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Kerry & The Death Penalty

Jenny AU-92

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Since Bottomfeeder got my hackles up on this issue, I decided to take a look at how the liberal Presidential candidate feels on this issue - to me, if I were a fence sitter, this would push me to Bush immediately.

Q: Do you support the death penalty?

A: I oppose the death penalty other than in cases of real international and domestic terrorism. We know we have put innocent people to death; 111 innocent people have already been released from death row. As president, I'll enforce the law but I'll also have a national moratorium on federal executions until we use DNA evidence to make sure those on death row are guilty.

Source: Associated Press policy Q&A, "Death Penalty" Jan 25, 2004

That has GOT to be the most ASSININE statements I have ever heard regarding the death penalty. Just out of curiosity, Mr. Kerry, what about death row cases where DNA evidence is NOT applicable? A murder for hire. A drive by shooting rampage. An assassination. DNA will not be present at all crime scenes that may result in capital punishment. The Federal Drug Kingpin Act carries a possible death sentence. So do crimes committed under RICO.

What a moron. :no:

Even worse, under a Kerry administration, we wouldn't be catching any terrorists, so there won't be any exceptions for terrorism!

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He's Catholic and that view goes right along with Church teaching. As you shake your head "No," there are hundreds of thousands who hear his answer and shake their heads "Yes." I'm one of them.

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He's Catholic and that view goes right along with Church teaching. As you shake your head "No," there are hundreds of thousands who hear his answer and shake their heads "Yes." I'm one of them.

Yet so many of those same heads don't shake "Yes" when the church proclaims it's opposition to abortion. Sad.

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He's Catholic and that view goes right along with Church teaching. As you shake your head "No," there are hundreds of thousands who hear his answer and shake their heads "Yes." I'm one of them.

Yet so many of those same heads don't shake "Yes" when the church proclaims it's opposition to abortion. Sad.

Pickin' and a Choosin"! :rolleyes:

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He's Catholic and that view goes right along with Church teaching. As you shake your head "No," there are hundreds of thousands who hear his answer and shake their heads "Yes." I'm one of them.

Yet so many of those same heads don't shake "Yes" when the church proclaims it's opposition to abortion. Sad.

Exactly what I was going to say! Still can't understand why the Catholic church is against the death penalty. It is Biblical. When Jesus was asked about "an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth", He did dispute that in the manner that it should not be done if there was only one witness. However, he did say when there were two to three witnesses, so shall it be done.

The DNA thing is ridiculous. Like Jenny, said, DNA evidence is not always at the scene, but other evidence is enough to convict. But no, according to Kerry, let's just give more criminals a lifetime vacation at the taxpayer's expense.

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Yeah...picking and choosing when it's ok for religious organizations to have a voice in debates over US law. When the Catholic church voices opposition to the death penalty, it's all "Welcome aboard! Even people of faith see the reasonability of this position!". But when they voice their opposition to the killing of innocent children based on a short trip down a vagina, it's all "Stop encroaching on public policy debates with religious perspectives. Haven't you ever heard of the separation of church and state?!?"

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He's Catholic and that view goes right along with Church teaching. As you shake your head "No," there are hundreds of thousands who hear his answer and shake their heads "Yes." I'm one of them.

Yet so many of those same heads don't shake "Yes" when the church proclaims it's opposition to abortion. Sad.

You can see that with much of the Church's teachings.

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Why is the catholic church against the death penalty?

Because it is pro-life. It believes in the sanctity of all life, even that of a criminals.

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The death penalty is not used enough. And even when it is, it is much too humane. Each criminal should die in the same manner he killed.

And if Kerry were all that concerned about life, maybe he shouldn't have gone to war. Or is that different. Killing for your country(war) and killing for the safety of your country(criminals)....same thing ain't it.

And all these people against the death penalty should have to pay for or personally house these criminals. Why should we pay to keep a scumbag alive?

When I read of the cops killing a guy that refused to give up or shot back, I think, thank goodness we don't have to pay for his sorry butt.

Some people do not deserve to live.

And of all these guys on death row, how many were pulled out of prayer meetings and arrested. If you hang out with scum, expect a scumbags reward!

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Why is the catholic church against the death penalty?

Because it is pro-life. It believes in the sanctity of all life, even that of a criminals.

But then, why do liberals not believe in the sanctity of live, regarding innocent unborn babies?

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Why is the catholic church against the death penalty?

Because it is pro-life. It believes in the sanctity of all life, even that of a criminals.

But then, why do liberals not believe in the sanctity of live, regarding innocent unborn babies?

What do 'liberals' or 'conservatives' or 'libertarians' or any other political description have to do with the teaching of the Catholic Church?

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Why is the catholic church against the death penalty?

Because it is pro-life. It believes in the sanctity of all life, even that of a criminals.

Was God necessarily worried about the sanctity of life with sodom and gamora. I can recall severall instances where he commanded men to destroy other groups of people in the bible. I don't think God is pro-life, I think he is pro innocent life. I don't recall once during his crucifixion trial that Jesus stated that crucifixion was wrong. It was wrong to crucify him because he was innocent. Just my opinion.

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But then, why do liberals not believe in the sanctity of live, regarding innocent unborn babies?

What do 'liberals' or 'conservatives' or 'libertarians' or any other political description have to do with the teaching of the Catholic Church?

My question was not about the Catholic Church or religon, it was posed to "liberals"; even an athiest can believe in the "sanctity of life". I guess my question will not be answered...

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The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance offers answers to the questions we seek. I have been using Strong's for about 15 years , and if we look at the original translations we'll be able to find the answers.

keywords: image, breath and life (creature is another one I like to reference, creature means having a soul, so that's why we weren't designed to eat animal flesh). All desease being in the blood and originating from animals leads me to sek that lifestyle absent animal flesh diet.


Anywho, here is some commentary on life. I am Por-life but everyone else here can decide for themselves. I, personally, takwe it out of context the verse that says, "the two shall become one flesh."




There is a fundamental discontinuity between humankind and the animal realm (Gen 1:24-28; 2:7; 2:19), a discontinuity reiterated when, after the flood, God affirms the killing and eating of animals but prohibits murder (Gen 9:6).

Genesis 9:6

"Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.

Strictly speaking, there was (and is) no right to life; only when I accept that my own life is neither required nor indispensable, and that I live only by God's mercy, can I gain the perspective needed to show mercy to others and to offer them protection.

A second ambiguity builds upon the first and concerns the harm or injury envisioned in verses 22-23. Versions like the NASB that speak of "any further injury" imply that the fetus is already dead, and that only harm done to the mother is in view. According to this reading, maternal injury or death requires parallel retribution while fetal death incurs only a fine. The alternative is reflected in the NIV, according to which the harm may be suffered by mother or child, ranging from minor trauma to death. In this case, fetal and maternal death are treated equally, implying that fetus and mother have the same legal status. Supporters of this view point out that the opposition in the text is, technically, between premature delivery and harm, not between fetal death and further harm. Moreover, the author could have added "to her" if the harm in view was only the mother's. While neither view is without problems, this second alternative seems more natural. But even if Exodus 21 is taken to grant the mother more protection than her unborn child, it also establishes that causing the death of the unborn, even accidentally, is morally culpable. Plainly, no authority to perform abortion is granted.

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keywords: image, breath and life (creature is another one I like to reference, creature means having a soul, so that's why we weren't designed to eat animal flesh). All desease being in the blood and originating from animals leads me to sek that lifestyle absent animal flesh diet.

Dude, down south we like guns, trucks, beer, and big juicy steaks. So take you panty waist veggie head back up there with the puny northerners. I have relatives who have eaten meat all their life still living till 98 and 100 yrs old. without a balnced diet, you'll die just as quick as anyone else. So please don't mess with my red meat or my guns.

If we weren't meant to eat meat, then our teeth would not be able to handle it. the density and the enamel on a humans teeth indicate the distinct characteristics of a meat eater.

Jees, you really are a freak!

I'll die happy. You die with a bowl of cous-cous in your hand.

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As someone said a few days ago...

"If we weren't supposed to eat animals, why did God make them out of meat!" :lol::lol:

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Let's see...

He HATES the South...

He CHOSE to move up north...

He CHOOSES not to eat meat...

If I had not already dismissed him, guess what? DIS----MISSED!!!!!!!!!!

I miss Donut... :(

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