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Alex Polier info...

DKW 86

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I don't know which network it is, but you can dismiss all of it. Al said so. :rolleyes: Kerry is a democrat and would never engage in an extra marital affair. :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:

Tiger Al

Please. If you think that for one second that anything that comes from Drudge is credible then you're an idiot. I'm sorry to sound offensive but he's a fool and has admitted that as little as 20% of his website is legitimate, factual and sourced material. He makes National Enquirer and the Star look like respectable journalism.

Tiger Al

This is nothing more than a Karl Rove-orchestrated diversionary tactic because the heat's getting turned up on Bush's military record.

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i meant to ask TA:

where/when did drudge admit that only 20% of the stuff on his site is legitimate??


It was in a Washington Post article titled "Out There" by Howard Kurtz on March 28, 1999. When writer David McClintick tried to verify Drudge's work, he found that only ten of thirty-one "exclusives" were found to be true. Drudge told him, "Screw journalism! The whole thing's a fraud anyway!"

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Yeah, like I said before:

If you think that for one second that anything that comes from Drudge is credible then you're an idiot. I'm sorry to sound offensive but he's a fool and has admitted that as little as 20% of his website is legitimate, factual and sourced material. He makes National Enquirer and the Star look like respectable journalism.

But, you folks continue to direct your browsers his way for a good dose of "truth!"

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Al, I think with all but two exceptions on this board, any citation form Drudge came with a link to a real media source.

I used two comments from his site.

In the first one I said that I found no proof backing this up.

In the second, about GHWB, I knew and many more knew this was indeed true.

Now if some of my Dem friends could be open minded enough to admit such about some of their less than accurate quote and citation sources.

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Now if some of my Dem friends could be open minded enough to admit such about some of their less than accurate quote and citation sources.

Is Drudge considered a conservative website? I was under the impression that he was an equal-opportunity slanderer. Why would you claim him?

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venerable Baltimore Sun reporter Jules Witcover reviles Drudge as a "reckless trader in rumor and gossip who makes no pretense of checking on the accuracy of what he reports," and quotes Slate magazine editor Jodie Allen as saying that Drudge "is the troll under the bridge of Internet journalism." 21 This sentiment is widely shared among elite journalists. 22

To which the anti-elitist Drudge replies, "Screw journalism! The whole thing's a fraud anyway!" 23 But when challenged by a pack of news reporters, "Are you a reporter?" and "Do you check sources?" "Drudge replied "I'm a working reporter who has written thousands of stories and driven dozens of news cycles...I check all my sources." 24

And when challenged by Matt Lauer on the Today show, "Is it journalism or is it gossip?" and "are the facts checked and double-checked as you would in journalism...?" Drudge responded, "Oh, you mean like Richard Jewell?" 25

"Matt Drudge flouts the norms of professional journalism. He doesn't even believe that journalism is a "profession." Anyone can do it. You don't need a college education. You don't need editors, researchers, or fact checkers. All you need, Drudge believes, is determination to seek "the truth" and the means to publish it, which the Internet now provides to everyone with a computer and a modem."

he certainly seems anti-establishment. probably one source for the scorn he receives from the "media elite".

TA: the link you provided to the 'Out There' article is a pay-link...you don't happen to have coughed up the $2.95 have you???

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