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Some 9/11 families show support for Bush ads


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NEW YORK - More than a dozen families who lost relatives in the Sept. 11 attacks released a letter Saturday declaring their support for President Bush and his use of images of the destroyed World Trade Center in campaign ads.

“There is no better testament to the leadership of President Bush than Sept. 11,” the letter states. “In choosing our next leader we must not forget that day if we are to have a meaningful conversation.”

The “Open Letter to America,” signed by 22 people who lost loved ones in the trade center, comes as other victims’ families asked that the ads be pulled from the airwaves. The spots also show firefighters carrying a flag-draped stretcher.

“In the November election we will have a clear choice laid before the American people,” the letter reads. “President Bush is rightly offering us that choice and the images of Sept. 11, although painful, are fundamental to that choice. The images in President Bush’s campaign television ads are respectful of the memories of Sept. 11...”

Jimmy Boyle, former president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, said he came up with the “Open Letter to America” after hearing that the president was being criticized for the ads.

“I don’t think he’s taking advantage of Sept. 11 and I feel that he’s given us the leadership that we need,” said Boyle, who said he will be voting for a Republican president for the first time in November.


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Any response from our liberal friends? It is funny how just a handful of people's view get's reported in the mainstream media whereas the majority does not. If they majority of 9/11 widows and those that lost family members was so against Bush as the mainstream media would like you to believe, then where are they at? Show me some numbers. Heck, show me and ad like this that is signed by them at least!

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Yeah, I noticed how a couple of the resident socialist, I mean libs on this board totally skipped over this article. Had I titled it BUSH IS THE ANTICHRIST or 22 9/11 Families Oppose Bush Ads, those two would have been on here to cheer or say I told you so or something! But put ANYTHING positive about Bush on here and they will ignore it.

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i think it's ok for them to ignore a post like this...goodness knows i ignore a lot of their posts. :D i'm not sure what i'd expect them to say except "different people feel differently".

what strikes me as interesting is the manner in which this group of 9/11 families went about getting their message out as opposed to the 2 (or was it 3) widows that spoke out against the ads.

the 'against' widows were in individual appearances with what appears to be scripted partisan responses. there's a stark difference between opposing the ads and opposing bush.

the 'for' people apparently got together as a group and stated their support for the ad and subsequently for bush, without bashing kerry. they could've said, "where was john kerry when 9/11 happened? didn't this happen on his watch, too?" :roll:

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It is funny how just a handful of people's view get's reported in the mainstream media whereas the majority does not.

The views of the majority will get reported at the polls in November when Bush wins the election.

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The undercurrent that's being lost here is that the real reason that the Dems are making the charge that Bush is politicizing 9/11 in these ads is that the ads are very, very good. And they know that Bush's leadership in the wake of 9/11 shows up in polls as a strong point for him. So, they try to detract from the impact these ads have with a diversionary tactic. All it does is highlight their worry.

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The undercurrent that's being lost here is that the real reason that the Dems are making the charge that Bush is politicizing 9/11 in these ads is that the ads are very, very good. And they know that Bush's leadership in the wake of 9/11 shows up in polls as a strong point for him. So, they try to detract from the impact these ads have with a diversionary tactic. All it does is highlight their worry.

That and they know their man does not poll well in the area of notional defense and making people feel safe. The dem leadership to quote Al, Fear the Bush!

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