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Dean Out


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I think, if nothing else, Howard Dean moved some issues to the forefront and ignited a true grassroots effort in some places and in some people that might not otherwise been reached. I've been to several Dean meetups since June and the people there were so pumped about him. But, this is one of the things the process is supposed to do.

Good luck, Howard!

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He is still leaving that door open. I guess in case a couple hundred women come out and say they slept with all the other candidates????

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Too bad. Dean would have been very easy to beat. As of now, people still seem to be unclear on what Kerry's about. That won't last long though.

Good luck, Dean.

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I think, if nothing else, Howard Dean moved some issues to the forefront and ignited a true grassroots effort in some places and in some people that might not otherwise been reached. I've been to several Dean meetups since June and the people there were so pumped about him. But, this is one of the things the process is supposed to do.

Good luck, Howard!

He was also good for a laugh or three... :D:D:D

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Actually, in some ways, I found Dean refreshing. He pretty much said whatever was on his mind. I just disagreed with him on almost every major issue of importance in terms of policy that he put forth. And I didn't like his attacks on Bush. Had his policies been different, I would have been drawn to his candidacy.

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Yeah Titan, it was refreshing. Dean was an attractive candidate in an Ozzy Osbourne on Speed kind of way..... :lol:

But at least he said what he believed in. Clinton and Kerry sound like they just read the latest focus group returns and want to say "me too" first.

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But at least he said what he believed in. Clinton and Kerry sound like they just read the latest focus group returns and want to say "me too" first.

That sounds like the same thing you all were saying about Dean the past several months. Until now, Dean wasn't saying what he believed in but only what the Bush-hating libbies wanted to hear, according to you guys. Amazing.

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Dean definitely catered to the Bush-hater crowd. But I believe that's pretty much what he thinks.

And I did say that in some ways he was refreshing. I thought he did well in the Wisconsin debates the other night. He answered things pretty straight forward, even if I thought he was wrong most of the time. I also said that I didn't like his attacks on Bush. How exactly am I backpeddling?

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But at least he said what he believed in. Clinton and Kerry sound like they just read the latest focus group returns and want to say "me too" first.

That sounds like the same thing you all were saying about Dean the past several months. Until now, Dean wasn't saying what he believed in but only what the Bush-hating libbies wanted to hear, according to you guys. Amazing.

I also said on several occasions that I was interested in trying to find out what his positions are, but I couldn't stomach listening to him because every third phrase was "Bush sucks!" I respect him for trying to be lay things out, like everyone says he did, but his MAIN FOCUS was to be the leader of the Hate Bush movement. That only takes you so far, and the scream coupled with his flip flop on some issues cost him.

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Jenny, not that it really matters, but what was it about "the scream" that you found so distasteful?

Reminded me of the movie "Deliverence".

We feel for Dean now because we practice "compassionate conservatism."


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Jenny, not that it really matters, but what was it about "the scream" that you found so distasteful?

I know you asked the question of Jenny, but when Howie cut loose with the scream, it looked and sounded like he was the class nerd who wanted to look and sound "manly". But when he was doing it I was seeing a picture of Elmer Fudd squeming at a wabbit. :lol:

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Let's just pray that Kerry has another clueless, brainless moment of stupidity (e.g. throwing someone elses medals over a fence) and picks Dean for his VP.

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Jenny, not that it really matters, but what was it about "the scream" that you found so distasteful?

I never said that I personally found it distasteful - see my earlier comment about Dean being good for a laugh or two. I thought it was hilarious, and like most conservatives, I hoped Dean would be the nominee - I had planned to crossover vote for him in the Dem primary here in TX! But the way the media picked it up and portrayed it as a sure sign the guy had snapped his twigs, it did him harm. Like Sam Donaldson said, if Dean had WON that primary and had screamed like that, the media and libs would have been all fired up by it, saying he had passion and enthusiasm and was just the man to lead them back to the Promised Land. But a loser can't scream like that and hope to gain anything but negative press from it. I don't think my saying the scream cost him is anything but a repeat of what every news media and pundit in America has been saying.

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