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NCAA investigating USC


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NCAA said combining USC probesComment Email Print Share ESPN.com news services

The NCAA has combined its investigations of two former USC star athletes into a single probe of the Trojans' athletic program, the Los Angeles Times reported.

In separate investigations, the NCAA has been looking into allegations that Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush and NBA lottery pick O.J. Mayo both received improper benefits while at USC.

The attorneys for Louis Johnson, a former associate of Mayo, said that in a meeting with a Pacific 10 Conference executive, they were told that the NCAA had combined the two probes into a larger investigation of whether USC had shown a lack of institutional control, according to the Times.

"It makes sense," attorney Anthony V. Salerno said, according to the Times. "The NCAA looks at the program as a whole, and you may be talking about systemic problems in these cases of payments by agents. Yes, these were different teams and coaches. Rather than do it piecemeal, look at the institution."

Salerno and David Murphy represent Johnson, a former associate of Mayo and Rodney Guillory, who Johnson says received more than $200,000 in cash and gifts from a representative of the BDA Sports Management agency and passed along some of those gifts to Mayo.

Bush is alleged to have accepted thousands of dollars in benefits for himself and his family in the form of rent owed on a home owned by would-be sports marketer.

Both athletes have said they did nothing wrong.

The NCAA and a Pac-10 investigator declined to comment, while Pac-10 commissioner Tom Hanson could not be reached for comment, the Times reported.

USC basketball coach Tim Floyd said he hasn't talked to the NCAA since May and has "never, ever heard" that the investigations were being combined, the Times reported. Football coach Pete Carroll could not be reached for comment, according to the report.

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NCAA is is lining up for a check, and check mate with Bama and USC.

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Its about time. If this was anyone in SEC it would have been long over by now and program in the dark ages.

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I used to have a theory that the NCAA focused on one conference for several years and straightened them out as they moved on to the next. They started with the SWC. Then moved to the SEC. Theory was shattered by the fact that they never moved on from the SEC. ;)

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

At least you won't be suprised with the outcome. Unless they pick diabolical option #101!!!!!

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

The problem the NCAA faced with the Busch case was all of their evidence being agent related. They had to wait for more info to tie it back to USC. Whereas Bama’s is all booster related. Rumor has it of course. B)

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

The problem the NCAA faced with the Busch case was all of their evidence being agent related. They had to wait for more info to tie it back to USC. Whereas Bama’s is all booster related. Rumor has it of course. B)

Busch-nascar, Bush-football. What is the difference between an agent or a booster? The student athlete is not suppose to get benefits from anyone, but I guess it doesn't matter if you are USC. They may get a slap on the butt.

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

I think the NCAA is tired of being seen as a paper tiger. You may see some teams get hit soon to help change the image.

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

I think the NCAA is tired of being seen as a paper tiger. You may see some teams get hit soon to help change the image.

The skeptic in me says the NCAA stands to make more money with USC and Alabama getting headlines, but I don't really like the skeptic in me.

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The NCAA also faces the reality that they have to have solid facts to back up their accusations. Any college can sue the NCAA and require them to prove the facts of their claims.

All the money thats involved in college sports today creates an air of entitlement by colleges. If they feel their revenue stream will be negatively impacted due to improper sanctions they can take the fight to a higher court.

NCAA in cahoots with the BCS is in a really bad spot right now. Tons to lose little to gain.

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

The problem the NCAA faced with the Busch case was all of their evidence being agent related. They had to wait for more info to tie it back to USC. Whereas Bama’s is all booster related. Rumor has it of course. B)

Busch-nascar, Bush-football. What is the difference between an agent or a booster? The student athlete is not suppose to get benefits from anyone, but I guess it doesn't matter if you are USC. They may get a slap on the butt.

How could they accuse USC of "lack of institutional control" when they had no info to tie it back to them?

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

The problem the NCAA faced with the Busch case was all of their evidence being agent related. They had to wait for more info to tie it back to USC. Whereas Bama’s is all booster related. Rumor has it of course. B)

Busch-nascar, Bush-football. What is the difference between an agent or a booster? The student athlete is not suppose to get benefits from anyone, but I guess it doesn't matter if you are USC. They may get a slap on the butt.

How could they accuse USC of "lack of institutional control" when they had no info to tie it back to them?

None of us on this board knows what the ncaa knows or don't know. Only time will tell.

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Does anyone really think USC is going to get nailed? Keep dreaming. If all of that crap is true, im sure they (NCAA) would find a reason to look away. They have been talking about this stuff at USC for what 2 years now? I dont know, I dont see anything happening. As for Bama, who knows. Im not sure what to believe, I have heard a 100 different things about the situation.

At least you won't be suprised with the outcome. Unless they pick diabolical option #101!!!!!

Wouldnt surprise me if something completely different happend compaired to what everyone else here thinks. Whatever, its all speculation up to this point.

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uat's fall will make USC's look like a panty raid @ uga.

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