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Moby, Bush Haters Attack U.S. Soldier in Iraq


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Moby, Bush Haters Attack U.S. Soldier in Iraq

An American National Guardsman serving in Iraq was castigated for writing a letter supporting President Bush, with one critic suggesting that he did not exist but was a fictional character dreamed up by the administration.

Madsen, in civilian life a Brevard County firefighter, set off a minor firestorm when he wrote to his wife, Rachel, expressing his support of President Bush and his Iraq policy and asking her to share its contents with his veteran friends back home...

And then the Bush haters got into the act.

Someone named Mark Crispin Miller, who orates on things political on his own Web site, quoted "a solid source in Washington" who wrote that Madsen's letter was "an obvious example of military propaganda" that's "pure and simple partisan Republican campaign pitch for votes."

In the wake of that slander Moby (Richard Melville Hall), the activist techno "musician" who is working to defeat President Bush in 2004, also posted Madsen's letter on his Web site.

Moby, 39, told his fans: "In an earlier e-mail, I mentioned fake letters that the Bush administration sent to local newspapers around the U.S. These letters supposedly came from soldiers in Iraq, but the truth is they were generated by the Bush administration. I think you'll agree with me that Bush and his cronies have reached a new low in distasteful and despicable behavior. This letter has made me despise the Bush administration more than I ever thought possible. It is utterly disgusting."

Madsen heard of this and fired back at Moby: "At first, I couldn't believe it," he said. "I was appalled. What was he saying, that a soldier couldn't write a letter like that? I responded with a letter to my wife to forward to him."

Of course Moby has not responded, nor has he posted the letter, nor has he recanted his ridiculous statement regarding a patriotic soldier.

...The current Moby, safe at home and out of the line of fire while attacking brave Americans serving in harm's way, appears to be of a different color - yellow, perhaps.


Imagine that... :roll:

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