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Top Ten Rules to Rule By


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Oh yea, and another thing, the terrorist’s attacks on us are provoked by a combination CIA, Oil Giants and the DoD. The CIA has a special task force that does just that, create chaos and war as to fund the defense department spending budget and dominate other countries which gives security to multinational companies to exploit the natural resources and cheap labor for their own gain. By the time the spending gets to us, it is so inflated that we will not benefit from the money supplies that fund the venture. Also, there are direct connections between the "Skull and Bones", the CIA, DoD spending, Militaristic society, police state, etc. These guys don't care about our well being; they only care about increasing the gap between the have and the have-nots. And finally, when the New World Order is recognized, as being in place it will be too late to do anything about. Control of our country is evident by policies favorable to those who are in control, and rejecting the needs of the masses. The "Shadow Government" as Dubya put it.


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The spiritual confinement is a limited state of existence which blocks the mind from the feel of freedom. Therefore , the existence of physical confinement and spiritual confinement are the same nature, but different essence.
I agree with some of your observations, but as one who has entered the Holy of Holies and into the very presence of either an angelic being, the Throne Room or the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, I can with Him condemn the carnal mind misrepresentation in the White House. Dubya is No Christian; instead he is a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." And since he doesn't repent of his sinful nature then he is open game as an "Adulterer."

UH, Dude, The HOH, has been gone for about oohh, 1938 years. So what are you telling us? That you are an OT High Priest?

Just for fun, is your real name Legion? Just how many folks are there dwelling in that head of yours? :blink:

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While doubts loom, I am here to tell you that, Yes, you can access the throne room of God through Christ. It is a humbling experience, but you can gain entrance. It coward me, the powerful presence was extremely humbling and fearful. The overwhelming amount of Love was unbelievable, it was like he was loving on me. Sex can't even begin to touch it, there is nothing here can touch it.

It is very, very powerful. It is too good. My body could not handle it. There was no theatrics, no falling down slain in the spirit, none of that, just a lot of Love.



Mat 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

Mat 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

Mat 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

Mat 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

Mat 27:54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.


10:19-22 We Have Confidence

As we have discussed several times previously, the temple could not be entered by just anyone. Only the priests could enter in, and even they were forbidden to go behind the veil that covered the entrance into the Holy of Holies.

Only the High Priest could go behind this veil, and only on the Day of Atonement. Of course, the high priest would enter fearfully on that day, afraid of being struck down dead. God had warned that to enter in on any other day would mean certain death, saying...

Lev. 16:2 ...he shall not enter at any time into the holy place inside the veil, before the mercy seat which is on the ark, lest he die...

And even on the Day of Atonement, the high priest was warned that he must...

Lev. 16:13 ...put the incense on the fire before the LORD, that the cloud of incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the ark of the testimony, lest he die.

So entering into the earthly Holy of Holies was cause for great fear. But here we are told that we don't need to be afraid to enter into the heavenly Holy of Holies - God's throne room. We can enter in with confidence, because the way has been opened.


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While doubts loom, I am here to tell you that, Yes, you can access the throne room of God through Christ. It is a humbling experience, but you can gain entrance. It coward me, the powerful presence was extremely humbling and fearful. The overwhelming amount of Love was unbelievable, it was like he was loving on me. Sex can't even begin to touch it, there is nothing here can touch it.

It is very, very powerful. It is too good. My body could not handle it. There was no theatrics, no falling down slain in the spirit, none of that, just a lot of Love.

Coward: (noun) one that is afraid, intimidated, ashamed

cowered: (verb) to have lowered yourself, to be humbled

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BF, first of all your twisted use of scripture is really crossing the line IMO. There is a difference between "knowing" the scripture and "really knowing them". Satan can quote the Bible himself, but does he live by it? You are twisting scripture around and that is a dangerous ground to be on my friend.

Secondly, you made a comment that you have friend in the 101st and 4th ID, but kind of left it hanging with a comment on how leaders that never served in combat seemed to send others into combat. That exposed your ignorance right there. A quick and easy rebuttal is that Clinton never saw combat, but sent us into Bosnia, Haiti, and Somolia. I saw combat in two of those three. Also, it can be heavily argued that all three of those operations were FUBAR under Clinton. Of course, you could add Waco as a domestic operation that failed also. So that kind of debunks your argument there doesn't it. A president consults with his chief of staffs, which include officers that more then likely have seen combat, so it is not like he is going into it blind because of his lack of action. BF, please tell me how the last two democratic candidates, before Kerry, were seasoned combat veterans. If Al Gore would have been president, he would have had to send troops into battle after 9/11 or this country would be in constant, thus again debunking your argument.

I am starting to wonder if you and Donutboy are brothers.

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(TiS backs slowly out of the room)

Rexbo is running out of the room (or topic with BF preaching in it), and never looking back...

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BF is the guy that all the neighbors avoid and tell their children to stay away from. When you hear a guy like that, you know that something's loose.

Hey BF, that group of people outside your window with candles every night aren't pray for YOU. They are praying for you to leave!!!!!

I too will now ignore your posts. Have a nice life. And may you one day TRULY see the light and enjoy the blessings.

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