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Unreal sports media bias.


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I find it seriously annoying to listen to sports radio in alabama. The pro Bamma lean radio in this town is insane. I listen to an FM broadcast in the afternoon thats all Auburn but the rest of the day its like pulling teeth to get anything Auburn.

Shows in Montgomery always have a huge pro Bammer and the other side of the radio is a guy who is a beat writer for a 3rd school like Troy (Barry Mcknight) or Alabama State (Josh Moon) and they passive aggressively play the Auburn perspective.

By the afternoon when the Fjerk makes his way to the radio I am already annoyed.

Why is it so difficult for an equal representation by an Auburn Alum broadcaster or just an Auburn centric show?

Its frigging rediculous. :puke:

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I find it seriously annoying to listen to sports radio in alabama. The pro Bamma lean radio in this town is insane. I listen to an FM broadcast in the afternoon thats all Auburn but the rest of the day its like pulling teeth to get anything Auburn.

Shows in Montgomery always have a huge pro Bammer and the other side of the radio is a guy who is a beat writer for a 3rd school like Troy (Barry Mcknight) or Alabama State (Josh Moon) and they passive aggressively play the Auburn perspective.

By the afternoon when the Fjerk makes his way to the radio I am already annoyed.

Why is it so difficult for an equal representation by an Auburn Alum broadcaster or just an Auburn centric show?

Its frigging rediculous. :puke:

try ITAT radio. If you're near a computer, it's totally worth a listen.


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At least it isn't as bad as the blatant bias of the Huntsville Times. They have a picture of Saban on the sports page every day or every other day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shug and the Bahr were micocosms of their schools. Bama fans (like that hick in wolfs clothing Bahr) are not the least bit ashamed of looking like their whole life is spent thwarting criticism of Bama while AU fans (like the more nuanced Shug) acknowledge we have some fans like that...but we don't muster an army to scream at & boycott any media criticizing our school.

Can you imagine what the avg Bammer would have done to the sponsoring TV station if Ray Perkins or Curry hammered Bama like tator tot slammed AU?

When you ask most of the actual personalities in the ala. state media if they grew up a Bama or AU fan, you'd be hard pressed to find an AU fan older than 50.

So WHY would radio, TV, etc in ala. even pretend to be objective under that scenario?

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I find it seriously annoying to listen to sports radio in alabama. The pro Bamma lean radio in this town is insane. I listen to an FM broadcast in the afternoon thats all Auburn but the rest of the day its like pulling teeth to get anything Auburn.

Shows in Montgomery always have a huge pro Bammer and the other side of the radio is a guy who is a beat writer for a 3rd school like Troy (Barry Mcknight) or Alabama State (Josh Moon) and they passive aggressively play the Auburn perspective.

By the afternoon when the Fjerk makes his way to the radio I am already annoyed.

Why is it so difficult for an equal representation by an Auburn Alum broadcaster or just an Auburn centric show?

Its frigging rediculous. :puke:

I feel that I have to correct you in one respect. Barry McKnight may do the play-by-play for Troy, but he is an Auburn fan also. He works out of the Auburn studio on that show (John and Barry on 740 am in the morning). He also lives in Auburn. Just because he does not disagree with everything John, an Alabama fan, says, (I sometimes agree with John, myself), that does not make him passive agressive. No, he does not say that all is wonderful about everything Auburn does. If he sees something out of kilter (JJ maybe?) he will call us on it. And Josh Moon just doesn't like anything anybody does. No way he is passive agressive. He is just a jerk, but he is an equal opportunity jerk. He doesn't like anybody.

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Lets just face it guys.....we're never going to get equal treatment by the media in this state. It's a sad and infuriating fact! The media in the state want us to do good.........just not too good. That means beating the bammers. It's tandamount to sodomy in football........it's unnatural. to them.As Coach Jordan once said, we have to wring respect out of their hides! However, having said that, the leadership at Auburn (Jacobs, Housel and Lowder) have never shown the bold, aggressive moves necessary to get and hold national attention. Our best shot was the middle years of Pat Dye's program as well as the heyday of Tommy Tuberville. TT had a chance to go for the juglar so to speak and didn't take advantage of it. That just might have been the best chance we'll have in my lifetime and I hope it isn't so. No matter what some say, the stadium should be expanded NOW due to people needing jobs and the certainty of future inflation and higher interst rates. We need to plan for the future of Auburn football and be aggressive in doing it. The same goes for recruiting. I believe things will improve under Chizik but we need Auburn people to help him (within the rules) and get this program back to where it needs to be. JMHO

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80% of the state of Alabama's population are Bama fans. 60% of that 80% couldn't find Tuscaloosa on a map. The media is playing to a large, dumb, predictable fan base.

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You'd think as close to AU as Montgomery is taht there would be some sort of station playing to the fanbase

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Once again my point is proven about why the younger generation of fans can't understand why us older guys hate bammer so much. You think it's been bad the past few weeks/months, try doing it for 30 years and 10 times worse than it is now, and then get back to me.

I just shake my head when somebody says that "beating Alabama doesn't matter" and that the IB should not be the most important game.

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You'd think as close to AU as Montgomery is taht there would be some sort of station playing to the fanbase

What about the TV station in Montgomery? When I lived in south Alabama, that station did nothing but talk about Auburn. When Bama won the iron bowl, they only talked about it on Saturday, but when Auburn won, they showed clips for the next 2 weeks.

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You'd think as close to AU as Montgomery is taht there would be some sort of station playing to the fanbase

What about the TV station in Montgomery? When I lived in south Alabama, that station did nothing but talk about Auburn. When Bama won the iron bowl, they only talked about it on Saturday, but when Auburn won, they showed clips for the next 2 weeks.

Are you talking about WSFA? From what I understand they use to be a lot more pro Auburn when Phil Snow was at the station. (He hosted the Auburn Football Review for many years.) I think he retired around 2003 and since then the station has become pro Alabama with the likes of Jeff Shearer.
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You'd think as close to AU as Montgomery is taht there would be some sort of station playing to the fanbase

What about the TV station in Montgomery? When I lived in south Alabama, that station did nothing but talk about Auburn. When Bama won the iron bowl, they only talked about it on Saturday, but when Auburn won, they showed clips for the next 2 weeks.

Are you talking about WSFA? From what I understand they use to be a lot more pro Auburn when Phil Snow was at the station. (He hosted the Auburn Football Review for many years.) I think he retired around 2003 and since then the station has become pro Alabama with the likes of Jeff Shearer.

Didn't know that. I always thought Montgomery was an Auburn town. We don't get much news about Montgomery here in Tuscaloosa, don't know why but we just don't. I'm also a big Troy fan, and we receive no news about them.

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I find it hard to understand how anyone living in or around Montgomery is just now learning that John Longshore is an asshat, douchebag.

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