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Max Cleland Drops a Politcal Grenade


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Max Cleland Drops a Political Grenade

By Ann Coulter

FrontPageMagazine.com | February 12, 2004

Former Sen. Max Cleland is the Democrats' designated hysteric about George Bush's National Guard service. A triple amputee and Vietnam veteran, Cleland is making the rounds on talk TV, basking in the affection of liberals who have suddenly become jock-sniffers for war veterans and working himself into a lather about President Bush's military service. Citing such renowned military experts as Molly Ivins, Cleland indignantly demands further investigation into Bush's service with the Texas Air National Guard. 

Bush's National Guard service is the most thoroughly investigated event since the Kennedy assassination. But the Democrats will accept only two possible conclusions to their baseless accusations: (1) Bush was "AWOL," or (2) the matter needs further investigation... 

...Cleland also expressed outrage that Bush left the National Guard nine months early in 1973 to go to Harvard Business School. On "Hardball," Cleland testily remarked: "I just know a whole lot of veterans who would have loved to have worked things out with the military and adjusted their tour of duty." (Cleland already knows one – Al Gore!) 

When Bush left the National Guard in 1973 to go to business school, the war was over. It might as well have been 1986. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson had already lost the war, and President Nixon had ended it with the Paris peace accords in January. If Bush had demanded active combat, there was no war to send him to. 

To put this in perspective, by 1973, John Kerry had already accused American soldiers of committing war crimes in Vietnam, thrown someone else's medals to the ground in an anti-war demonstration, and married his first heiress. Bill Clinton had just finished three years of law school and was about to embark upon a political career – which would include campaign events with Max Cleland. 

Moreover, if we're going to start delving into exactly who did what back then, maybe Max Cleland should stop allowing Democrats to portray him as a war hero who lost his limbs taking enemy fire on the battlefields of Vietnam. 

Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix. In fact, Cleland could have dropped a grenade on his foot as a National Guardsman – or what Cleland sneeringly calls "weekend warriors." Luckily for Cleland's political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it while in Vietnam. 

There is more than a whiff of dishonesty in how Cleland is presented to the American people. Terry McAuliffe goes around saying, "Max Cleland, a triple amputee who left three limbs on the battlefield of Vietnam," was thrown out of office because Republicans "had the audacity to call Max Cleland unpatriotic." Mr. Cleland, a word of advice: When a slimy weasel like Terry McAuliffe is vouching for your combat record, it's time to sound "retreat" on that subject. 

Needless to say, no one ever challenged Cleland's "patriotism." His performance in the Senate was the issue, which should not have come as a bolt out of the blue inasmuch as he was running for re-election to the Senate. Sen. Cleland had refused to vote for the Homeland Security bill unless it was chock-full of pro-union perks that would have jeopardized national security. ("OH, MY GOD! A HIJACKED PLANE IS HEADED FOR THE WHITE HOUSE!" "Sorry, I'm on my break. Please call back in two hours.") 

The good people of Georgia – who do not need lectures on admiring military service – gave Cleland one pass for being a Vietnam veteran. He didn't get a lifetime pass... 

...Cleland wore the uniform, he was in Vietnam, and he has shown courage by going on to lead a productive life. But he didn't "give his limbs for his country," or leave them "on the battlefield." There was no bravery involved in dropping a grenade on himself with no enemy troops in sight. That could have happened in the Texas National Guard – which Cleland denigrates while demanding his own sanctification.


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Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix. In fact, Cleland could have dropped a grenade on his foot as a National Guardsman – or what Cleland sneeringly calls "weekend warriors." Luckily for Cleland's political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it while in Vietnam. 

This was what I was referring to in a post to donut. He keeps speaking of Cleland like he's a hero. I had heard the same thing that Ann pointed out. There is no heroism in dropping a grenade on yourself. It is sad and unfortunate, but not heroic. Thank you Max for going, but don't come back and blow smoke up my butt about how you were hurt..... :angry:

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If I were a man, I would want to marry her.


I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, :lol:

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If I were a man, I would want to marry her.


I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, :lol:

???????????????? How could you embarass me, Dave? Unless your mind is seriously in the gutter, that is... :D

I meant that. What intelligent, single, conservative guy would NOT want to marry such a beautiful, intelligent, conservative woman??? And think of the kids!! WOW!

She is one of my role models!

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If I were a man, I would want to marry her.


I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, I will not embarass Jenny nor myself, :lol:

???????????????? How could you embarass me, Dave? Unless your mind is seriously in the gutter, that is... :D

I meant that. What intelligent, single, conservative guy would NOT want to marry such a beautiful, intelligent, conservative woman??? And think of the kids!! WOW!

She is one of my role models!

Jenny, it was the...... female-female ......thing there......

Wont go there, wont embarass Jenny nor myself... ;)

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You know, in situations like these, I think back to the episode of Mad About You where Paul and Jamie were discussing lesbians. Jamie asks Paul, "What is is with you guys and lesbians?"

Paul replies, "I don't know. It's hard to explain. I guess I look at them and think 'I agree with both of you.'" :lol:

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Sometimes you guys are truly sad. I have waited for someone from your side of the aisle to do the right thing and come out against one of your...own. This is typical of Ann Coulter and you just buy into anything she says without so much as batting an eye. She is notorious for cutting corners and saying partial truths at best. She lies more often than not. "But wait, Commie Al. She has tons of endnotes in her book. She's very thorough." Al Franken exposed her for the lying liar that she is and she's done it again with her trash about Max Cleland.

Cleland is, indeed, a true Vietnam War hero:

December 9, 2003

U.S. Senator Zell Miller, D-GA

Committee Statement on the Nomination of Max Cleland to the Board of the Export-Import Bank of the United States

Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee:

In all of my years in politics, I know of no other person who has embodied leadership, service and sacrifice more than Max Cleland.

On and off the battlefield Max’s story should serve as a continual inspiration to us all.

When his nation called in 1966, Max Cleland didn’t hesitate. He answered the call to arms and went to battle. His answer was, ‘Count me in.’

He volunteered for service, and he volunteered for Vietnam when he could have stayed stateside and been safe and sound.

During his service in uniform, Max received the Silver Star Medal, one of the highest awards that can be given for gallantry in action. Listen to this citation:

“Captain Cleland distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous action on 4 April 1968 … during an enemy attack near Khe Sanh.

“When the battalion command post came under a heavy enemy rocket and mortar attack, Captain Cleland, disregarding his own safety, exposed himself to the rocket barrage as he left his covered position to administer first aid to his wounded comrades. He then assisted in moving the injured personnel to covered positions.

“Continuing to expose himself, Captain Cleland organized his men into a work party to repair the battalion communications equipment, which had been damaged by enemy fire.

“His gallant action is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.”

Those are not my words. That’s Uncle Sam talking.

And four days after that incident that earned him the Silver Star came the grenade explosion that so grievously wounded him. His would be a great story if you stopped there. But Max Cleland didn’t stop there.

He continued to lead by courageously overcoming this tragedy and serving in the Georgia state Senate. And he followed that up by distinguished tours of duty as head of the Veterans Administration and as an esteemed member of this body.

I have known and respected and loved Max Cleland for over 30 years. His is an American story; one of inspiration for us all. Mr. Chairman, I have no doubt that the Export-Import Bank and the nation will benefit by his appointment and service on this board.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Coulter is pathetic.

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Do you live in GA, Al? No? then shut up. We have been hearing the true story for years. The man was riding his wounds and not his good sense into politics. And his wounds came from stupidity (many stories are out there and they all point to the same thing, carelessness). We finally saw through it and ousted him. Don't try to sell liverworst as steak. Eventually the stink will catch up with you.

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Do you live in GA, Al? No? then shut up. We have been hearing the true story for years. The man was riding his wounds and not his good sense into politics. And his wounds came from stupidity (many stories are out there and they all point to the same thing, carelessness). We finally saw through it and ousted him. Don't try to sell liverworst as steak.  Eventually the stink will catch up with you.

Neither Coulter's article nor the following comments had to do with his political performance. Her article was an attempt to diffuse Cleland's criticism of Bush's national guard service and his lost year of service.

Your comments weren't about his political record either.

This was what I was referring to in a post to donut. He keeps speaking of Cleland like he's a hero. I had heard the same thing that Ann pointed out. There is no heroism in dropping a grenade on yourself. It is sad and unfortunate, but not heroic. Thank you Max for going, but don't come back and blow smoke up my butt about how you were hurt..... :angry:
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Do you live in GA, Al? No? then shut up. We have been hearing the true story for years. The man was riding his wounds and not his good sense into politics. And his wounds came from stupidity (many stories are out there and they all point to the same thing, carelessness). We finally saw through it and ousted him. Don't try to sell liverworst as steak.  Eventually the stink will catch up with you.

Neither Coulter's article nor the following comments had to do with his political performance. Her article was an attempt to diffuse Cleland's criticism of Bush's national guard service and his lost year of service.

Your comments weren't about his political record either.

This was what I was referring to in a post to donut. He keeps speaking of Cleland like he's a hero. I had heard the same thing that Ann pointed out. There is no heroism in dropping a grenade on yourself. It is sad and unfortunate, but not heroic. Thank you Max for going, but don't come back and blow smoke up my butt about how you were hurt..... :angry:

He came back and tried to tell me he would be a good senator because he gave his limbs for his country. Don't let it bother you, Al. Smarter citizens than you saw through his smoke. That's why he is no longer a senator. You may believe he was a hero, but I don't. Maybe we should leave it at that. Cause I already got my vote.

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Do you live in GA, Al? No? then shut up. We have been hearing the true story for years. The man was riding his wounds and not his good sense into politics. And his wounds came from stupidity (many stories are out there and they all point to the same thing, carelessness). We finally saw through it and ousted him. Don't try to sell liverworst as steak.  Eventually the stink will catch up with you.

Neither Coulter's article nor the following comments had to do with his political performance. Her article was an attempt to diffuse Cleland's criticism of Bush's national guard service and his lost year of service.

Your comments weren't about his political record either.

This was what I was referring to in a post to donut. He keeps speaking of Cleland like he's a hero. I had heard the same thing that Ann pointed out. There is no heroism in dropping a grenade on yourself. It is sad and unfortunate, but not heroic. Thank you Max for going, but don't come back and blow smoke up my butt about how you were hurt..... :angry:

He came back and tried to tell me he would be a good senator because he gave his limbs for his country. Don't let it bother you, Al. Smarter citizens than you saw through his smoke. That's why he is no longer a senator. You may believe he was a hero, but I don't. Maybe we should leave it at that. Cause I already got my vote.

Ann Coulter wasn't talking about his politics and neither were you. It was a response to criticism he was getting and Cleland was one of the ones giving it to him. She was attempting to get the conservative rhetoric of the day to say that Cleland was not in a position to criticize Bush because has been erroneously labled a hero.

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Ann Coulter wasn't talking about his politics and neither were you. It was a response to criticism he was getting and Cleland was one of the ones giving it to him. She was attempting to get the conservative rhetoric of the day to say that Cleland was not in a position to criticize Bush because has been erroneously labled a hero.

And I agree with her!

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Ann Coulter wasn't talking about his politics and neither were you. It was a response to criticism he was getting and Cleland was one of the ones giving it to him. She was attempting to get the conservative rhetoric of the day to say that Cleland was not in a position to criticize Bush because has been erroneously labled a hero.

And I agree with her!

Then you refuse to acknowledge the facts.

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Ann Coulter wasn't talking about his politics and neither were you. It was a response to criticism he was getting and Cleland was one of the ones giving it to him. She was attempting to get the conservative rhetoric of the day to say that Cleland was not in a position to criticize Bush because has been erroneously labled a hero.

And I agree with her!

Then you refuse to acknowledge the facts.

Hey Calley was a hero too...until he did something stupid. You can have him as your hero. BTW, who said this info is correct. I mean, is it in his DD214? You are so big on that. Why don't you get a copy of Cleland's for us. For all we know, your information comes from the same kind of liar you are accusing Coulter of being......

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Ann Coulter wasn't talking about his politics and neither were you. It was a response to criticism he was getting and Cleland was one of the ones giving it to him. She was attempting to get the conservative rhetoric of the day to say that Cleland was not in a position to criticize Bush because has been erroneously labled a hero.

And I agree with her!

Then you refuse to acknowledge the facts.

Hey Calley was a hero too...until he did something stupid. You can have him as your hero. BTW, who said this info is correct. I mean, is it in his DD214? You are so big on that. Why don't you get a copy of Cleland's for us. For all we know, your information comes from the same kind of liar you are accusing Coulter of being......

Well, if you'd read the whole thing, including the title, you'd see that it is from your senior Senator and former governer, Zell Miller. Now, I'll admit that I didn't vet this as well as I could've, so, if you think that Zell is lying on the Senate floor then that's something you'll have to take up with him.

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Sometimes you guys are truly sad. I have waited for someone from your side of the aisle to do the right thing and come out against one of your...own. This is typical of Ann Coulter and you just buy into anything she says without so much as batting an eye. She is notorious for cutting corners and saying partial truths at best. She lies more often than not. "But wait, Commie Al. She has tons of endnotes in her book. She's very thorough." Al Franken exposed her for the lying liar that she is and she's done it again with her trash about Max Cleland.

Cleland is, indeed, a true Vietnam War hero:

Coulter is pathetic.


Let's have a little back and forth on the issue presented instead of the author.


You know the routine around here Al, if you don't like the message, shoot the messenger!!

Tiger Al

Mike, do you have any response/defense to the facts raised in the article or do you just take exception with its' author, Donutboy and me?

Al were you shooting the messenger? Remember you and Donuts saying that? Remember that thread? While there are other post in this thread where the "topic" was addressed. You did go to lengths to "shoot the messenger".

I knew you would not mind me pointing that out to you.


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And you won't mind me pointing out to you that I ripped apart the message, too. Or, rather, Zell Miller ripped it apart!

Had this been the sum of my reply:

Coulter is pathetic.

Then you would be 100% correct to point this out because I hadn't given any evidence on why what she said was wrong or what it is that makes her pathetic.

See, I didn't ignore her article and instead attack her because she is a conservative and, therefore, not credible. I showed you how she lied in this instance and went on to tell you how she lies almost anytime she opens her mouth, publicly at least.

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Sometimes you guys are truly sad. I have waited for someone from your side of the aisle to do the right thing and come out against one of your...own. This is typical of Ann Coulter and you just buy into anything she says without so much as batting an eye. She is notorious for cutting corners and saying partial truths at best. She lies more often than not. "But wait, Commie Al. She has tons of endnotes in her book. She's very thorough." Al Franken exposed her for the lying liar that she is and she's done it again with her trash about Max Cleland.

Cleland is, indeed, a true Vietnam War hero:

Coulter is pathetic.

No Al, that particular post was almost entirely a rant against MS Coulter. Spin it any way you wish. But the truth hurts doesn't!

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Nice try, Tigermike. The tipoff to you should've been the word count.

December 9, 2003

U.S. Senator Zell Miller, D-GA

Committee Statement on the Nomination of Max Cleland to the Board of the Export-Import Bank of the United States

Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee:

In all of my years in politics, I know of no other person who has embodied leadership, service and sacrifice more than Max Cleland.

On and off the battlefield Max’s story should serve as a continual inspiration to us all.

When his nation called in 1966, Max Cleland didn’t hesitate. He answered the call to arms and went to battle. His answer was, ‘Count me in.’

He volunteered for service, and he volunteered for Vietnam when he could have stayed stateside and been safe and sound.

During his service in uniform, Max received the Silver Star Medal, one of the highest awards that can be given for gallantry in action. Listen to this citation:

“Captain Cleland distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous action on 4 April 1968 … during an enemy attack near Khe Sanh.

“When the battalion command post came under a heavy enemy rocket and mortar attack, Captain Cleland, disregarding his own safety, exposed himself to the rocket barrage as he left his covered position to administer first aid to his wounded comrades. He then assisted in moving the injured personnel to covered positions.

“Continuing to expose himself, Captain Cleland organized his men into a work party to repair the battalion communications equipment, which had been damaged by enemy fire.

“His gallant action is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.”

Those are not my words. That’s Uncle Sam talking.

And four days after that incident that earned him the Silver Star came the grenade explosion that so grievously wounded him. His would be a great story if you stopped there. But Max Cleland didn’t stop there.

He continued to lead by courageously overcoming this tragedy and serving in the Georgia state Senate. And he followed that up by distinguished tours of duty as head of the Veterans Administration and as an esteemed member of this body.

I have known and respected and loved Max Cleland for over 30 years. His is an American story; one of inspiration for us all. Mr. Chairman, I have no doubt that the Export-Import Bank and the nation will benefit by his appointment and service on this board.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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