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Cleland Responds to Coulter Attack

Tiger Al

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Former Sen. Max Cleland defended his military service record Saturday night in response to comments from columnist and television commenter Ann Coulter that accused him of playing up injuries he suffered in the Vietnam War for political gain.

Coulter, in a column published this week, said that Cleland, who lost both legs and an arm in Vietnam, is no war hero, but rather a victim of a tragic, accidental grenade explosion who plays up his amputations for political gain.

“If Cleland had dropped a grenade on himself at Fort Dix rather than in Vietnam, he would never have been a U.S. Senator in the first place. Maybe he’d be the best pharmacist in Atlanta,” Coulter said in her column, published on February 11.

“He didn’t ‘give his limbs for his country,’ or leave them ‘on the battlefield,” Coulter said. “There was no bravery involved in dropping the grenade on himself with no enemy troops in sight.

In fact, Cleland was wounded picking up a grenade that someone else dropped, during what he says was a combat mission.

“I volunteered for a combat mission with the 1st Air Calvary division going into break the siege at Khe Sahn, and if that isn’t a combat mission, you ought to ask some of the people that were there and the 200 guys that were killed in that mission.”

As he campaigns for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, Cleland has questioned President Bush’s military record and touted Kerry’s, who served as Navy lieutenant during the Vietnam War.

“(Bush) goes into Iraq and then three weeks in the battle stands on an aircraft carrier, dressing up pretending to be a super hero, and the guy hardly showed up for drills in Alabama,” Cleland says. “He got favorable treatment in Vietnam.”

Rusty Paul, a Georgian Republican Party strategist, said Coulter crossed the line with her comments.

“You can’t take away from Max Cleland his record of service to this country and the sacrifice that he’s made, regardless of the circumstances. To me, that’s out of bounds to talk about that,” he said.

Paul, however, said attacking the politics of Cleland and Kerry was well within bounds. “I think the voters would prefer to talk about what George Bush’s view for the future is versus John Kerry’s rather than what happened 30 years ago,” he said.

President Bush released all his Vietnam-era records Friday to counter Democrats’ suggestions that he shirked his duty in the Texas National Guard.

Hundreds of pages detailed Bush’s service in the Guard in Texas and his temporary duty in Alabama while working on a political campaign there in the early 1970s. Democrats have questioned whether Bush ever showed up for duty in Alabama.


They ought to drop that hag in the middle of downtown Baghdad with a boombox strapped to her back blaring out, "Bring 'em on!" over and over.

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So he says. The inside track around town is that they were playing toss with a hg and the pin fell out. Unless you hear directly from an eye witness, we may never know the real truth. But he should shut up about pres Bush if he didn't say anything about Clinton. That's what you get when you jump into the middle of things with your big mouth open. And just cause he said it went down that way don't make it so.

BTW, where is his DD214 detailing that incident???

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BTW, where is his DD214 detailing that incident???

It would be in his 201 file. You don't know anything about that, cowboy.

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They ought to drop that hag in the middle of downtown Baghdad with a boombox strapped to her back blaring out, "Bring 'em on!" over and over.

Ad hominem attacks again, Al? Btw, what's your definition of "hag?"


n 1: an ugly evil-looking old woman

Ann Coulter hardly fits that standard dictionary definition now, does she?




Now if you had said, "they ought to drop that Babelicious in Baghdad with a boombox strapped to her back blaring 'Bring It On!' over & over, then I could have seen where you're coming from. (Plus, you would have had that whole alliteration thang going for you. :D)

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If she's what you're into...go ahead. She's a little too "mannish" for me. Also, the pics don't do her voice justice in that respect, either. You go ahead.

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Mannish?(!) It was the pic of her shooting in high heels, wasn't it? :lol:

Try some of these:



Compare & contrast Ann with the man on the right.


She's got that 'librarian' kind of look here.


Pose-n' wit da' Pimp Daddy!


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Nope, those didn't help either!

Here's the thing: 5 or 6 years ago, I went with a girlfriend of mine and some others to a gay bar in Montgomery. They have drag queens come out and sing songs occasionally. There was one that looked EXACTLY like AC, though at this time I had never really seen or heard of her. The first time I saw her on TV I thought, "Holy crap!!! I've seen you before!!!"

Obviously, it wasn't her, but ever since then, that is the image I have of her. But, you have to admit, she looks like a man in drag, especially this one:


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In honor of your prior military service to this country I was just going to like, accept things as they are and don't ask, don't tell. But ... hanging out in Montgomery gay bars with drag queens? ... !!! Are you just an innocent fan of Broadway show tunes? Please tell me that your "girlfriend" at least has all her original factory-installed equipment in place and no after-market modifcations made. :P

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In honor of your prior military service to this country I was just going to like, accept things as they are and don't ask, don't tell. But ... hanging out in Montgomery gay bars with drag queens? ... !!! Are you just an innocent fan of Broadway show tunes? Please tell me that your "girlfriend" at least has all her original factory-installed equipment in place and no after-market modifcations made. :P

No, she was genuine!

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Nope, those didn't help either!

Here's the thing: 5 or 6 years ago, I went with a girlfriend of mine and some others to a gay bar in Montgomery. They have drag queens come out and sing songs occasionally. There was one that looked EXACTLY like AC, though at this time I had never really seen or heard of her. The first time I saw her on TV I thought, "Holy crap!!! I've seen you before!!!"

Obviously, it wasn't her, but ever since then, that is the image I have of her. But, you have to admit, she looks like a man in drag, especially this one:


No, I am just not going there, not gonna do it.... ;)

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Your not going to the gay bar with Al? David you would be safe, they would all be looking at Al. And he would like it cause he is a good liberal democrat. :roflol::big::roflol::big: :outahere:

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