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Welcome to UNC Gomorrah

Jenny AU-92

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Yes - came from Townhall - but SURELY even you libbies might be a little annoyed at this, even if the aggrieved party is the Campus Republican club. This is a little over the top...

Welcome to UNC Gomorrah

Mike S. Adams

March 1, 2004

Warning:  This column contains content that may be objectionable to some readers.

The UNC-Greensboro (UNCG) College Republicans recently invited me to their campus to speak on the topic of political correctness. Like all of my other speeches, I arrived about an hour early and thus had a chance to explore the UNCG campus. In fact, I was so early I had enough time to read the last two editions of their student newspaper, The Carolinian.

Like many college student newspapers, much of the writing focused on mundane subjects of little interest to those who have matured beyond their college years. And like many student papers, there was a lot of focus on sex.  One column, written under the heading "Token Vagina" encouraged promiscuity while lamenting the need of some to keep track of the number of people with whom they have had sex. Another article presented a truly diverse perspective on sex by focusing solely on masturbation.

The article that really caught my attention was about anal sex. It told how Tristan Taormino, author of "The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women," recently spoke at the university. Taormino is a porn star and director who refers to herself as "the poster girl for anal sex." Her speech was co-sponsored by the Office of Student Life and the UNCG Wellness Center.  That means that the North Carolina taxpayers actually paid to promote pornography and anal sex all in the name of "wellness" and "diversity."

After browsing the student newspaper, I met the officers of the UNCG College Republicans (CRs). Before I spoke, they shared some of their frustrations in trying to get conservative speakers and programs funded on their campus. They sincerely wanted to present an alternative to the university's one-sided approach to diversity but they had not yet been successful.

While talking to the officers, I learned that UNCG is presenting its annual Gay Pride Week in March. Among the many highlights of this special week are a "drag queen day" and a "gay prom." The university directly funds some of these events. Others are funded by private sources after employees paid by the university have initiated them using various university resources. None are completely free from taxpayer expense.

In response, the CRs recently tried to organize a Morals Week to coincide with Gay Pride Week. When they tried to get equal funding and support, the university turned them down saying that they wouldn't fund anything having to do with "morals."

To make matters worse, they have also said that they will not fund "conservative" speakers. I learned after my speech that the CRs were stuck with paying the bill for my hotel room. A university that has no problem paying for porn stars promoting anal sex will not pay any expenses for conservative speakers because they are simply too offensive.

To add insult to injury, the CRs were removed from a room that they had reserved for my speech only minutes before the speech began. We were all ushered into a smaller room cluttered with tables that made it difficult for the audience to listen to my speech. This was the fourth consecutive week that the CRs were bumped out of a room they had specifically reserved.

A week after my speech, the CRs wrote me a letter indicating that are going to fight the efforts of the university to censor their views by proceeding with Morals Week.  In fact, they sent me an overview of events they plan to host, which are centered around the following daily themes:

Monday: Morals Week Kickoff

Tuesday: American Pride Day

Wednesday: No Hump Day (Abstinence Day)

Thursday: Right to Life Day

Friday: Wrap Up (with a speech at the Student Union Auditorium by Mike Adams).

If the university refuses to fund any of these events, they will need support from the legal community. For that purpose, the CRs can be contacted at gop@uncg.edu .

Before the day is over, I plan to write to the UNCG Development Office to ask why people should donate to a university that funds pornographic speech while suppressing the speech of conservatives. For that purpose, I will use the following contact information:

1100 W. Market Street

PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC  27402-6170

Phone: 336-334-5677 (Toll free: 1-877-641-8276)

Fax: 336-334-5319

We all need to send a message to our irresponsible and corrupt educational leaders.  That message is that our great country was not founded on the philosophy of moral relativism.  The College Republicans at UNCG understand that. They need our support.

Mike S. Adams can be contacted at www.DrAdams.org.

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And once again I say...where is the hue and cry from the left when this kind of stuff happens everyday on college campuses across America? They've practically shredded vocal cords over the PATRIOT Act and this kind of stuff happens and we get....crickets.

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Well, I am very surprised that this kind of stuff is going on. These are the same types of universities that complain about federal and state funding and how they have to cut this program or that program, and then they spend money on speakers like porn stars!!

That being said, I do agree that if you give one group money to do stuff like that, equal amounts of money should be spent on groups with opposing viewpoints.

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Well, I am very surprised that this kind of stuff is going on. These are the same types of universities that complain about federal and state funding and how they have to cut this program or that program, and then they spend money on speakers like porn stars!!

That being said, I do agree that if you give one group money to do stuff like that, equal amounts of money should be spent on groups with opposing viewpoints.

You are "surprised". You seem to be up on anything that has to do with liberal rights, but you are "surprised" at this. We have been posting this type of thing all over this board for a year now. Conservatives on college campuses get treated like dirt. But you are "surprised" to hear it now.

I just thank you for finally listening and acknowlegding that it goes on.

TA and donutjob still haven't heard it.

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You can't just be happy with the fact that I agree!! :D Wow! Talk about a darned if I do darned if I don't situation!

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Well, I am very surprised that this kind of stuff is going on.  These are the same types of universities that complain about federal and state funding and how they have to cut this program or that program, and then they spend money on speakers like porn stars!!

That being said, I do agree that if you give one group money to do stuff like that, equal amounts of money should be spent on groups with opposing viewpoints.

You are "surprised". You seem to be up on anything that has to do with liberal rights, but you are "surprised" at this. We have been posting this type of thing all over this board for a year now. Conservatives on college campuses get treated like dirt. But you are "surprised" to hear it now.

I just thank you for finally listening and acknowlegding that it goes on.

TA and donutjob still haven't heard it.

Actually, you're wrong. Shall I provide you with the links and force you to remove your foot from your mouth or would you like to quietly slip to the background to do it?

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Well, I am very surprised that this kind of stuff is going on.  These are the same types of universities that complain about federal and state funding and how they have to cut this program or that program, and then they spend money on speakers like porn stars!!

That being said, I do agree that if you give one group money to do stuff like that, equal amounts of money should be spent on groups with opposing viewpoints.

You are "surprised". You seem to be up on anything that has to do with liberal rights, but you are "surprised" at this. We have been posting this type of thing all over this board for a year now. Conservatives on college campuses get treated like dirt. But you are "surprised" to hear it now.

I just thank you for finally listening and acknowlegding that it goes on.

TA and donutjob still haven't heard it.

Actually, you're wrong. Shall I provide you with the links and force you to remove your foot from your mouth or would you like to quietly slip to the background to do it?

Links please!

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Well, this happened at a state university of North Carolina. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Republicans are in control in their state capitol. Since this is a state university, if there has been some wrong committed here, I believe an appropriate remedy can be found in the political process of the state of North Carolina. After all, they do have final say over what happens in their state universities. If the people of NC object to this, they have the power to make a change.

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You can't just be happy with the fact that I agree!! :D Wow! Talk about a darned if I do darned if I don't situation!

It was less of a rant against you as it was against your fellow liberals. I was just surprised by your use of the word "surprised." ;)

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You can't just be happy with the fact that I agree!! :D  Wow!  Talk about a darned if I do darned if I don't situation!

It was less of a rant against you as it was against your fellow liberals. I was just surprised by your use of the word "surprised." ;)

How's your foot?

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You can't just be happy with the fact that I agree!! :D   Wow!  Talk about a darned if I do darned if I don't situation!

It was less of a rant against you as it was against your fellow liberals. I was just surprised by your use of the word "surprised." ;)

How's your foot?

More links please. All I saw was a link to a thread about links! :huh: :gofig:

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You can't just be happy with the fact that I agree!! :D   Wow!  Talk about a darned if I do darned if I don't situation!

It was less of a rant against you as it was against your fellow liberals. I was just surprised by your use of the word "surprised." ;)

How's your foot?

More links please. All I saw was a link to a thread about links! :huh: :gofig:

Yeah, that's what I thought.

O.K., I'll take a crack at it! This seems like an easy slam-dunk in favor of the College Republicans. I think we sometimes go too far in trying to be all-inclusive. Healthy exclusion is o.k. The key word there is "healthy." For example, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, College Republicans, Black Democratic Caucus. There are some instances where you have a group or organization that has an inherent identity that by its' nature will be exclusionary. I think that's alright to a point.

It's when you start excluding for reasons that aren't healthy or inherent to that groups identity that I think you get into the territory of discrimination. For instance, if the College Republicans were excluding Black republicans because of their race, that would be wrong. Unless it was the White College Republicans, in which case, I don't know why a black GOP'er would want to join anyway!

While I think that it's possible that the CR's may be flooded with Young Democrats, it doesn't seem too probable. But, if they don't want differing idealogy involved in that groups meetings and functions, I can understand that.

I think the clauses in the constitution could be amended in some way and still uphold the spirit of preventing unacceptable discrimination, which is its' intent anyway.

Just keep it healthy!!!

Link for the mentally challenged one.

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I said TA and donutjob. This only accounts for TA? Aren't you going to defend the honor of you libbie buddy?

And you forgot to say you were surprised. Can't you follow protocol? You are gonna lose your black card...uh I mean your wefare card...uh I mean your demon card....

Well, keep it up and you'll lose something!

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