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Keys to winning in 2004

DKW 86

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Dean just bowed out. This makes how many candidates endorsed by MoveOn.org that are now dead?

I think we need to get MoveOn to endorse Kerry, then the election is in the bag. ;)

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Funny but I suddenly cant find the Dean lovefest anywhere on their website. I also cannot find "View the Candidates" either.

Things that make you go HHHMMMMMMMM......

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Funny but I suddenly cant find the Dean lovefest anywhere on their website. I also cannot find "View the Candidates" either.

Things that make you go HHHMMMMMMMM......

Is "View the Candidates" the same thing as an endorsement? If so, doesn't that mean that they endorsed ALL of the candidates?

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Actually, MoveOn.org did have a "primary" of sorts to decide who they would endorse last summer:


And Dean won it in a landslide:

But you can't find any info on this on the site without playing around with Google searches. The site itself doesn't have a search function.

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No Al, they have removed all candidates now, amazing. They left the link up but all candidates are now gone.

Before it was really a congratulatory Dean lovefest. Now that he is out, they seem to be redoing their whole site.

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David, MoveOn.org has never endorsed any candidate this election. The "primary" that you described was nothing more than if we had a "primary" here and announced a winner of THAT primary. On the football side there was one poll about which OC candidate you hoped got the AU job. It isn't an endorsement by MoveOn.org of Dean any more than the winner of the OC "vote" was endorsed by WEN. As I said, MoveOn.org has not endorsed any of the candidates. For them to endorse a candidate, he or she must receive at least 50% of the MoveOn primary's vote. Dean won, but only got 44%, therefore, MoveOn.org did not endorse any candidates, Dean or otherwise.

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The donations page reads

Donations Page

Your donation helps us accomplish the important work of MoveOn.org PAC. Together we can change the way electoral politics works. The money you give helps us do our core work - identifying and support progressive candidates for office, tipping the balance in key congressional races, and magnifying the impact of progressive voters.


Under the laws of the Federal Election Commission, candidates for federal office may accept contributions from an individual totaling up to $2,000 per election. Contributions or gifts to any of the candidates are not deductible as charitable gifts for federal income tax purposes. PACs can accept individual contributions of up to $5,000 per calendar to support ongoing efforts.

If you cant read between the lines, "Give us $5000, rather than $2000 and we will pick OUR CANDIDATES and support them with your money."

No Al, I guess they dont use the word "ENDORSE" in a sentence but it is not far from what they do say...

The MoveOn family of organizations consists of three entities. MoveOn.org, a 501©(4) organization, primarily focuses on education and advocacy on important national issues. MoveOn.org PAC, a federal PAC, primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values. And MoveOn.org Voter Fund, a 527 organization, primarily runs ads exposing President Bush's failed policies in key "battleground" states

Lets see, that could possibly be $15k from individuals...hhhmmmm. But as Al says, they dont endorse candidates. And Dean just found $41M laying on the side of the road.... :rolleyes:

As I said the old link to Meet the Candidates is now dead....Strange days in deed.

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Lets see, that could possibly be $15k from individuals...hhhmmmm. But as Al says, they dont endorse candidates. And Dean just found $41M laying on the side of the road.... :rolleyes:

It didn't take Howling Howie long to spend all that money did it. :rolleyes:

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If you cant read between the lines, "Give us $5000, rather than $2000 and we will pick OUR CANDIDATES and support them with your money."

David, your problem is that you spend TOO much time reading between the lines that the clear meaning of what is said just flies right by you. With a PAC, you can do both, David. You can give $2000 directly to your candidate AND you can give $5000 to a PAC.

No Al, I guess they dont use the word "ENDORSE" in a sentence but it is not far from what they do say...

MoveOn.org PAC, a federal PAC, primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values.

Democrats, David. Democrats.

Lets see, that could possibly be $15k from individuals...hhhmmmm. But as Al says, they dont endorse candidates. And Dean just found $41M laying on the side of the road....

Do you do drugs, David? Are you drunk right now? First, how do you come up with $15,000 from 5000 plus 2000, David? Second, in your rush to be an investigative journalist, you forgot to investigate. You were a semen so I'll overlook it. You missed this crucial piece of your conspiracy theory:

MoveOnPAC's campaign contributions provide financial support to congressional candidates who embrace moderate to progressive principles of national government. Our intention is to encourage and facilitate smaller donations to offset the influence of wealthy and corporate donors. With the Congressional balance of power hinging on the outcome of a few key races, the candidates endorsed here are crucial to maintaining the balance of power in Washington.

Now, David, unless Howard Dean was running for Congress and didn't tell anybody, I doubt he received any money from MoveOn.org. Or, has the presidency been reassigned to the legislative body. Maybe you were under the impression he was running for President Pro Tempore?

As I said the old link to Meet the Candidates is now dead....Strange days in deed.

Bet you've figured out who the other gunmen in Dallas were, too, haven't you, David? What's that noise outside??? Gotcha!!! :D

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First, how do you come up with $15,000 from 5000 plus 2000,

three entities:

MoveOn.org, a 501©

MoveOn.org PAC

MoveOn.org Voter Fund, a 527 organization

$5000.00 X 3 = $15,000.00

$2,000.00 is the max an individual can donate directly to the candidate.

Glad to help. :D

Didn't congress just pass a ban on PAC to PAC donations?

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So sorry, you can make unlimited contributions to MoveOn.org. The millionaire George Soros has pledged to match all individual contributions to MoveOn.org. I'm so glad we have a few on our side!

I think you should help make him pay even more, Tigermike.

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I am truly glad to see a sense of humor here again.

Man, 5k x3 AND 2k per candidate. Man all those limousine liberals must have some big bucks.

Too bad the Reps still win with the individual hard money donors by a landslide. But that is what you get when you represent real America.

Link posted previously.

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