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CNNUSATODAY GALLUP shows Kerry with Double digit lead. Other polls show Bush pulling ahead. This is on the same day! I am now really wondering if all polls arent crap.

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CNNUSATODAY GALLUP shows Kerry with Double digit lead. Other polls show Bush pulling ahead. This is on the same day! I am now really wondering if all polls arent crap.

Gee, you guys treated the polls like they were gospel back last year when they were favorable towards Dubya getting elected. We saw a new poll posted on here almost daily back then.

Bush would lose if vote were held today: Poll

Washington, February 19: US President George W Bush would lose to either of the two leading democratic presidential contenders, if elections were held on Thursday, according to a new public opinion poll.

The CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey released on Wednesday showed Massachusetts senator John Kerry would get 55 per cent of the vote in a direct match up with the President versus Bush's 43 per cent.

A similar poll conducted at the beginning of the month Showede Kerry beating Bush by a much slimmer margin — 49 per cent to 48 per cent.

Meanwhile, North Carolina senator John Edwards, who made a splash during Tuesday's primaries in Wisconsin by finishing a close second to Kerry, would win a hypothetical contest against the President 54 per cent to 44 per cent, according to the survey.

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean dropped out of the race on Wednesday, leading Kerry and Edwards the only two democratic contenders with a realistic chance to clinch the party's nomination in July.

The poll showed Bush's job approval rating still at 51 per cent, compared to 46 per cent of Americans who disapproved of the way his was performing his duties.

The poll had a margin of error of three percentage points.

A margin of error of three percentage points in a 12 percentage point Kerry win and a 10 percentage point Edwards win? Looks good for the Democrats this fall, doesn't it? Pssst, it's the economy AGAIN stupid!! ;)

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back last year when they were favorable towards Dubya getting elected. stupid!! ;)

What was Dubya getting elected for last year?

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