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Asses of Evil


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????? This woman wants to be our First Lady? This is the kind of class we will have in the White House if Kerry is elected? You have got to be kidding. Could you imagine Laura Bush stooping so low?

The "Mother" of All House Parties

When Teresa Heinz-Kerry arrived, she handed me a pin that read in the center: “Asses of Evil” with “Bush”, “Cheney”, “Rumsfeld” and “Ashcroft” surrounding it.
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You're right, this exhibits the level of class and tact these people have.

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I believe that too much money has put her out of touch with reallity. And surely a man can be judged by the woman he marries.

Take me for instance, if you met my wife, you would know that I am truly blessed and would make a good thoughtful leader. A leader must have a thoughtful spouse in order to see things clearly. Otherwise, chaos ensues.

PS. She doesn't allow me to be the angry white man. I just treat you guys that way! ;)

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