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North Korea warms to Kerry presidency bid

The apparent enthusiasm for Mr Kerry may reflect little more than a "better the devil you don't know" mentality among the North Korean apparatchiks. Rather than dealing with President George W. Bush and hawkish officials in his administration, Pyongyang seems to hope victory for the Democratic candidate on November 2 would lead to a softening in US policy towards the country's nuclear weapons programme.

But both Mr Kerry and Mr Bush are committed to North Korean disarmament. Mr Kerry, however, would renew bilateral negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang, while Mr Bush has sought to manage the conversation with North Korea through multilateral talks.

What the??? Bush wanting to use multilateral talks, and it is Kerry wanting to go unilateral in dealing with North Korea????? This is absolutely against everything else Kerry has said he would do in his foreign policy, he only believes in multilateral discussions AND permission and involvement of the UN. Again, Kerry just has no clue what he wants, or is best for this country...

This is a clear sign that Bush's foreign policy approach and goals are one thousand times better than the Democrat's, when the most dangerous threat to our country is favoring the opposition candidate. Just like Hitler preferred Chamberlin over Churchill; England didn't listen to Hitler, and we shouldn't listen to Kim Jong-il.

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Hmmm...does make you wonder. But again, Kerry will probably change his stance tomorrow. ;)

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President Bush has these guys, along with the Syrians, Iranians, and Libyians; shaking in their sandals. They know the President means business and they all yearn for the good ol' days of the 90's where their acts of evil went unchallanged and unpunished.

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....and, here's and intesting thread about the level of cooperation between VVAW and the VC in Paris back in 1971.

Who's side are they on?

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