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Speaking of JOBS II


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That is why you will never reach the higher income bracket. You don't understand that for most of us, Nothing has been given to us, we have earned it through hard work.

BTW when you tax us more we can no longer afford to give as much to charity, who do think donates all this money to your favorite causes? It's not the poorest 2%, it's the wealthiest 2%.

WAKE UP and crawl out from under your hole.

No TA I'm not posting under a different name. But damn, you gotta love it when someone else tells you to essentially pop up out of that 55 gallon drum you live in and look around. :D:P

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Ok I am back

Bush Propaganda on Taxes

You decide it does appear the link is from 2001 since tha gtis when the data ends.

I find it ironic (albeit 2002 and 2003 are missing) that consumer debt increased more under Clinton then Bush. (there are many things that can explain this my big one would be fear..)

Ok let's talk about taxes..

Well use the big one since I think it was mention earlier about eating up take home pay. The biggest tax debuction that Bush hasn't effected (except for increasing limits) and isn't available to the top 2%, actually anyone making over $90,000, is 401k

Increased Take Home

Deductions have limits of which the top 2% have exceeded and most if not all of them don't help them, inlcuding mortgage interest on that big house.

Biggest tax break is within the brackets 39.6% to 35% not too shabby, which is 1.6% higher than the other brackets which had a 3% reduction instead of 4.5%.

If you believe in the tax plan this was to drive money back into the financial markets and the economy. You might say well these people don't need it but you do have to understand these are the folks spending the money. Was it Reagan that employed the trickle down theory?.....

What really helps is the capital gains tax reduction for those with capital assets, but how many people are selling capital assets?

Dividend income has also been reduced but you have to own captial assets to get the dividend income provided the asset is still paying out.

The last two items albeit for the wealthy since they are the ones who have the extra income to invest but it creates a mechanism to move stocks and invest so stocks do well and confidence grows.. yeah it is for the special people with captial assets but in general it is a good thing. If you were to treat dividend income as ordinary income and put in place a higher rate on capital gains it could halt the flow of money in the capital markets and put a serious bind on the stability of the economy believe it or not they are intertwind (heck is that a word).

Doors open when you turn the knob and push or pull... but you have to do it.. every now and then someone holds a door open for you.. maybe a mentor by showing the light or just a nice person.. sometimes and most of the time the door slams in your face but you go to the next door and try again. You environment that you grow up in has something to do with your willingness to try again and again but I think as a nation we need to stop complaining about this and take responsibity for our actions as humans and adults we need to treat our kids like gold and give them the leg up... so you had it hard give them hope it goes a long way. What did I just say, not sure been up since 2am but basic jist is. Parents no matter what situation they are in need to take ownership of their children and guide them on the path to help them make it to the next level so what your tired we are all tired get over it this is the wealthest, most powerful country in the world take you head out of the sand and do something about it.

I have more to say but I am rambling so I will let the heated arguments begin.

PS doors are open you just need to look for them. Anyone can get a grant to go to college but you need to finish and do decent in high school so come on parent buck up.

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"These are the basic ideas that guide my tax policy: lower income taxes for all, with the greatest help for those most in need. Everyone who pays income taxes benefits — while the highest percentage tax cuts go to the lowest income Americans. I believe this is a formula for continuing the prosperity we've enjoyed, but also expanding it in ways we have yet to discover. It is an economics of inclusion. It is the agenda of a government that knows its limits and shows its heart."

— President George W. Bush

This is what I have been trying to make TigerAl and all his democrat friends understand. If you save a lower income american a certain % in taxes (for sake of arguement, if they pay $3,000 in taxes one year, and only $1,500 in taxes the next, you have given him a 50% tax decrease) and then save a higher income american a much lower % (if they pay $70,000 in taxes one year and only pay $63,000 the next year, you have given him a 10% tax decrease). If these scenarios mean a tax decrease for only for the top 2% then I say good.

Bottom 98% with 50% reduction equals $1,500 back into our economy per family

Bottom 98% with an equal 10% reduction = $300 back into the economy

Top 2% with 10% reduction equals $7,000 back into our economy per family

Which tax decrease do you think will spur more economis growth?

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When given a tax reduction, the bottom income earners tend to reinvest that money in material items such as cars, clothes, food, and entertainment.

The top wage earners tend to take this savings and reinvest into the stock market, real estate, corporate growth, company expansion, and job growth.

Tax relief for the wealthiest 2% is a good thing for the less wealthy 98%.

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I'll start believing that tax relief for only the poorest that actually pay taxes will create jobs the next time a poor guy hires me. In all my years of working, I've never had a poor man offer me a job.

That's not to say that they shouldn't get a tax cut...it is to say that people who pay taxes deserve some of it back when gov't is collecting too much. And we need to get capital back in the hands of those who can actually do something with long-term effects with it when the economy goes into recession.

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