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No terrorist attacks in America since 9/11?


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There are many domestic terror attacks happening annually but they're not of the scale of September 11th. From the Anthrax bio-terror attacks, the sniper cases (including the sniper killings of abortion doctors) and the many and sundry other radical right and left-wing groups out there performing acts of terror, stating that NO terrorist attacks on American soil has happened since 9/11 is a fallacy.

Radical greens step up terror campaign after September 11

The new wave of terrorist activity began on September 18, just a week after the events of September 11, when Tucson police were called to the scene of a Ronald McDonald House for seriously ill children. Upon reaching the charitable enterprise, police discovered the building had been vandalized and covered with "ELF" (Earth Liberation Front), "ALF" (Animal Liberation Front), swastikas, and anti-fast food graffiti.

Ronald McDonald House spokesperson Denisa Casement reports she now fears for the safety of families staying at Ronald McDonald Houses.

Soon after the Ronald McDonald House atrocity, eco-terrorists set fire to a maintenance building at a primate research facility in New Mexico, raided an Iowa mink farm twice within the span of a week, and firebombed a federal corral for wild horses in Nevada. The Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front have between them claimed responsibility for all of the terrorist attacks.

Yes, they're terrorists

Federal Bureau of Investigation spokesperson Beth Ann Steele noted the FBI defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce" the government or civilians.

Steele asserted the FBI terrorism definition fits eco-terrorists such as ELF and ALF to a tee, and that it is "pretty unbelievable" such groups would step up their own terror campaigns at a time when the country is fighting a war against terrorism from abroad.


Greens and Other Loonies Attack America

Amidst all the war news coming out of Iraq, it was easy to miss the bombings occurring here at home. Oh? You didn't know about them? How about the attempted bombing of not one, but two McDonald's in Chico, California, in March? The perpetrators had scrawled "Meat is Murder", "Species Equality" and "Animal Liberation Front" in red spray paint on the exterior of the Happy Meal's home.

And it's not just McDonald's and other fast-food establishments the Animal Rights lunatics have declared war upon. In March, Michelle Malkin, a syndicated columnist, took note of the way these domestic terrorists have declared war on the United States. Oh? You didn't know about that either?

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I think a better name for you would be "Dumb A** Boy". If you actually think that domestic unlawfullness, ie. ELF and ALF, are equivalent to overseas terrorism, then you are dumber than most of your democrat counterparts.

Go find another arguement to prove that Bush should be replaced.

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I think a better name for you would be "Dumb A** Boy". If you actually think that domestic unlawfullness, ie. ELF and ALF, are equivalent to overseas terrorism, then you are dumber than most of your democrat counterparts.

Go find another arguement to prove that Bush should be replaced.

Oh, there's plenty of those.... A deficit that is already over 1/2 trillion dollars a year, by Bush's conservative estimate, over 3 million people who have lost their jobs since Bush took office, a chicken-hawk president who yells bring it on but shirks overseas military service when he has the chance to serve his country, scandals unseen since the Nixon White House, erosion of basic American freedoms in the name of PATRIOTism, etc., etc., etc..... Need more?

Did you even read the article? I'd think you might want to before you call someone else a Dumb***. The FBI defines the actions taken by all of the groups that I named as terrorist acts. Perhaps a mental midget such as yourself would be helped more if we included more pictures, such as the coloring books in your library. Just remember that crayons don't work on computer monitors!!

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OK here goes,

Your candidate (Kerry) won't even say bring it on, unless he gets permission from the almighty UN. ( that would be the same body that named Iraq to the head of the human rights council, and Libya to the anti terrorism council)

As for the deficit, if you had half a brain you would understand that in order to recover from the Clinton recession and the post 9/11 economy, you have to spend your way out of the problem. If you would look at all the leading economic indicators you would understand that the economy is recovering faster than at any time under any Democrat Pres.

As far as a chicken heart Pres., why dont' you ask Libya, Iraq, Iran, N. Korea, if they think our President is a "chicken". Under your hero (Bill Clinton) we threatened action and gave a wimpy and innefective cruise missile attack (which if kerry had his way, we would not even have cruise missiles. Kerry voted against the funding of the cruise missile program). Under Bush, They are truely frightened of the consequnces of continuing down the current anti American road.

Lastly, since I have no intent to cause catastrophic human death with a terrorist attack, I will gladly submit to a few extra security measures as I board a plane, or submit to a phone tap if I pose a threat to my fellow man. Most of the losses in basic American freedoms that you and your Demo. friends complain about only pertain to Illegal Aliens (you will personally never see a difference in your daily life). Yes the operative word being "ILLEGAL ALIENS", Who by definition should not have the rights afforded to LEGAL citizens

Last and not least, HAVE YOU FOGOTTEN 9/11, that was the day that 3,000 plus AMERICANS lost their lives. The only crayon I need to illustrate this for you is the red one (for all the bllod lost on 9/11)

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