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Congressman Jim McDermott's Floor Statement on House Joint Resolution 114, To Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq

"First, this resolution is premature. There has been no showing by the intelligence agencies or the White House of imminent danger to the U.S.

That Saddam Hussein is a brutal dictator who has committed heinous crimes is undeniable. It is likely that he still seeks weapons of mass destruction, but we have a way to thwart his desire: inspection and disarmament."

"For "regime change," we stand alone. For inspection and disarmament, we have allies, we have a coalition, we have the U.N."

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Two words alone kill this article.....Jim McDermott. A guy so loveable that he walked, pissed and defecated on the US Constitutional Right of Privacy.

That Jim McDermott would say anything against anything Bush does is just redundant. There was no chance that the partisan hack of all partisan hacks would be open minded about anything.

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Two words alone kill this article.....Jim McDermott. A guy so loveable that he walked, pissed and defecated on the US Constitutional Right of Privacy.

That Jim McDermott would say anything against anything Bush does is just redundant. There was no chance that the partisan hack of all partisan hacks would be open minded about anything.

This is the guy that went to Baghdad before the war and denounced the US from one of Saddam's palaces. Real nice source of info, Bottomfeeder.

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So all the innocent people being murdered was a lie? All those children being tortured, killed, or imprisoned was a lie? Give me break Bottomfeeder!

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