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California lawmakers propose lowering voting age

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If this one passes, maybe we can get a national law giving democrats 1/4 of a vote each.

California lawmakers propose lowering voting age to 14 for state elections


March 8, 2004

Associated Press


A proposed amendment to California's constitution would give 16-year-olds a half-vote and 14-year-olds a quarter-vote in state elections.

State Sen. John Vasconcellos, among four lawmakers to propose the idea on Monday, said the Internet, cellular phones, multichannel television and a diverse society makes today's teens better informed than their predecessors.

The idea requires two-thirds approval by the Legislature to appear on the November ballot.

"When we gave the vote to those who didn't own property, then to women, then to persons of all colors, we added to the richness of our democratic dialogue and our own nation's integrity and its model for the world," Vasconcellos said, calling it time to further extend the vote.

A Republican colleague said it was "the nuttiest idea I've ever heard."

Said Assemblyman Ray Haynes: "There's a reason why 14-year-olds and 16-year-olds don't vote. They are not adults. They are not mature enough. They are easily deceived by political charlatans."

Student supporters said the idea could give them a say in issues such as education funding and bring new voices to the California electorate.

SF Gate.com

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in the age of 'anything goes', i'm sure we can rationalize this into being a great idea if we really tried.

further, why can't 12-year olds vote andhave their votes count 1/8th? 10-year olds, and even 8-year olds....why stop at 14?

in fact, we could set up two different dog bowls, one red donkey and one a blue elephant. that way, our pets could vote, too. the only problem w/ that is deciding who's vote counts more...a 2-year old puppie's vote or DB's. ;)


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"...They are not adults. They are not mature enough. They are easily deceived by political charlatans."

Wait, was he talking about children, or Democrats? ;)

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if this were to happen, wouldn't we have to have some kind of federal program in place to ensure all under-age voters had the means by which to get to the voting booths?

or would they simply log on and vote?

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From talking to my wife and some of her students, I don't think the majority of 14-16, maybe even 17 year olds have a real opinion. Most of them still have the opinion they have learned from their parents without checking it out for themselves.

My wife will ask her HS students (9th-12th) why they have a certain opinion when it comes to politics and probably 90% of them can't tell you why they feel that way.

I have a friend that is a Librarian in a suburb of Cleveland, OH. She says the same thing about the students she is around. They still don't care enough to look into it themselves. They are more interested in X-Box, PS2, etc, or shopping, talking on the phone, etc. than what Kerry or Bush really have to say or what either of them stand for. And for that matter, any politician.


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if this were to happen, wouldn't we have to have some kind of federal program in place to ensure all under-age voters had the means by which to get to the voting booths?

or would they simply log on and vote?

I imagine DNC volunteers rogering up for this civic duty. I can see them now inticing these young voters to vote a straight democrat ticket with the promise of MP3 players and Britney Spears CD's.

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My 11 year old grandson says he should have a vote as well. My 7 year old twin grandsons want to know why they wouldn't be included. :D

If this were to pass, there would then need to be time taken in civics class to teach the kids about voting responsibility. the issues and the candidates. There would be no conflict in this since the NEA endorses democrats almost 100% BUT teachers would be above politicizing in the class room. :rolleyes:

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The LAND OF LIBERALS.......May it one day slide on off into the Pacific........ :D

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