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February Job Growth Surprisingly Weak


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If you listen to this guy, it certainly sounds like the sky is falling to me.
Under George Bush’s watch, our economy has taken a nose dive.
America has lost over three million jobs.
Surpluses have disappeared and deficits have soared to record heights.  Business investment in training and in America’s future has plummeted.
The stock market is down.
The gap in pay between those in the corporate suites and those in the cubicles, behind the counter, or on the factory floor has never been so wide.
And corporate scandals have shaken our confidence in the economy as corrupt CEOs make out like bandits, looting the earnings their employees created and feathering their nests while costing Americans their nest eggs. 
It’s not hard to see why the American people think that today they’re working for the economy, but the economy’s not working for them.
You're right.
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All true then, so you have taken all of your money out of the stock market, bought unemployment insurance, have started training for a new career for when Bush ships your job overseas, and started working a second job to invest in gold for when the Great Depression returns? No? didn't think so. I am sure you are not as worried about the economy as you let on, and Kerry tries to convince you to be. I know you are much smarter than that, and certainly smarter than say, Bottomfeeder.

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All true then, so you have taken all of your money out of the stock market, bought unemployment insurance, have started training for a new career for when Bush ships your job overseas, and started working a second job to invest in gold for when the Great Depression returns?  No? didn't think so.  I am sure you are not as worried about the economy as you let on, and Kerry tries to convince you to be.  I know you are much smarter than that, and certainly smarter than say, Bottomfeeder.

Like I've said before, I'm lucky where my job is concerned. Unless it becomes more cost effective to send you to China or Mexico to get an MRI instead of the traditional way, my job is staying here in America.

Taking your money out of the market wouldn't be wise. You need to have a long term outlook. Fortunately, I'm not at an age where I'd be withdrawing on my 401k yet.

See, rexbo, I don't have to be on a sinking ship to want to help those who are. That's one of the differences between you and me.

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