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US Factories at 20 year high

DKW 86

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"It appears that the manufacturing sector has sustainable momentum at this point," said Norbert Ore, ISM's manufacturing survey director.

I realize the Al & the democrats will say this is bad news, but how is it? :rolleyes:

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"It appears that the manufacturing sector has sustainable momentum at this point," said Norbert Ore, ISM's manufacturing survey director.

I realize the Al & the democrats will say this is bad news, but how is it? :rolleyes:

The problem as they see it is, that production is up but jobs aren't up. Most american comanies took the downswing to cut the fat out of their companies. Now they are reluctant to just trow jobs at pepole when they know that they can run just as efficient without them. That's called business. And companies would prefer to run more efficiently. But according to the Dems, they should hire everyone back, even if they don't need them.

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"It appears that the manufacturing sector has sustainable momentum at this point," said Norbert Ore, ISM's manufacturing survey director.

I realize the Al & the democrats will say this is bad news, but how is it? :rolleyes:

The problem as they see it is, that production is up but jobs aren't up. Most american comanies took the downswing to cut the fat out of their companies. Now they are reluctant to just trow jobs at pepole when they know that they can run just as efficient without them. That's called business. And companies would prefer to run more efficiently. But according to the Dems, they should hire everyone back, even if they don't need them.

In other words the dems think business should be run like the government! Now I understand. :D

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I read in something the a couple of weeks ago, while I was overseas, and it talked about the employment rate. It stated that people starting their own businesses was up the highest in 15 years. The article talked about how unemployment figures will count those that quit or loss their job, but does not take into account those that started their own business after losing their job.

The unemployment rate is going down and production is up. GNP is up and the stock market is recovering. We can't expect any President to stop all job losses and plant closings, but the liberals will try to tell you they can. Some things are out of the President's hands. All he can do is introduce economic measures to help offset all those problems and seeing how the economy is looking better every day, I would say Bush has did everything in his power he could do and he has did it the right way. Of course, the mainstream liberal media would like for you to think that the economy is heading in the wrong direction.

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We can't expect any President to stop all job losses and plant closings, but the liberals will try to tell you they can.

Mr. Kerry and the rest of the dems harp on how bad the tax cuts were that President Bush and the congress passed (dems included) and Mr. Kerry says he will turn back the tax cuts. If he is elected and does turn back the tax cuts wouldn't that be a tax increase? What would a tax increase do to the economy? Would people be so grateful to Mr. Kerry that the economy would take off like a rocket or would it send it into a tail spin?

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