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Enrique arrested at Jerrell Powe's


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Davis arrested Sunday

21 April 2009 562 views No Comment

By Jason Smith

Sports Editor

Rising sophomore Enrique Davis was arrested at the Exchange early Sunday morning while at a party at Jerrell Powe’s apartment. Powe, a junior, received a citation for a noise violation.

According to the police report, officers were dispatched to the Exchange following a noise complaint where a Hummer was driving around the parking lot sounding its horn. Upon arrival, loud music was heard coming from the second floor of Powe’s apartment building.

The officer approached Powe and took his identification. On the way back to his patrol vehicle, a young black male, later identified as Enrique Davis, made a comment that the officer could not understand, the report said.

The officer requested Davis hand over his identification, but Davis looked at the officer with a “shunning face,” according to the report.

The report said the officer then requested Davis’ identification several more times and Davis started to walk towards the stairwell and gave the officer a “crazy face” when confronted about walking away. The officer grabbed Davis’ left elbow to stop him, but Davis pulled away from the officer, who then put him up against the stairwell and placed him in custody for disorderly conduct and failure to comply, the report said.

Once Officer Zachary White had placed Davis into the patrol car, he returned to address the noise violation concerning Powe. According to the report, while White wrote the citation for a noise violation, Powe said, “Zachary White, I got you. I’ll remember that.”

White asked if Powe would read the bottom of the citation and sign it to ensure he would show up in court, but Powe stated he could not read and would not sign, the report said.

The officer informed Powe that he did not need to sign and he would issue the citation regardless. Powe finally read the citation information and signed and was released afterwards.

Davis rushed for 244 yards last season and three touchdowns as a true freshman. Davis tallied 17 yards on five carries in the spring game. Davis is competing with Devin Thomas and Cordera Eason for the backup role to rising sophomore Brandon Bolden in the backfield.

Powe made his long awaited debut last season and finished the season with eight tackles, 3.5 for loss and one interception on the year.

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Im not sure that was really anything so bad.

Davis made a comment the officer couldn't understand then the officer harrassed the kid demanding ID from a bystander for speaking.

Then the officer grabbed him and the kid pulled away.

Not sure there was really any need to engage with Davis at all but in the end the kid failed to follow the instructions of the officer and deserves the results. My question overall is why the officer found a need to try to detain Davis who was walking into the area of a noise complaint. He wasn't initially present so his compliance in the event shouldn't have been in question.

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... Not sure there was really any need to engage with Davis at all but in the end the kid failed to follow the instructions of the officer and deserves the results. My question overall is why the officer found a need to try to detain Davis who was walking into the area of a noise complaint. He wasn't initially present so his compliance in the event shouldn't have been in question.

Sure there was. Davis made a "shunning face" at the officer, and then followed that up with a "crazy face." You just don't do that to a police officer. That's completely over the line in MS.

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White asked if Powe would read the bottom of the citation and sign it to ensure he would show up in court, but Powe stated he could not read and would not sign, the report said.

This is why Powe wasn't arrested I guess...lying to the officer would have made things worse in a situation like this.

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Sounds like a couple of officers were looking for something to do. This is a bit ridiculous. It's like an umpire ejecting a guy for arguing balls/strikes as he walks back to the dugout.

On a more positive note, I'm glad to see that Nutt is continuing his tradition of having star running backs in trouble with the law.

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Davis probably acted like a tool, but this won't stand up. What did the officer have suspicion of? Davis had the right to say nothing, and there's no indication that the officers thought their was any "foul play" at the party. No drugs. No fights. There aren't even reports of drinking or any arrests for underage drinking. Did Davis have an attitude problem? Most likely. But the officer had no reason to arrest him.

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Was it Powe that tried twice to get into Auburn (and seriously couldn't read). Then he miraculously qualified at Ole Miss. Or am I thinking of someone else?

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Was it Powe that tried twice to get into Auburn (and seriously couldn't read). Then he miraculously qualified at Ole Miss. Or am I thinking of someone else?

Powe and Davis both tried two or three times to get into AU. Then on the last try AU changed coaches and Davis signed with Ole Miss.

OK, I have to ask what the hell is a "shunning face"?

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Powe was considered a heavy AU lean at one point but committed to OM out of HS. Enrique went to OM after we hired Franklin.

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Sorry when a police officer has to write in the report that he gave him a crazy face and a shunning look then there isn't much there IMO.

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I'm not sure we lost much there.

Ronald Reagan has civil discourse with Mohmar Kadafi...gotta love it. :)

"As a side note: I don’t know if any of you are old enough to recall a man named Mohmar Kadafi the Libyan Dictator.

While Regan was president it was determined that that Kadfii had killed a US servicemen in a Berlin disco bombing and that Kadafi might be behind the Locker bee TWA airplane bombing. Reagan’s response was decisive, quick despite worldwide condemnation he bombed Kadafi’s house! France would not even allow US planes to land for refueling. Reagan did not submit months or proof to the UN and begin begging for Worldwide support for action to stem the escalating tide of terror against the US he acted UNILATERLY.

To this day we have never had another single instance of terror from that man or regime! "


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Sorry when a police officer has to write in the report that he gave him a crazy face and a shunning look then there isn't much there IMO.

Sorry gang but if a police officer asks for you ID, give it to him. Don't be a tool be respectful of the badge and the position, be honest and truthful, and you will find that things are much simpler. If you have something to hide being nice will 9 times out of 10 get you a pass.

If this is considered weak for some reason thny you need to grow up. Who was driving/owns the Hummer?

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I'm not sure we lost much there.

Ronald Reagan has civil discourse with Mohmar Kadafi...gotta love it. :)

"As a side note: I don’t know if any of you are old enough to recall a man named Mohmar Kadafi the Libyan Dictator.

While Regan was president it was determined that that Kadfii had killed a US servicemen in a Berlin disco bombing and that Kadafi might be behind the Locker bee TWA airplane bombing. Reagan’s response was decisive, quick despite worldwide condemnation he bombed Kadafi’s house! France would not even allow US planes to land for refueling. Reagan did not submit months or proof to the UN and begin begging for Worldwide support for action to stem the escalating tide of terror against the US he acted UNILATERLY.

To this day we have never had another single instance of terror from that man or regime! "



Maybe I am missing why this has any relevancy to the current topic. Did you happen to hit reply to the wrong thread?

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Sorry when a police officer has to write in the report that he gave him a crazy face and a shunning look then there isn't much there IMO.

Sorry gang but if a police officer asks for you ID, give it to him. Don't be a tool be respectful of the badge and the position, be honest and truthful, and you will find that things are much simpler. If you have something to hide being nice will 9 times out of 10 get you a pass.

If this is considered weak for some reason thny you need to grow up. Who was driving/owns the Hummer?

I agree, but when I was 18-21 in college I was taken to jail on a couple of occasions because of my smart mouth. My point is, these guys are kids and that's the way kids act. I just wish I could of perfected my "mean face" so well that it was mentioned! lol

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Sounds like we didn't lose much in either kid with regard to attitude and conduct. Oh yea, I wonder who paid for the hummer? :thumbsdown:

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Sounds like we didn't lose much in either kid with regard to attitude and conduct. Oh yea, I wonder who paid for the hummer? :thumbsdown:

Somebody that was previously employed by Ole Miss did a great Hummer commercial...I forget who.

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Was it Powe that tried twice to get into Auburn (and seriously couldn't read). Then he miraculously qualified at Ole Miss. Or am I thinking of someone else?

Powe and Davis both tried two or three times to get into AU. Then on the last try AU changed coaches and Davis signed with Ole Miss.

OK, I have to ask what the hell is a "shunning face"?

shunning - 3 dictionary results


   /ʃʌn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [shuhn] Show IPA

–verb (used with object), shunned, shun⋅ning.

to keep away from (a place, person, object, etc.), from motives of dislike, caution, etc.; take pains to avoid.


bef. 950; ME shunen, OE scunian to avoid, fear

Related forms:

shun⋅na⋅ble, adjective

shunner, noun


evade, eschew.



You know. It's that look. :rolleyes:

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Who was it that left Auburn because they felt the weren't getting the academic help they needed. My memory is fuzzy, but I think he dropped out, but ended up at Ole Miss. I think I remember the mom got involved and tried to make it look like Auburn didn't support him as well as they should have. Did I dream this...

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the officer had every right to ask the kid for his ID. Anyone that sneers at a police officer obviously has a sense of disdainment towards the law and that is enough grounds to at least take the kids ID and run it to check for any warrants. All he had to do was hand over his ID and let them run the check and he'd have slept in his own bed that night. They're 18 - 22 years old...that's old enough to respect authority. That argument is thrown out there all the time..."they're just kids, they're just kids" They aren't just kids, they're adults who in most cases are out on their own for the first time and the judgement might be a little off at times, but definitely not grounds to excuse being disrespectful to a symbol of authority. They at least know better than that. The police officers were doing their jobs. If Davis had been dealing drugs and later on that evening ended up shooting someone or getting shot --- or being involved in something that gets a cop shot and killed. Police officers have to think about these things...they deal with the lowest scum on a regular basis. I dont think they should assume that every individual they encounter is going to be that way, but when they're at a party (not exactly the classiest place to be in town at the time) they have every right to take a closer look at any of those involved. If they dont comply...take 'em in.

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From my personal experience, here's advice that has worked for me:

Always be respectful to officers of the law. I have been stopped many times for traffic violations (mostly speeding), and once was stopped for vandalism (I was a teenager). Oh, I received the tickets which I always deserved. But the Birmingham policemen gave me a chance to pay the place of business I helped vandalized without jailing or charging me. I was at the pob early the next morning when they opened.

Show respect if you expect any in return.

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