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Kerry: US Real Criminal of Vietnam...

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Kerry Denounced U.S. as 'The Real Criminal' in Vietnam

During his war protest days in the early 1970s, Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry once denounced the United States of America as "the real criminal" in the Vietnam War.

In comments first reported by the New York Times 33 years ago, Kerry condemned the entire country as "criminal" during a 1971 demonstration on Wall Street, a few weeks after the trial of Lt. William Calley.

"Guilty as Lieutenant Calley may have been of the actual act of murder, the verdict does not single out the real criminal ... the United States of America," railed the future Democratic presidential hopeful. :angry:

The damning comment was unearthed by the Baltimore Sun, which reprinted Kerry's outburst in its Saturday edition exactly as quoted above.

The Sun also revisited other anti-war comments by Kerry that have yet to receive significant exposure, including remarks Kerry uttered on NBC's "Meet the Press" a few weeks after the Wall Street protest.

"I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of others," he told the network, "in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions and burned villages."

Though NBC has the Kerry interview on tape, it has so far declined to broadcast his revealing comments. :blink:

The Sun also obtained reactions from two of Kerry's Swift Boat mates in Vietnam, who told the paper they were deeply disturbed by his anti-war activities. :rolleyes:  

Kerry crewman James Wasser said he was "absolutely upset" over his former commanding officer's claims that the U.S. committed wartime atrocities as a matter of course.

Saying he recalled no such war crimes, Wasser said of Kerry, "I felt betrayed."

Shipmate Bill Zaladonis was also offended by Kerry's claims. "I didn't like the idea [of Kerry condemning his fellow servicemen]," he told the Sun.

"I certainly didn't believe that all Vietnam veterans were baby-killing women rapers. Most people I know agree with me - they didn't see it."

While Wasser and Zaladonis remain troubled by Kerry's anti-war past, they're split over whether they intend to support him for president.

"I'm still studying it," Zaldonis told the Sun, while Wasser occasionally campaigns for the Massachusetts Democrat.

Presidential Candidate or War Criminal?

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Why is it that if someone isn't rabidly nationalistic they must be anti-American? You all have been blowing this horn for a year. "If you disagree with Bush then you must love bin Laden." "If you oppose the war in Iraq, you're a traitor." And so on.

Does this mean that if I look in the mirror and decide that I'm fat and should lose some weight that I must hate myself because I've seen fault in myself? If my wife and I have an argument and she asks me treat her differently in some way, does this mean she hates me? Why is it that we can't look at some aspect of our country and say, "That's wrong. We can do better," without having our love for this country impugned?

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Why is it that if someone isn't rabidly nationalistic they must be anti-American? You all have been blowing this horn for a year. "If you disagree with Bush then you must love bin Laden." "If you oppose the war in Iraq, you're a traitor." And so on.

Does this mean that if I look in the mirror and decide that I'm fat and should lose some weight that I must hate myself because I've seen fault in myself? If my wife and I have an argument and she asks me treat her differently in some way, does this mean she hates me? Why is it that we can't look at some aspect of our country and say, "That's wrong. We can do better," without having our love for this country impugned?

Al, there is quite a difference between "I disagree" and "I, and others, committed War Crimes."

Al, if he committed War Crimes, if he knows those that did commit War Crimes, why are he and others not in prison?

Between Chappaquidick and War Crimes, must be that Massachussett's punishment thing, kill the innocent, become a Senator.


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Well, if the ones he was talking about were never charged then how could they be in prison? I think, though, that his point was that US involvement in Vietnam was wrong and that by making war there he was acting criminally, as was the US.

But, my question was more general in nature than specifically about Vietnam-era happenings.

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Well, if the ones he was talking about were never charged then how could they be in prison? I think, though, that his point was that US involvement in Vietnam was wrong and that by making war there he was acting criminally, as was the US.

But, my question was more general in nature than specifically about Vietnam-era happenings.

They were going after Calley , they would have gone after many others too.

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"Guilty as Lieutenant Calley may have been of the actual act of murder, the verdict does not single out the real criminal ... the United States of America. I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of others in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions and burned villages."

I think this is the crux of his argument isn't it? I don't think he's saying that every soldier there did what Calley did personally, I think he's saying that the general nature of warfare in Vietnam was no different in its result that that of Calley.

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"Guilty as Lieutenant Calley may have been of the actual act of murder, the verdict does not single out the real criminal ... the United States of America. I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of others in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions and burned villages."

I think this is the crux of his argument isn't it? I don't think he's saying that every soldier there did what Calley did personally, I think he's saying that the general nature of warfare in Vietnam was no different in its result that that of Calley.

The crux of his argument is nothing more than, "Heyyyyy, look at me". He betrayed his fellow servicemen's trust. Even his own guys say he's lying. If it was that bad, why didn't he throw his own medals? Just like now, HE'S ALL FOR SHOW.....NO SUBSTANCE........Hey that pretty much sums up the demoncratic party as a whole............

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Kind of like aircraft carrier speeches and plastic turkeys on Thanksgiving with the troopers. Bush is the ultimate in style over substance.

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Kind of like aircraft carrier speeches and plastic turkeys on Thanksgiving with the troopers. Bush is the ultimate in style over substance.

Nope. When you are actually somebody and that somebody IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you go all out to make the men and women of the armed forces feel appreciated. OOORRRRR you could just hide from them like Clintax did. OOORRRR you could blast them for doing their job and service to their country like your boy Kerry!!!! :angry:

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Kind of like aircraft carrier speeches and plastic turkeys on Thanksgiving with the troopers. Bush is the ultimate in style over substance.

Nope. When you are actually somebody and that somebody IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you go all out to make the men and women of the armed forces feel appreciated. OOORRRRR you could just hide from them like Clintax did. OOORRRR you could blast them for doing their job and service to their country like your boy Kerry!!!! :angry:

Then why did he go AWOL and not take a flight physical? Why didn't he serve a REAL turkey to the troops instead of walking around with a fake one?

Answer: Photo Ops!!!

He cares so much about them that he sends out form letters to the families of those killed and he hasn't attended one single funeral. He loves them so much that he cuts veterans benefits.

Yeah...that's a CIC who appreciates his troopers! Not!!!

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