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Iraq wants the US out and the UN in

Tiger Al

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Worsening security has put Iraq elections in doubt

Iraq and its neighbours have said the US-led occupation forces must withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible.

At an unprecedented regional summit in Kuwait, they also urged the UN to play a greater role in post-war Iraq.

Iraq also said it would press the US to hand Saddam Hussein over after the transfer of power and to change his prisoner of war status to face trial.

Meanwhile, top US administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer said Washington was open to new ideas on the transfer of power.

Leave it for the Iraqis themselves to decide their own political future

But speaking on American television, Mr Bremer stressed the US remained committed to 30 June as the target handover date.

The US plans to hold a series of regional caucuses to choose the new government have been denounced by the spiritual leader of Iraq's Shia majority, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who demands direct elections.

Mr Bremer said there were dozens of ideas around - including partial elections or a national conference - but gave no further details.

Instead, he said he would wait to hear the report of the UN envoy to Iraq, Lakhdar Brahimi, on his recent visit to assess the feasibility of elections.

Mr Brahimi is expected to give his recommendations to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in a week or so.

UN's 'central responsibilities'

The regional summit brought together Iraq and the six countries which border it, plus Egypt, for two days of talks in Kuwait.

The responsibility of security inside Iraq is the responsibility of the occupation, and not the responsibility of neighbouring countries

The group had met four times since US-led forces overthrew Saddam Hussein last April, but this was the first time Iraq was invited.

The final communique called for the UN to assume "central responsibilities" in Iraq's transition.

The proposed UN role would include giving advice and expertise on formulating a new constitution, holding elections and completing the transfer of power.

The UN pulled out of Iraq last August after a bomb killed 22 people at its Baghdad HQ.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told his counterparts that the US-backed authorities in Baghdad wanted the UN to return to Iraq and resume its work.

Mr Zebari also said Iraq would ask the US to hand Saddam Hussein to the Iraqis.

"We will demand changing his (Saddam's) status and handing him over to Iraqi justice to put him on trial," Mr Zebari said.

After his capture in December, the US declared the former Iraqi president a POW, meaning he has certain specific rights under the Geneva Convention.

The move has triggered protests among many Iraqis who are demanding Saddam's immediate trial in Iraq, with a death sentence as the ultimate sanction.

Washington has said it wants an Iraqi court to try Saddam, who is currently being held in the US custody. POW status does not preclude prosecution.

Preventing infiltrators

The summit communique also said it was vital to eliminate "all terrorist and other armed groups from Iraqi territory that constitute a danger for the neighbouring states".

Mr Zebari said Iraq and several of its neighbours had agreed to control borders more effectively.

He had earlier urged neighbouring states to tighten their border controls, following the latest attack on Iraqi security targets.

The BBC's Jonny Diamond in Baghdad says some of the country's neighbours bridle at suggestions that they are allowing foreign fighters to cross their borders into Iraq.

On Saturday, at least 27 people died when gunmen attacked a police post in the Iraqi town of Falluja. Four attackers were among those killed.

The daylight raid in the flashpoint town was the third major attack on Iraqi defence forces this week, following bombings that left around 100 people dead.


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Nice article from the BBC. It seems all parties want the US out of Iraq. When to do it is the thing. Do it now and you and your hate mob will exploit it until the cows come home. "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, went in and didn't finish, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, just like 1991, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, now the people over there are going to suffer, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH."

If the BBC was known for being credible and not anti-US or anti-Bush it still wouldn't mean squat. But their not! They have been proven recently to be corrupt liars and spin doctors. They have not hidden their disdain for America. The troops can not leave now and you know it! Say what ever you want, it still won't change the fact you simply want more US failure over there. All you ever post about Iraq are articles about "problems." Seems to me you thrive on the failure of some of your "brothers" in uniform. All in the name of hating Bush! I am going to start referring to you as Tiger Kerry.

Iraq and its neighbours have said the US-led occupation forces must withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible.

First of all, as soon as possible is the plan! Only the left claims we want to take over the country for good because it sounds good in their hate speech! ANd for all we know of of the BBC's journalism, this could have been 2-3 wackos over there who still like the Baath party. For all we know, this was Al-quaida nutjobs over there speaking as Iraqis. I wouldn't put it past the BBC to set that up. And the neighbors? It is no secret Syria and Iran would love for us to be gone! WOW, that's some news there, huh?

You can post all the articles like this that you want, Al. You and everyone else knows that there are a large number of Irqis that are glad we showed up. For every article like this there is one about Iraqis praising our efforts. We all know that until there is more stability, turning it over is just plain STUPID! For all involved except the terrorists. This has been discussed adnauseam. Again, only your hate shows through on this.

To steal a line form you one more time...Think outside the (Demoncrat, left wing extremist) box. :P

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Great point, David!!!! Kerry changes his positions so frequently that his loyal supporters can't keep up with what they're supposed to be for or against!!!!!!

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Great point, David!!!! Kerry changes his positions so frequently that his loyal supporters can't keep up with what they're supposed to be for or against!!!!!!

But they all HATE BUSH! so even when small stances change their core belief never waivers. <_<

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Kerry on Economy: I hate Bush.

Kerry on Iraq: I hate Bush.

Kerry on Vietnam: I hate Bush.

Kerry on Taxes: I hate Bush.

Kerry on Education: I hate Bush.

Etc, etc, etc.

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For all we know, this was Al-quaida nutjobs over there speaking as Iraqis. I wouldn't put it past the BBC to set that up.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told his counterparts that the US-backed authorities in Baghdad wanted the UN to return to Iraq and resume its work.

MDM, do you think it's possible that the BBC, and everybody else, knows who the US-appointed Iraqi foreign minister is? This wasn't an "average man on the street" possibly posing as an Iraqi who said this.

I think you all are missing the point of the article. This isn't Americans saying all this. The Iraqis seem to be ready for us to go.

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I think you all are missing the point of the article. This isn't Americans saying all this. The Iraqis seem to be ready for us to go.

According to you everyone except the democrat leadership always misses the point.

Everyone (except democrats) has said all along that the US would be leaving as soon as possible. Maybe they should just leave Iraq, leave a leadership vacuum as a grand experiment just to see what happens. What do you think would happen Al? Would the different tribes in Iraq suddenly say, why can't we all just get along, sing kumbaya and pass out flowers?

Do you think the outside Islamic instigators would not love to make Iraq the next Lebanon or Afghanistan? Do you think there would not be a blood bath?

Why not stay until the Iraqi people have a chance to take care of themselves. Why not rebuild the country before leaving?

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MDM, you were poor mouthing the article because it's the libbies or al Qaeda or Ba'athists who want the US out. The article was talking about the leadership in Iraq that seems to want the US out and they want the UN to come in. They see what you won't.

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MDM, you were poor mouthing the article because it's the libbies or al Qaeda or Ba'athists who want the US out. The article was talking about the leadership in Iraq that seems to want the US out and they want the UN to come in. They see what you won't.

I will make this real easy for you, Al, since you seem to have problem with reading comprehension. The only reason "libbies" like you post these types of articles is to start the whole...

"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, went in and didn't finish, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, just like 1991, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, now the people over there are going to suffer, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH."

That my friend is the shot I took at bed-wetting libbies like yourself. Get it straight. The only thing I said about the Baath party was the generalization of the quote from the BBC could be anything coming from that waste of a media outlet. The only thing I said about Al-Quida was again, what is possible from the BBC. And last but not least for the slow to learn but quick to hate is...

It seems all parties want the US out of Iraq...First of all, as soon as possible is the plan! ...

Who doesn't want them out of there eventually? (What a moron!)

Finally I noticed you have skirted one of the main points of my post as well. The fact that you left-wing extremists want the US out now so you can scream and cry some more about...

"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, went in and didn't finish, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, just like 1991, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, now the people over there are going to suffer, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH." and "Bush knew this would happen if he pulled the troops out early!!! :cry3:
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I've always contended that infantryman, tankers and supply sergeants make lousy nation builders and peacekeepers. I've also maintained that nation building would be a job better suited for...oh, I don't know...the UN!!!

Most people who were opposed to the US/UK going to war alone (except for minor contributions from a few other countries that equal less than one percent but, technically, allow us to claim that this was a multinational coalition) in the first place understand that once we were involved in it we had to finish the job.

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I've also maintained that nation building would be a job better suited for...oh, I don't know...the UN!!!

yeah, the U.N. does such a great job. The UN actually had a monetary interest to make sure Sodom Hussein stayed in power. How much was the UN making on Iraqi oil? While the people were starving! While the children were dieing because of no medicine!

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MDM, you were poor mouthing the article because it's the libbies or al Qaeda or Ba'athists who want the US out. The article was talking about the leadership in Iraq that seems to want the US out and they want the UN to come in. They see what you won't.

Hey, dipstick. The current appointed leaders want us to turn ALL the power over to them now. The plan was to have them be voted into office to stay. Now that they have had a tase of power, they don't want to have to campaign to keep it.


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Al, peace guy. Rest a moment.

No one hates war worse than a soldier. No one in his right mind wants to spend a year in Iraq but an Iraqi. They will come home asap. But we will be there a while yet, unfortunately. Pray for the guys to make it home.

Iraqis have 5 papers up and running now. Sounds like a better place to me. But guess what the lead story in four this AM was? Not the US leaving. Not about the last bombing. It was the coming Democracy. Al, I think they are getting it now. We worry about soldiers in harm's way for another 6 months to a year. They worry about the rest of their lives. The letter that was intercepted was a great insight into Al-Qaeda and the militant Muslim mind. THEY know they are winning a small bombing site here or there. THEY also know they are LOSING THE WAR BADLY.

Give it time. Peace comes to those who wait. The Bushs may be remembered for freeing three countries in the middle east before this is all over.

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