning how to be a good QB, WR, LB, etc.) I think these things are what I'm most excited about.

I TRUST these coaches to make good decisions.

I WILL miss the one fake-toss-sweep-roll-out-throw-it-to-the-tightend that I was so used to each game with Borges and the extra-defensive-end-in-our-backfield-before-the-handoff play that Franklin made so popular. Ah, memories...

Amen, to all of the above.

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I am looking forward to a new chapter. I wasn't at all when xCTT left but now I get more and more excited and nervous. It's been 10yrs since we have started anew and I am really excited for the prospect of it all, we will be good, will we not, who the hell knows. I can't wait to see all my friends that I only see during the fall and I can't wait to see what crazy things happen with all of us there. Rolling into town with my specialty made AU CD blaring some loud azz rock song and just pumping myself up for that first kickoff. It's getting so close yet still so far away. 18 DAYSSSSSS WAR DAMN EAGLE

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I have no clue about Ws and Ls, but I feel like we can count on 3 things that we couldn't last year: 1) Malzahn calling competent plays based on what the opponent gives us- not saying they'll work, just saying they'll make sense

2) this staff will make halftime adjustments on both sides of the ball

3) this team will get better as the season goes on

Regardless, sounds like you're in for some awesome Saturdays this fall- congrats and enjoy!

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Im interested in seeing if we can do WHAT WE DO. Run the ball on offense, catch the ball, and get nasty on the o-line. On D, i wanna see 9 blue jerseys around the ball and Eltoro Freeman decapitate everything that moves

Oooh, can I change my answer????

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Im interested in seeing if we can do WHAT WE DO. Run the ball on offense, catch the ball, and get nasty on the o-line. On D, i wanna see 9 blue jerseys around the ball and Eltoro Freeman decapitate everything that moves

Jeez, let's not go overboard.

A simple evisceration will do just fine.

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Im interested in seeing if we can do WHAT WE DO. Run the ball on offense, catch the ball, and get nasty on the o-line. On D, i wanna see 9 blue jerseys around the ball and Eltoro Freeman decapitate everything that moves

He signed my helmet yesterday as E Freeman "Da Bull"

i think every opponent is going to be painted red for him and that is a scary thought.

This season means more to me because I won't be able to attend the games. It makes me realize how much this school, team, and family means to me. I look forward to being able to sit at my computer on Saturday evenings and probably watching live updates via ESPN to get the scores. I'm getting deployed with a bunch of Louisville, Alabama, UGA, and Florida fans. I am the lone Auburn student and one of 3 Auburn fans going. Any chance I get to be reminded of my family and home will be a good thing. I've got a couple things in mind for this fall and will be posting pictures of my support for this team and community even while overseas. War Eagle!

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