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Republican Group to Offer Whites-Only Scholarship


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Whites-only scholarship a dig at affirmative action

Associated Press

Bristol, R.I. — A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.

The application for the $250 (U.S.) award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness."

"Evidence of bleaching will disqualify applicants," says the application, issued by the university's College Republicans.

Jason Mattera, 20, who is president of the College Republicans, said the group is parodying minority scholarships.

"We think that if you want to treat someone according to character and how well they achieve academically, then skin colour shouldn't really be an option," he said. "Many people think that coming from a white background you're automatically privileged, you're automatically rich and your parents pay full tuition. That's just not the case."

The stunt has angered some at the university, but the administration is staying out of the fray. The school's provost said it is a student group's initiative and is not endorsed by Roger Williams.

Mr. Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," Mr. Mattera told the Providence Journal.

His group took out a full-page ad in last week's issue of the university's student newspaper to tout the scholarship, which was for $50 until two donors came forward to add $100 each during the weekend, Mr. Mattera said.

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Do you have an opinion about this Donutboy or are you just pointing this out? (Don't worry I know the answer)

I know we talked about this at the white student union when I was at AU. Of course people in my Strait Association they think this is a bad idea. Then there is the White Graduate and Professional Student Association that I'm a member of they just don't know what to think about it.

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Do you have an opinion about this Donutboy or are you just pointing this out? (Don't worry I know the answer)

I know we talked about this at the white student union when I was at AU. Of course people in my Strait Association they think this is a bad idea. Then there is the White Graduate and Professional Student Association that I'm a member of they just don't know what to think about it.

Yes, I have an opinion about this, but I'm waiting with bated breath to hear everyone elses'. Sometimes it pays to hold your tongue and see what others think about it without the commentary. I'd rather see the responses to the issue instead of responses to my response. ;)

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In the grand college tradition of doing provocative things to make people think, I think it's great. We should periodically question the things that have become "default". I'm glad to see it happen.

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Yes, I have an opinion about this, but I'm waiting with bated breath to hear everyone elses'. Sometimes it pays to hold your tongue and see what others think about it without the commentary. I'd rather see the responses to the issue instead of responses to my response. ;)

is THAT why you post so many articles w/o ever commenting on them?

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You know, stuff like this seems cute to the ones doing it because they assume that AA is a one-way street. White students can already attend historically black colleges under the same rules that apply to blacks. In Montgomery, any white student could enroll at Alabama State for little or no tuition. I know a couple of people who have done that.

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You know, stuff like this seems cute to the ones doing it because they assume that AA is a one-way street. White students can already attend historically black colleges under the same rules that apply to blacks. In Montgomery, any white student could enroll at Alabama State for little or no tuition. I know a couple of people who have done that.


i thought blacks could attend any college they wanted to, too.

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You know, stuff like this seems cute to the ones doing it because they assume that AA is a one-way street. White students can already attend historically black colleges under the same rules that apply to blacks. In Montgomery, any white student could enroll at Alabama State for little or no tuition. I know a couple of people who have done that.


i thought blacks could attend any college they wanted to, too.

I don't understand.

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you stated that whites can already attend HBC under the same rules that apply to blacks...

i took that to imply the opposite wasn't true? blacks can't attend any college they want to under the same rules that apply to whites?

btw...i have a white buddy who got his med degree from McHary (spelling is off) med. school in nashville...a black institution...i even think he got 'minority' scholarships.


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Shouldn't be an issue or even make the news. But because it will be called anti-black, its already wrong. Ewuality should be just that.

And Al, who the hell wants a degree from ASU compared to AU, AUM, TSU, or just about anywhere. That's the difference. I was offered a scholly to play at ASU. I take it you can guess what my answer was......

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Shouldn't be an issue or even make the news. But because it will be called anti-black, its already wrong. Ewuality should be just that.

And Al, who the hell wants a degree from ASU compared to AU, AUM, TSU, or just about anywhere. That's the difference. I was offered a scholly to play at ASU. I take it you can guess what my answer was......

I'm just simply pointing out that these kids whine about what's done for blacks when the same opportunities are available to them.

You exercised your choice not to go to ASU. Sounds like you had other options available to you. If the only option I had was going to ASU on a minority scholarship or not going to college, I'd probably take ASU if I thought not having college would pigeon-hole me into a job that would eventually be sent overseas or have me waiting on the gravy train my whole life. Sitting around till they come get your furniture piece by piece is not the right thing to do.

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Shouldn't be an issue or even make the news. But because it will be called anti-black, its already wrong. Ewuality should be just that.

And Al, who the hell wants a degree from ASU compared to AU, AUM, TSU, or just about anywhere. That's the difference. I was offered a scholly to play at ASU. I take it you can guess what my answer was......

I'm just simply pointing out that these kids whine about what's done for blacks when the same opportunities are available to them.

You exercised your choice not to go to ASU. Sounds like you had other options available to you. If the only option I had was going to ASU on a minority scholarship or not going to college, I'd probably take ASU if I thought not having college would pigeon-hole me into a job that would eventually be sent overseas or have me waiting on the gravy train my whole life. Sitting around till they come get your furniture piece by piece is not the right thing to do.

I see that my lack of support for your favorite group of people (the lazies) has upset you. So lets say that more and more white kids start attending ASU, then next thing you know, its up to 70%/ 30% white. What kinda restrictions you gonna put on the white folks then. Cause you know you will. Minority scholly for a white kid. Now ain't that an oxymoron????

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Mr. Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," he said.

It's not the first brush with controversy for the group. The school temporarily froze the Republicans' money in the fall during a fight over a series of articles published in its monthly newsletter. One article alleged that a gay-rights group indoctrinates students into homosexual sex .


What an idiot! He's slamming minority scholarships while attending college...on a MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP!!!

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the other article said he was puerto rican ...

AL: how is this guy receiving a minority-based scholly while opposing them any different from receiving a tax cut while opposing them?

what an idiot?


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This sounds like a privately funded scholarship, which are most scholarships these days. I don't have a problem who they want to give the money to, and what criteria they place. I mean they could choose to give it to only men with the first name John.

Al, I do agree with you that there is scholarship money out there to white students and that you are exercising your right not to go after that or apply to those schools. It boils down to choice. I think about how expensive college is these days and there is money out there to be had in many different scholarships. Not just those based on ethnicity. I say, whatever gives another person an opportunity to become more educated is a good thing.

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