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Kerry Infidelity?


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That link doesn't say much about any affairs or anything. Maybe Kerrey is just looking at a way to seal up the presidency by having "affairs" leaked to the media. It seemed to work out ok in 1992.

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Well, if there IS a story, Kerry gave himself the kiss of death this morning on Imus when he said "There is nothing to find." That is not a "No, it is false, it never happened." He said "There is nothing to find.", which to tabloid reporters means "There are no witnesses and I have covered everything up, so you won't find any proof." So now the Enquirer and the Globe and all the other tabloids are going to be out in FORCE looking for anything and everything they can find.

It WOULD explain why Dean is not withdrawing. As for Clark, who can say that anything that psycho does is rational?

I will wait and reserve judgement. If it is true, and I were a lib, I would not vote for him, not becuse he had an affair, but because he was stupid enough to screw around on his sugar momma!! That would truly be "too stupid to be President".

The funny thing to me is that it will probably turn out to be as true as the whole Bush - AWOL thing, but Kerry will never be able to shake it once the media get a hold of it. The Clinton (even JFK) comparison will then kill him.

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Who gives a rat's ass? I'm sick and tired of hearing about some candidate's unfaithful behavior! None of us are perfect and so why do we expect the same from candidates? It's all politics in the dirtiest way! Last night I had to listen to George W. Bush's 2 traffic tickets and a misdemanor arrest for some franternity prank. Who cares! Hell, I led a more suspect life as a teenager then any of the candidates and I turned out to be a normal guy. Lets move beyond this "fishbowl" syndrome and get on with it. WDE!

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you people amaze me! I've lived for 60 years and seen a Hell of a lot more than any of you, yet I know now, that Republicans consistently promise MORE than they are able to deliver! When is the joe public going to figure that out? This crap about morality and family values is simply "lip service" to get elected! They do NOTHING once in office and they continue to "court" the American public with this rethoric! I'm sick of the whole thing and I know this, America cannot stand another 4 years of Bush's bull**** and loss of American jobs! Think about this! When you graduate, do you expect to find a job under George Bush? I think not! WDE!

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Think about this! When you graduate, do you expect to find a job under George Bush? I think not! WDE!

I think this thread started because of someone working under Kerry! :rolleyes:;)

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Think about this! When you graduate, do you expect to find a job under George Bush? I think not!

I did! :huh:

And to think, you're more than twice my age! :lol: Shows how much you know. ;)

(As we venture far away from the original post. B) )

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Haven't we already seen this for 8 years with Clinton? How many women came up when his name was mentioned? Gennifer Flowers & Monica Lewinsky, just to name 2. It's been a while since I've heard about it now, but I know there was at least one more.

It's obvious that the American voters either don't care about infidelity or like it. Why else would they elect a man who got head in the oval office from a 20 something intern.

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Republicans aren't the one bringing this to light. In fact it originated from Clark.

Actually, a former Clintonista (as some media call them) who now works for Clark was running around telling anyone who would listen about this story, hoping someone would bite. As Neal Boortz points out, now that Clark is endorsing Kerry, the Dems are having to defend against the very story they planted!!! :D:D:D:D

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