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A Convention Delegate Question


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Does the dem candidate need over 50% of the available delegates to win the nomination?

if so, if kerry continues to fail to receive 50% in the primaries, might he go to the convention w/o the needed # of delegates? or is it expected now that he'll garner more than 50% in the remaining primaries (including the 2 biggies) to get him over the hump?

other than edwards, will the remaining inconsequential candidates not draw enough votes to merit any delegates???


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Does the dem candidate need over 50% of the available delegates to win the nomination?

if so, if kerry continues to fail to receive 50% in the primaries, might he go to the convention w/o the needed # of delegates? or is it expected now that he'll garner more than 50% in the remaining primaries (including the 2 biggies) to get him over the hump?

other than edwards, will the remaining inconsequential candidates not draw enough votes to merit any delegates???


A Democratic candidate must win 2,162 of 4,322 delegates to win the presidential nomination.

National Delegate Count*

Kerry 663

Edwards 199

Dean 185

Clark 71

Sharpton 16

Kucinich 8

Lieberman 8

Gephardt 3

Other 1

*Doesn't include delegates from the primaries held yesterday.

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so kerry already has over 50% of delegates awarded...

it must be that you get 50%+ delegates even w/o winning 50% of the vote in a given state's primary?

seems like i remember some of the pundits talking about a 15% minimum requirement or something like that.


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The real tell is at the convention - the floor roll call vote. If they go thru a roll call and no one single candidate has enough, the wheeling and dealing starts. They will do roll call after roll call until someone has enough to win. Kind of like the Iowa caucus.

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Don't you all think Kerry will have enough by the time of the convention?

Probably - but remember, they are only pledged. Doesn't count "officially" until the convention. Things can happen...

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