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Sad story on 2010 AU prospect


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my bad........... iI guess i'm guilty of bad reading and assumption but i thought cameras on cop cars were pretty standard these days.

There's a whole lot of "assuming" going on in this thread. A lot of people are willing to hang a guy they don't know based on facts they don't know that dealt with a guy they don't know doing things they don't know told by people they don't know talking about things they don't knowm for profit.

There's a whole lot of don't knows based on news reports. Really accurate, since the only guy that does know can't say much.

I could demolish the story line by line, but I have a life to live. You want to hate on the cops....whatever.

Racism and murder sell news. Don't be such sheep.

If you read my post you would see that I was merely making a statement that he could have very easily shot himself with the shotgun. I also said that their was a whole lot of holes in the story. I don't know what happened nor will I presume to know. What I do know is that in certain areas of the south, especially in Mississippi incidents similar to this are not uncommon. Look what happened in Texas a few years ago. All I am saying is that people who think the days of Mississippi Burning are in the past need to pull their heads out of the sand. Their are certain protocols that police officers are taught to go by and obviously this officer failed to comply with them. Believe me I am tired of hearing the racist card being played every time something happens to a black man just as much as anybody. I just think their are a lot of important questions left unanswered in this case and the family has a right to get the answers. I would assume any parent that was in their situation would be asking the same questions regardless of race.

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Other than news reports, I don't know what happened and I am not going to speculate. But if you were looking for the place that something like what is being implied, (by the family and some posters here) then the Bendale & Lucedale, Mississippi area would be one of your first choices.

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I think he was murdered too. I was in that backwards-ass town talking to relatives over Christmas, and they still use the N-word without reservation Their supposed to christians/holy rollers, but I think there is only one among them that has a pure heart (I though christians weren't supposed to be racists, LOL). Anyway, they say he was on steroids and that casued him to go off. And, they say he committed suicide, but my gut tells me he was murdered. My gut doesn't lie. Hasn't yet.

Does your gut have any good stock tips for us? I need a sure thing.

As a matter of fact it does. Short the Federal Reserve Note and buy gold. Have no Federal Reserve Note back assets and get your money out of the US.

And, I will gander to bet the kid was murdered.

Maybe consider doing what Warren's Buffett is doing, buy CSX and Union Pacific ahead of the curve. A gallon of fuel can transport a railway car over 400 miles. With the probablity of commodity prices rising, due to possible hyperinflation here, I would bet this is a sure thing. I'm thinking of doing the same myself.


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This screams Foul play....

first of all go try and put a shotgun barrel in your mouth, its pretty hard to do

secondly, lets assume he really did want to shoot himself in the mouth with a shotgun.... I would imagine that the shotgun wasnt in the front seat when the Cop pulled him over... so you are telling me a cop wouldnt see someone reaching over in his back seat to grab a shotgun

lastly its rural mississippi.... he is black and was dating a white girl who probably is pretty cute, and the people in town just didnt like that( including the cop that pulled him over)... so he knew he could do this and probably get away with it...

my friends, it is no secret... Racism is alive and well

Somebody's believed too many movies.

No kidding! Society wants to believe the worse though, and entertainment industry has just been the hand that pours the milk!

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C'mon guys... the NAACP ruled out suicide.

Case closed. err... I mean opened. Get with the program!

Yahoo news and the NAACP have declared this a murder. The absence of the window film and dashcam footage seals it for me. You, over there....get some pitchforks. You two guys grab some torches. I'll grab some rope. We'll hang this damned deputy and get some JUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTIIIIIICCCCCEEEE.

Then we'll read the strategically-placed poem "The Chariot".

Don't be such sheep.

The Bonfire of the Vanities would do some good here, if you have the guts to read it and the brains to process it. Or just keep calling for peoples' heads when we have no facts, but many are ready to ruin a guy they don't know over an event they are truly unfamiliar with for another guy they don't know.

What if....everything happened exactly as the deputy said it did? Too implausible? Please.

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where in this thread does it say lets hang the deputy...all i've said is that this incident doesn't make much sense. maybe when the facts come out it will be explained that it was a simple suicide but right now we have the right to our opinion. And my opinion is that there are holes in this story that don't add up. And by the way that doesn't make me a sheep......what makes someone a sheep is blindly following a person or idea without ever questioning it. Also the kid being black has nothing to do with me raising my suspicions. I regret that those who see this as a simple suicide have lumped the rest of us in with the stance of the NAACP. I'll never understand why some people can't disagree with someone else without attacking them for their stance. Example: I don't agree with you so you're a sheep.

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What if....everything happened exactly as the deputy said it did? Too implausible? Please.

Or what if... it didn't? Please try to act what you preach.

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I think he was murdered too. I was in that backwards-ass town talking to relatives over Christmas, and they still use the N-word without reservation. Their supposed to christians/holy rollers, but I think there is only one among them that has a pure heart (I though christians weren't supposed to be racists, LOL). Anyway, they say he was on steroids and that caused him to go off. And, they say he committed suicide, but my gut tells me he was murdered. My gut doesn't lie. Hasn't yet.

Christians - Christ-like

A true Christian, not just a professing one, but one that acts like Christ would not hate and racism is not a part of their vocabulary. They may struggle with issues of racism from the way they were raised, or not at all, but ultimately a true Christian will not be a racist. If they are then they are not Christian. Christians do make mistakes, but they must ask for forgiveness and learn from their failures. Thank goodness God is merciful and full of grace.

This is a sad story.....

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I think he was murdered too. I was in that backwards-ass town talking to relatives over Christmas, and they still use the N-word without reservation. Their supposed to christians/holy rollers, but I think there is only one among them that has a pure heart (I though christians weren't supposed to be racists, LOL). Anyway, they say he was on steroids and that caused him to go off. And, they say he committed suicide, but my gut tells me he was murdered. My gut doesn't lie. Hasn't yet.

Christians - Christ-like

A true Christian, not just a professing one, but one that acts like Christ would not hate and racism is not a part of their vocabulary. They may struggle with issues of racism from the way they were raised, or not at all, but ultimately a true Christian will not be a racist. If they are then they are not Christian. Christians do make mistakes, but they must ask for forgiveness and learn from their failures. Thank goodness God is merciful and full of grace.

This is a sad story.....

AMEN Brother!

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What if....everything happened exactly as the deputy said it did? Too implausible? Please.


But it could be the exact opposite too

I agree that there are always two sides to every story

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