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Hate speech from the democrats


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If the roles were reversed and this were a republican speaking and acting like this, it would be considered hate speech and he/she would be branded a racist.

Posted on Wed, Feb. 25, 2004


Brown rips into Bush administration official


Associated Press

MIAMI - U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown verbally attacked a top Bush administration official during a briefing on the Haiti crisis Wednesday, calling the President's policy on the beleaguered nation "racist" and his representatives "a bunch of white men."

Her outburst was directed at Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega during a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill. Noriega, a Mexican-American, is the State Department's top official for Latin America.

"I think it was an emotional response of her frustration with the administration," said David Simon, a spokesman for the Jacksonville Democrat. He noted that Brown, who is black, is "very passionate about Haiti."

Brown sat directly across the table from Noriega and yelled into a microphone. Her comments sent a hush over the hourlong meeting, which was attended by about 30 people, including several members of Congress and Bush administration officials.

Noriega later told Brown: "As a Mexican-American, I deeply resent being called a racist and branded a white man," according to three participants.

Brown then told him "you all look alike to me," the participants said.

During the meeting, Brown criticized the administration's response to the escalating violence in Haiti, where rebels opposing President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's government have seized control of large parts of the country.

After her comments about white men, Noriega said he would "relay that to (Secretary of State) Colin Powell and (national security adviser) Condoleezza Rice the next time I run into them," participants said. Powell and Rice are black.

A State department spokesman did not return a phone message.

U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach, who organized the meeting, called the comments "disappointing."

"To sit there and browbeat this man who is a Mexican-American and call him names, it was inappropriate," Foley said.

Brown has criticized the detention of Haitian migrants fleeing their country and the freezing of millions of dollars in aid over flawed 2000 legislative elections in the impoverished Caribbean nation. In a statement Wednesday, she made parallels to the disputed 2000 election in Florida.

"It simply mystifies me how President Bush, a president who was selected by the Supreme Court under more than questionable circumstances (in my district alone 27,000 votes were thrown out), is telling another country that their elections were not fair and that they are therefore undeserving of aid or international recognition," Brown said.

Participants at the meeting included eight members of Florida's congressional delegation, U.S. Reps. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., and Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; John Maisto, U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States, and Adolfo Franco, an assistant administrator with the U.S. Agency for International Development.


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I'm beyond ready for some of these left-wing racists to get their comeuppance on the name calling and race baiting they do. You're right, if it had been a white person telling a black or Hispanic, "you all look alike to me", they'd demand a public apology and probably move to have them removed from office. Hypocrites.

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she's yet another whiner that and cannot think of an intelligent response to the issue, so she has to resort to name calling.

she is marginalizing herself and will soon drift off to obscurity along w/ all the other people who's names we all tend to forget.


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she's yet another whiner that and cannot think of an intelligent response to the issue, so she has to resort to name calling.

she is marginalizing herself and will soon drift off to obscurity along w/ all the other people who's names we all tend to forget.


CT, you just described almost every Democrat I know.

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Just remember, we can't question anything a liberal says or does.

If you question kerry's voting record while in in the Senate, well, according to him, you have questioned his patriotism..............

Give me a break.....Anybody want to explain this one for me? :angry::rolleyes:<_<

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BTW, this woman gave one of those lame "I'm sorry if what I said was misconstrued..." nonapology apologies.

In other words, "I'm sorry you called me on something I'm not adult enough to freely admit, recant, and truly apologize for. I'm not sorry that I offended you with my blatantly racist and intolerant comments. But I'm sorry you took offense." :roll:

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"It simply mystifies me how President Bush, a president who was selected by the Supreme Court under more than questionable circumstances (in my district alone 27,000 votes were thrown out), is telling another country that their elections were not fair and that they are therefore undeserving of aid or international recognition," Brown said.

More Fla. Ballots Said Disqualified


Published: 11-11-00

.c The Associated Press

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - About 26,000 ballots with more than one presidential candidate or no candidate marked were disqualified in Duval County and never counted, election officials said Saturday.

Duval County is as solidly Republican as Palm Beach County is Democratic. Texas Gov. George W. Bush carried Duval County by more than 44,000 votes. Officials said there was no way to know how the nullified ballots affected the race between Bush and Vice President Al Gore.

This lady is FULL of it. Of those 27,000 disqualified votes she mentions, 26,000 were in Duvall county; the majority in a manual re-count would most certainly have gone to Bush. Al Gore did NOT request a manual re-count in Duvall county because he did not want to include any counties that were majority Bush!!

EVERYONE in the media, and the Democrats especially, have missed from the beginning that the only one that tried to steal the election in Florida was Al Gore, by his request to re-count ONLY those heavily Democratic counties; and don't forget he tried like hell to exclude those military absentee ballots. And don't forget the national media 'calling' Florida for Al Gore before the polls closed in northwest Florida. Of all the lies perpetrated by the Democrats in their long political history, 'Bush stealing Florida' is the biggest.

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algore will look good compared to kerry.

kerry is a liberal's liberal.

Probably the most liberal democrat in the country.

THIS campaign will be a TON of FUN ! ! ! ! ! :D

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