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Martha Stewart Guilty on all counts!

DKW 86

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MARCH 5--Martha Stewart's a convicted felon--and here's the jury verdict sheet that today memorialized that fact. The so-called homemaking queen was found guilty on all four federal charges and is scheduled to be sentenced in New York federal court on June 17. Her co-defendant, stockbroker Peter Bacanovic, was convicted on all but one of the five counts he faced.

But I thought that the Bush Administation was sssooo pro business that they would never let this happen?

I wonder if bill Clinton's main man, Bernie Ebbers, is shaking in his boots?

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I still feel they woudl not have gone after the common man as diligently. Not that I care for Martha!

I just feel she got a little rougher wrap because of who she is, not what she did!

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I am making fun of the Libs across America. They were so confident that Bush was pro business.

Well let's see:

Bush has cleaned up the Al-qaeda mess left him by Clinton, who didnt go get bin Laden when we could get him 3x.

Bush is cleaning up the Wall Street mess after Clinton Adm went asleep at the wheel for 8 years, yet still managed to cash the checks from Enron and Bernie Ebbers.

Bush is cleaning up the Economy now too. Not bad, not perfect either, but not a bad job so far.

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I don't particularly like or dislike Martha Stewart, but I really think she is getting a bad rap. I think she is paying for the sins of Enron, etc. in the minds of the jurors. How many of us wouldn't have told our broker to "sell" in the same circumstances? Here she is a multimillionaire and we think it is good to spend who knows how many $$$ to put her away because she avoided a loss of $51000. What a waste of time and effort. There is no way she'll ever do any time, anyway.


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If I can't smoke pot, she can't insider trade dang it! :angry::lol: With her wealth you could relate here crime to pot smoking as she got caught with a roach in her ashtray. At one time that could be a felony in AL. and probably still can be.

The true sad thing is that she would break the law to save 50K when she is a freaking billionaire. She deserves what she got for greed and stupidity alone.

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The true sad thing is that she would break the law to save 50K when she is a freaking billionaire. She deserves what she got for greed and stupidity alone.


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The true sad thing is that she would break the law to save 50K when she is a freaking billionaire. She deserves what she got for greed and stupidity alone.

I can agree with you that what she did was stupid, but I really don't know about greed. If you had a broker that called you and told you what she was told you all would say to sell. It is the trying to cover it up that was stupid and wrong.

This may move me to the other forum, but she basically was found guilty of lying to the US govt. Who was Bill Clintion talking to when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman?" Where is his felony conviction?

How appropriate did you find the juror's comment after the trial saying that this was a victory for all of the little people?

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Yahoo!!! That's one less republican voting in November!!!

Wrong again.

Martha Stewart was a major Democratic Party donor for most of the 1990s, giving the legal maximum to the campaigns of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, along with more than $100,000 in additional cash to related Democratic causes.

Federal Election Commission records show that Stewart has given nearly $170,000 to Democratic Party accounts since 1992, including $3,000 to Bill Clinton for his 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns, $2,000 for Gore's 2000 White House bid and $1,000 for Hillary Clinton's New York Senate campaign.

Stewart's donations to combined Democratic accounts were much more generous, with her largest single contribution - $75,000 - funneled into the Democratic Party's "Unity" account in 2001. She gave another $25,000 in 2001 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

In September 2000, she also kicked in $10,000 to the Democratic National Committee.

News Source

If you don't believe the source, do a search yourself here. Enter "Stewart, Martha", check the combined search feature, hit search and see for yourself.

Once again (should we be suprised?), your information is 180 degrees off, Al.

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But TIS, dont you know it is all a VRWC to get those Dems. There Al, did the 180 flip flop for you. Afterall, it is always the Republican's Fault, everything! Didnt you know? Hell, the founder of the Republican Party was actually a woman!........Eve. See, all that is eveil can now be blamed, not on a woman, but on a Republican! ;)

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But TIS, dont you know it is all a VRWC to get those Dems. There Al, did the 180 flip flop for you. Afterall, it is always the Republican's Fault, everything! Didnt you know? Hell, the founder of the Republican Party was actually a woman!........Eve. See, all that is eveil can now be blamed, not on a woman, but on a Republican! ;)

You are absolutely right, David!! Curse these infernal Republican speakers of the truth.........curse them and their facts!!

Martha Stewart a Republican :roflol: . That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Next thing we know, ol' Babs Streisand herself will start voting GOP. Babs, Hillary, and Laura Bush will become best buddies and start swapping cooking recipies.

MoveOn.org should really check their facts closer before they post them for the likes of Al and Donut to regurgitate. Martha may not take being called a Republican too lightly, and she'll turn the faucet off on all those thousands she was sending to the Jackass party.

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MARCH 5--Martha Stewart's a convicted felon--and here's the jury verdict sheet that today memorialized that fact. The so-called homemaking queen was found guilty on all four federal charges and is scheduled to be sentenced in New York federal court on June 17. Her co-defendant, stockbroker Peter Bacanovic, was convicted on all but one of the five counts he faced.

But I thought that the Bush Administation was sssooo pro business that they would never let this happen?

I wonder if bill Clinton's main man, Bernie Ebbers, is shaking in his boots?

Martha Stewart was nothing but a fall guy to take the spotlight off the one that the Bush administration truely wanted to protect, his good buddy Ken Lay. Lay merely falsified documents about company assets to keep Enron stock artificially high, scroo-ing over millions of taxpayers, bankrupted one of the top 25 businesses in America, disallowed his employees to sell their stock while he was busy dumping his own and thus causing his faithful employees to lose their life savings!! Oh yes, this administration is REALLY going after the REAL corporate criminals!! Indict Ken Lay and then talk about how Bush is tough on corporate crime.

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From Salon.com

Feb. 20, 2004  |  HOUSTON (AP) -- While the government has had the former top two executives at Enron Corp. in their crosshairs for more than two years, only former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling was in handcuffs this week.

Experts said the indictment and comments by prosecutors suggest any case against former chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay, known as a less hands-on manager than his former protege, likely would be more difficult to prove.

Whether prosecutors will take the last step up the fallen company's ladder to charge Lay remains to be seen.

But comments by the head of the Justice Department's Enron Task Force shortly after Skilling's indictment Thursday on 35 criminal charges seemed to suggest that the government considers Skilling the bigger catch.

"This was THE guy at Enron," said Deputy Attorney General James Comey.

Seems as like they are not done yet. Of course, there would be no need for these prosecutions if the Clinton-Gore Admin had just done its job. :no:

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From Salon.com
Feb. 20, 2004  |  HOUSTON (AP) -- While the government has had the former top two executives at Enron Corp. in their crosshairs for more than two years, only former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling was in handcuffs this week.

Experts said the indictment and comments by prosecutors suggest any case against former chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay, known as a less hands-on manager than his former protege, likely would be more difficult to prove.

Whether prosecutors will take the last step up the fallen company's ladder to charge Lay remains to be seen.

But comments by the head of the Justice Department's Enron Task Force shortly after Skilling's indictment Thursday on 35 criminal charges seemed to suggest that the government considers Skilling the bigger catch.

"This was THE guy at Enron," said Deputy Attorney General James Comey.

Seems as like they are not done yet. Of course, there would be no need for these prosecutions if the Clinton-Gore Admin had just done its job. :no:

You beat me to it, David. Here is the official Enron Fraud InfoCenter website. Link

Dang, Donut. you just stepped into the batters box and you're already facing an 0-1 count.

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Yahoo!!! That's one less republican voting in November!!!

Martha Stewart: Democrat Mega-Donor

Embattled doyenne of domesticity Martha Stewart was a major Democratic Party donor for most of the 1990s, giving the legal maximum to the campaigns of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, along with more than $100,000 in additional cash to related Democratic causes.


So sorry, Al. :rolleyes:

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Yahoo!!! That's one less republican voting in November!!!

Martha Stewart: Democrat Mega-Donor

Embattled doyenne of domesticity Martha Stewart was a major Democratic Party donor for most of the 1990s, giving the legal maximum to the campaigns of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, along with more than $100,000 in additional cash to related Democratic causes.


So sorry, Al. :rolleyes:

Now they will pull a Kerry flip flop and say her prosecution was because of a vast right wing conspiracy! she was only prosecuted because she was/is a major contributor to the democrats. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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