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For the Dems...


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Ok, I have been thinking a lot about this and there have been some pretty good names coming out. I think though Kerry is going to have to choose someone from the South or maybe the Midwest.

Here's my 2 picks:

1. Sen. Bill Nelson (FL)-- this guy is on our Committee and he is one of the most conservative on the Democratic side. His only downfall I think is the fact that he is another Senator. Not sure how electable 2 Senators are on the same ticket

2. Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. (TN)-- I love this guy!! I know this is a name that no one has mentioned, but I think he would be an excellent choice. I think he is definately the up and coming in the party. I definately was hoping he would win as the Minority Leader in the House. He is another more Conservate member of the party, his only downside is that I am sure how much name recognition he actually has outside of the South and DC.

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i thought he was gonna choose john edwards?

edwards has now come out & said he wouldn't say 'no' to the offer.

i, for one, think teddy kennedy is a good choice.


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This guy here would provide the most perfect match for Kerry. You Batman fans might recognize him as Harvey "Two-Face" Dent .


Seriously, I wouldn't be suprised to see Howard Dean on the card.

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I think it'll be Bob Graham. I would like John Edwards because he was always my second choice after Howard Dean. Why not Dean, then? One, I don't think he and Kerry's personalities would mesh very well. Two, if the conventional wisdom is correct, one of them must be southern. Three, as much as I like what Dean did to wake up and energize the party, I don't think that pairing would play well across the country.

It really depends on what kind of strategy they're going to use. Some have said to write off the south completely. If so, then a strong labor oriented mid-westerner like Gephardt might make a good ticket. I think they're going to try to keep all of the Democratic-won states from 2000 and if they can get one or two swing states then they'll win. So, if that state were to be Florida, Graham could almost guarantee it.

A lot also depends on if Nader hangs around or not. Some are saying that he's just going to run a protest campaign and drop out before the election and can't get on too many ballots, anyway. If, however, he does play spoiler, he can take away some critical votes from the Democrats. I'm not too worried about him, though. I think most of his supporters, especially the Floridians, learned a lesson from 2000 and would rather vote for the Democrat and get most of what they want instead of voting Nader and almost assuring Bush's election and getting very little of what they want.

My money's on Bob Graham, though.

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i thought he was gonna choose john edwards?

I have been hearing it most likely will not be Edwards, but of course everything is total speculation one way or the other.

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channonc, I know you intended this as a serious topic. Since I will not vote for Mr. Kerry because of his actions after Vietnam, I would not presume to be able to make an objective choice. But if he were going to stay within the ranks of the democrats for a VP choice, I think it would be logical to pick Al Sharpton. Al says that Kerry is not a true liberal, therefore if Al were his running mate, they could appeal to all voters. Kerry has been making himself over to appear more of a centrist and Al would appeal to the liberal base of the democrat party.

Al Sharpton is a Populist-Leaning Liberal.


John Kerry is a Libertarian-Leaning Liberal.


Great pair says the Bear! :D

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oh no!!! not the dot diagram again!

you know TA hates those dots!


That diagram is the stupidest, most inaccurate thing I've seen since those fortune-telling eight balls!!!

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I do not even pretend to figure out the clouded mind of the liberals, but how come Tom Daschle has not been mentioned? Any reason you can think off TA?

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Because he is up for reelection and has plenty of power as the Minority Leader. We will probably already lose the Senate, but we need to keep as many seats as possible.

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So, they are playing it safe with Senate seats rather then going for a stronger presidential ticket. Makes sense I guess.

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How would Dascle make a strong ticket? Just curious.

Well, like you said, he has alot of power. I would think being one of the democratic leaders, he would make a good candidate for VP. Or is he thinking about running in 2008 also?

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When you say lack of broad base appeal, what exactly do you mean by that? Do you think he is not popular among democratic voters or just does not have the personality/charisma for it?

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Because he is up for reelection and has plenty of power as the Minority Leader.  We will probably already lose the Senate, but we need to keep as many seats as possible.

i thought you already had lost the senate?

what is it, 50/50?


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oh no!!! not the dot diagram again!

you know TA hates those dots!


That diagram is the stupidest, most inaccurate thing I've seen since those fortune-telling eight balls!!!


'fear the dots', TA!!!


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oh no!!! not the dot diagram again!

you know TA hates those dots!


That diagram is the stupidest, most inaccurate thing I've seen since those fortune-telling eight balls!!!


'fear the dots', TA!!!


It probably makes him mad because Kerry is not listed far enough to the left. If that is true, then the dots are inaccurate. :lol::lol::lol:

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oh no!!! not the dot diagram again!

you know TA hates those dots!


That diagram is the stupidest, most inaccurate thing I've seen since those fortune-telling eight balls!!!


'fear the dots', TA!!!


It probably makes him mad because Kerry is not listed far enough to the left. If that is true, then the dots are inaccurate. :lol::lol::lol:

I've told you twice why I don't like them!

Yes, CT, I FEAR the dots!!! I have nightmares about them, OK?!? :)

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