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Losing Jobs Overseas helps America


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I love the "would rather live off of someone else" quotes.  Hate to keep harping on this, but I'll give you an example of why I think that idea is crap. 

In less than a month, around 220 employee's will be laid off because "our"(that's right our's, because some of us have been loyal to this place for as much as 33 years) will be sent to the Chinese, who will work for $0.40 cents an hour.  Any of you motivation speakers that would like to come talk to these guys about "living off of someone else" can be arranged.  I would love for you to tell these guys they shouldn't take part in the TRA.  Tell these guys they shouldn't draw their umemployment for two years while getting their retraining(college) paid for.  You see, they have to be a full time student.  Please come tell these guys that they should be able to take a lower paying job working 40 hours a week until something better comes open.  Here in Gadsden, the average job pays around 8 dollars an hour.  On 40 hours thats 320 dollars per week.  Take out taxes and that 220 dollars per week.  Take out gas and the daycare fee and that's around 150 dollars a week.  Wait a minute, that's about 60 dollars less than the 210 a week from umemployment and TRA. 

For those of you who don't know, AAA is a pottery plant.  We cast everything but the bathtub.  We were told that they are shutting the plant down because the chinese can work for .40 cents an hour.  Even if we offered to drop to that pay, they would still go overseas because they don't have to offer the benefits(that we american workers take for granted) and they won't have to pay government taxes and OSHA fees in China.  Thanks for the dedication and have a nice day.  What about a severance package?  Nope.  What about the vacation we earned last year?  Maybe.  That is what we were told by the Vice President of gerber pottery. 

Anyways, I'll be sure to go back and tell our workers that they shouldn't be lazy and live off of the government.  As someone stated earlier, wal-mart's hiring!!

Tidefan-- I have tried to say this very thing before during the FT discussion. But it fell on deaf ears.

what was it you were trying to say, chann??

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It just touched a nerve when someone said
Too many times there are jobs out there for people to take, it's just easier to live off someone else for a while.


First of all I apologize, I didn't intend for you take it the way it seems you have. I realize that there are those in your's and your co-worker's situations. My point was that there are MANY out there that are this way, though.

When I lost my job, I went to apply for Unemployment in the case that I couldn't find work. I had just bought a house and had a wife of a single year to support. Her teacher's salary was not going to keep us afloat. But I realized that, there was WORK out there I could do even though I really did not want to do it. I went from wearing a suit, taking clients out to dinners and schmoozing (sic) to being up at the butt-crack of dawn, working strenuous labor in the Alabama heat and having a sore back almost all the time. I went from a 5 day work week to a 7 day. I went from getting a paycheck every week to only getting paid if the weather cooperated.

While I did this there were still employers I worked around looking for good help while there were people in the unemployment offices that felt they were too good to work those jobs or didn't want to have to actually WORK. Not all of them were this way, I fully realize.

I hope that clears that up some. I fully understand your point, I just hope you understand mine.

And to Tigger "The Closed Minded Liberal - I only see it my Liberal, Conservative Hating Way" AL: When you have one ounce of an idea of what you are talking about without making some elementary assumption because it is the easiest way to deal with someone who has a different opinion than you, then you may open your pie hole without looking like a total imbicile. Until then, give it up. Thank-you, and have a nice weekend! :)

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It just touched a nerve when someone said
Too many times there are jobs out there for people to take, it's just easier to live off someone else for a while.


First of all I apologize, I didn't intend for you take it the way it seems you have. I realize that there are those in your's and your co-worker's situations. My point was that there are MANY out there that are this way, though.

When I lost my job, I went to apply for Unemployment in the case that I couldn't find work. I had just bought a house and had a wife of a single year to support. Her teacher's salary was not going to keep us afloat. But I realized that, there was WORK out there I could do even though I really did not want to do it. I went from wearing a suit, taking clients out to dinners and schmoozing (sic) to being up at the butt-crack of dawn, working strenuous labor in the Alabama heat and having a sore back almost all the time. I went from a 5 day work week to a 7 day. I went from getting a paycheck every week to only getting paid if the weather cooperated.

While I did this there were still employers I worked around looking for good help while there were people in the unemployment offices that felt they were too good to work those jobs or didn't want to have to actually WORK. Not all of them were this way, I fully realize.

I hope that clears that up some. I fully understand your point, I just hope you understand mine.

And to Tigger "The Closed Minded Liberal - I only see it my Liberal, Conservative Hating Way" AL: When you have one ounce of an idea of what you are talking about without making some elementary assumption because it is the easiest way to deal with someone who has a different opinion than you, then you may open your pie hole without looking like a total imbicile. Until then, give it up. Thank-you, and have a nice weekend! :)

Fully understand, although I didn't earlier. :unsure: :unsure: I do agree that some people don't want to work. Sorry for getting all worked up for nothing. B)

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Touched a nerve, did it? Good! At least it got you off your high horse long enough to offer this man a little compassion instead of telling him that his pending unemployment is his fault and that to complain about losing a job that he seems to like is some character flaw.

You have a great weekend, too.

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Again, TA:

I never told this man it was his fault, etc, etc, etc. You only wanted to see it this way because I am a conservative.

And I don't have anywhere to keep a horse! :P

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Too many times there are jobs out there for people to take, it's just easier to live off someone else for a while.
My "determination to EARN a living," (versus living off someone else) to quote him.

Did I really miss the mark that much? If, so, sorry. You all begin to sound alike after a while.

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OK, after this I am done.

It had NOTHING-NOTHING-NOTHING to do with tidefan. I explained this to him and he understood. AND he's a bammer!!!!!!!!!! SO, your assumption is WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY OFF! Or should I say misunderstanding. Now, go be a good husband and help your wife with that new child of yours and quit acting like one on an internet message board!

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CCTAU, I'm not sure what you mean by the gravy train will run out some time or later.  Making pottery is no gravy train, and that is my point.  These guys have been willing to work for this many years, and for some this is all they know.  Some people think we have our hand out and don't want to work.  That is not the case.  The retraining is there and I don't see anything wrong with taking it.

EDIT IN-  I'm not taking a political stand against Bush.  Sorry if I came off that way.

You were satisfied with the job you had and never once thought it would go away. There was the expectation that the gravy train would always make its rounds. Its sad that the place is closing up, but you guys aren't the first and won't be the last. And it happens over and over again. It isn't political, its economics. But as someone pointed out earlier, new jobs also come about. I hope it balances out.

And Al's just upset somebody mentioned his welfare buddies in a negative light. You know, according to him its not their fault their families have been on welfare for 4 generations?????

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