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George W. Bush -- grand strategist


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Let me ask...would you vote for Sharpton because you truly would rather have him as President over GWB


or would you vote for him knowing that the independents and moderates would heavily vote for Bush and that Sharpton wouldn't have a realistic chance in hell of actually winning? That way, you can maintain your moral outrage while knowing your in no actual danger of having that dolt as leader of the free world?

Still yes. Because, IMO, voting for Bush would still be voting for a dolt. At least Sharpton would be more likely to hit on some things of interest to me than Bush.

I realize that by now you're probably rolling your eyes and saying "That Al is a bigger idiot than I thought he was!" But, you have to understand, that wouldn't be a vote of confidence for Sharpton so much as a lack of confidence in Bush.

I'm sure you understand what I mean, though, because you weren't a fan of Clinton's. So, in 1996, you probably would've voted for anyone but Clinton. Ross Perot, Buchanon, Bob Barr. Anyone but Clinton. Now, I don't really know if your dislike for him is because of his personality, his policies or both. Bush is probably a pretty cool dude to hang out with or whatever. My dislike for him is primarily based on his policies which then bleed over into his personality.

But, if it's any consolation, I'd vote for Bush (minus most of his associates) before I'd vote for Cheney or Ashcroft.

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We only defend a man that is being true to himself. He is a Texan first and and american second. Maybe you haven't had strong enough roots to understand. We like him because WYSIWYG. He's not hot rod with a flashy paint job and a doodle-bug engine. Like I said before, your hatred blinds you.

EXACTLY. What DIFFERENCE does it make if he can't pronounce one word to your satisfaction? What has that got to do with his being president? Teddy Roosevelt had a very high pitched voice like a woman's, and stammered quite a bit when he got excited. But he is still considered a great President.

Al, I would bet that living in Montgomery, you have a Southern accent. Wouldn't it piss you off if someone immediately denigrated your intellect just because you said "y'all" or "fixin"? I have taken formal speech lessons, taught at Auburn, still teach seminars to this day, have been public speaking since I was 10 years old, and am a very well educated woman who can't say the word "squirrel" without it sounding like I have a SERIOUS speech impediment. I gess I ain't fit to hold no po-lit-i-cul orofice.

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Dora the Dinosaur is a character on "The Wiggles."

Al, it's DOROTHY the Dinosaur on the Wiggles. Just ask my niece...

You're right!!! If I'd sung the song in my head I'd have known that!

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Dora the Dinosaur is a character on "The Wiggles."

Al, it's DOROTHY the Dinosaur on the Wiggles. Just ask my niece...

You're right!!! If I'd sung the song in my head I'd have known that!

i didn't pick up on that, either.

"dooooorthy, dooooooorthy, do you want to dance with me?"


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We only defend a man that is being true to himself. He is a Texan first and and american second. Maybe you haven't had strong enough roots to understand. We like him because WYSIWYG. He's not hot rod with a flashy paint job and a doodle-bug engine. Like I said before, your hatred blinds you.

EXACTLY. What DIFFERENCE does it make if he can't pronounce one word to your satisfaction? What has that got to do with his being president? Teddy Roosevelt had a very high pitched voice like a woman's, and stammered quite a bit when he got excited. But he is still considered a great President.

Al, I would bet that living in Montgomery, you have a Southern accent. Wouldn't it piss you off if someone immediately denigrated your intellect just because you said "y'all" or "fixin"? I have taken formal speech lessons, taught at Auburn, still teach seminars to this day, have been public speaking since I was 10 years old, and am a very well educated woman who can't say the word "squirrel" without it sounding like I have a SERIOUS speech impediment. I gess I ain't fit to hold no po-lit-i-cul orofice.

Saying "y'all" and "fixin'" is Southern vernacular. Nuke-ular isn't. But, I'll re-post:

It just amazes me how you folks will go to any length to protect any and every aspect of his image, as if it becomes some reflection on you personally for him to be criticized. It's like talking to a bammer about Bear. They would rather DIE than allow any little meaningless wart go unchallenged because, in their mind, Bear must be perfect. Any and all imperfections, real or perceived, must be crushed.

Same thing happens here. Instead of saying nothing and moving on to the next post or, agreeing with the obvious fact that George mispronounces NU-CLEE-UR, you guys want to fight to the death in his defense, as if he's kin or something! I think it's funny!

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We only defend a man that is being true to himself. He is a Texan first and and american second. Maybe you haven't had strong enough roots to understand. We like him because WYSIWYG. He's not hot rod with a flashy paint job and a doodle-bug engine. Like I said before, your hatred blinds you.

EXACTLY. What DIFFERENCE does it make if he can't pronounce one word to your satisfaction? What has that got to do with his being president? Teddy Roosevelt had a very high pitched voice like a woman's, and stammered quite a bit when he got excited. But he is still considered a great President.

Al, I would bet that living in Montgomery, you have a Southern accent. Wouldn't it piss you off if someone immediately denigrated your intellect just because you said "y'all" or "fixin"? I have taken formal speech lessons, taught at Auburn, still teach seminars to this day, have been public speaking since I was 10 years old, and am a very well educated woman who can't say the word "squirrel" without it sounding like I have a SERIOUS speech impediment. I gess I ain't fit to hold no po-lit-i-cul orofice.

Saying "y'all" and "fixin'" is Southern vernacular. Nuke-ular isn't. But, I'll re-post:

It just amazes me how you folks will go to any length to protect any and every aspect of his image, as if it becomes some reflection on you personally for him to be criticized. It's like talking to a bammer about Bear. They would rather DIE than allow any little meaningless wart go unchallenged because, in their mind, Bear must be perfect. Any and all imperfections, real or perceived, must be crushed.

Same thing happens here. Instead of saying nothing and moving on to the next post or, agreeing with the obvious fact that George mispronounces NU-CLEE-UR, you guys want to fight to the death in his defense, as if he's kin or something! I think it's funny!

Back at ya!

We only defend a man that is being true to himself. He is a Texan first and and american second. Maybe you haven't had strong enough roots to understand. We like him because WYSIWYG. He's not hot rod with a flashy paint job and a doodle-bug engine. Like I said before, your hatred blinds you.

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Saying "y'all" and "fixin'" is Southern vernacular. Nuke-ular isn't. But, I'll re-post:
It just amazes me how you folks will go to any length to protect any and every aspect of his image, as if it becomes some reflection on you personally for him to be criticized. It's like talking to a bammer about Bear. They would rather DIE than allow any little meaningless wart go unchallenged because, in their mind, Bear must be perfect. Any and all imperfections, real or perceived, must be crushed.

Same thing happens here. Instead of saying nothing and moving on to the next post or, agreeing with the obvious fact that George mispronounces NU-CLEE-UR, you guys want to fight to the death in his defense, as if he's kin or something! I think it's funny!

Yes, the man mispronounces a word. No doubt about it. Bet his press folks cringe whenever he does. BIG FREAKING DEAL. makes him seem human to me. I also know OTHER people, Texans to a man, who mispronunce nuclear. So does my south Georgia-born grandmother, and some other folks as well. I just don't get the hang-up on it. Someone's mispronunciation of one word is not grounds for intellectual impeachment!

GWB certainly has his imperfections. We only "fight to the death" as you say because liberals take one small thing, beat it to death and then hold up the bloody carcass as proof of GWB's alleged ignorance and inability to effectively lead this country, when in fact the opposite is true. What drives us nuts is not the negativity towards GWB, but the smug and self-righteous tone used when speaking of GWB's flaws, thereby implying that GWB deserves our disrespect. I would rather have a stammering man of moral character and integrity in the White House than a smooth talking pimp daddy with a taste for interns. Clinton did not mispronounce one word when he told America he never had sex with Monica - guess that makes him a success in your eyes.

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I love vernacular. Every culture has it.

I purposely say Nuke-you-lar because thats how Homer Simpson says it.

I guess we had out "What the definition of is, is" and they have the Nuke.

I do love it when people equate eloquent proper English as a sign of true intelligence. Just shows me the put more emphasis on the package, than what's inside.

Hell, Sheila Jackson-Lee went to an uppity private school (yale I believe) and she said Terrorisn!!

(thats for you Jenny!!) :)

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Jenny, the funny thing is that I didn't even start it. Carolina Tiger did! But, we can make fun of Howard Dean's yell or Kerry's hair and whatever flaws the Dems have, perceived or real, and it's all in good fun. Which it is funny because, at the end of the day, Dean's yell in no way has any bearing on me. If y'all want to poke fun at all of the candidates it still doesn't affect my sense of self worth, so, if it's funny then I'll laugh right along with you.

Turning the tables, however, reveals some thin-skinned personalities who seem to take it way too personally. It's as if Bush must be above reproach at all costs. To admit even one flaw, whether character, personality or policy, is strictly forbidden. So, to this end, you do all kinds of back flips, somersaults, twists and turns to avoid admitting the obvious.

It's fun to watch bammers do this, too. "Wow, your defense kinda stunk today, huh?" "Well........how many NC's does the barn have, huh? Thought so...when you get 11 more then you can talk to me about defense!"

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Tiger Al, ripping on Kerry's hair or Dean's banshee yell is just payback for 3 plus years of listening to a bunch of self-important snots point to GWB's occasional mispronunciations as somehow indicative of his intellectual ability in general. Knotheads like Begala were doing it all the time. The first few times, yeah it was funny. After a while, it just becomes tired and very annoying.

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Do you really think that Bush is intelligent? I'm not talking about whether he could get a BA and an MBA, I mean do you think he's intelligent?

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Do you really think that Bush is intelligent? I'm not talking about whether he could get a BA and an MBA, I mean do you think he's intelligent?

Intelligent? Yes. Absolutely.

Is he a quantum physics expert? No.

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Do you really think that Bush is intelligent? I'm not talking about whether he could get a BA and an MBA, I mean do you think he's intelligent?

Intelligent? Yes. Absolutely.

Is he a quantum physics expert? No.

I'm a damn smart man. But I don't run around and try to prove it to everyone who hears me talk. I am me and Bush is Bush. That's what a lot of people see about him. I've met some really smart sounding people who couldn't pour pi$$ out of a boot.......

IMO, they would make terrible leaders cause they don't have the sense to see the forest for the trees. I think Bush sees what's going on like I do and understands that it is going to take more than bubble gum and cute speeches to fix it.

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Jenny, the funny thing is that I didn't even start it. Carolina Tiger did!

while i did post something about 'strategerist', i hardly want to be blamed for this 'nukuler' discussion! bush never actually said 'strategery' did he? that was a SNL skit, no? it was someone else who took that and parlayed it into a discussion on pronunciation....

To admit even one flaw, whether character, personality or policy, is strictly forbidden.

i agreed w/ many flaws in W, including the one in question...and i'm pretty sure i'm not alone. you're not projecting on this one, are you?

Clinton did not mispronounce one word when he told America he never had sex with Monica - guess that makes him a success in your eyes.

this made me laugh.


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Do you really think that Bush is intelligent? I'm not talking about whether he could get a BA and an MBA, I mean do you think he's intelligent?

why are you asking, TA?

'intelligence' isn't a 0/1 binary deal is it? you could easily answer 'yes' to that question as it relates to anyone...

i think having a certain degree of intelligence is a necessary ingredient for making a good president, along w/ other qualities. i also think W possesses intelligence to that degree.

if, however, degree of intelligence were the sole criterion upon which to base a decision, i'd dare say none of the candidates ever elected was the most qualified. i mean, how intelligent can you be if you want to be president? :)

further, 'intelligence' may be in the eyes of the beholder...one definition of intelligence is, "Showing sound judgment and rationality"...and what's 'sound and rational' to me may , for some unfathomable reason, not seem that way to others.


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Do you really think that Bush is intelligent? I'm not talking about whether he could get a BA and an MBA, I mean do you think he's intelligent?

why are you asking, TA?

'intelligence' isn't a 0/1 binary deal is it? you could easily answer 'yes' to that question as it relates to anyone...

i think having a certain degree of intelligence is a necessary ingredient for making a good president, along w/ other qualities. i also think W possesses intelligence to that degree.

if, however, degree of intelligence were the sole criterion upon which to base a decision, i'd dare say none of the candidates ever elected was the most qualified. i mean, how intelligent can you be if you want to be president? :)

further, 'intelligence' may be in the eyes of the beholder...one definition of intelligence is, "Showing sound judgment and rationality"...and what's 'sound and rational' to me may , for some unfathomable reason, not seem that way to others.


I was just asking for Titan's opinion. I don't think Bush is terribly intelligent but, if you notice, I never tried to slam Titan because he thinks Bush is. I just wanted to know his opinion and he gave it to me.

while i did post something about 'strategerist', i hardly want to be blamed for this 'nukuler' discussion!

I wasn't blaming you for the nuke-ular part, but you did make an intentional Bushism that I expanded on. There was no foul on your part (in Jenny's eyes apparently) but TigerAl isn't allowed to play! :cry3:

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Well, if we are going to let this conversation degenerate into who said what first, then actually TigerMike jumped on you about "nukalur" or whatever before I did.

And yes, the "strategerist" is not a Bushism - it was Will Ferrell on SNL doing his bad Bush impression. Dana Carvey was EXCELLENT as George 41, and Darrell Hammond did a SPOT ON Clinton, but I am disapointed that the GWB impression isn't that great. They don't have a very good Hillary either.

And yes, I do think GWB is intelligent - everyone else already said the same things I would have said, so I won't beat a dead horse, a lesson some libs could learn...

TxWar Eagle - you ROCK, man!! That is my absolute favorite clip that Chris Baker plays. "terrorisn" My next favorite is Perry Wooten and his "ALL KINNA -isms!!!

And Al, sweetie, you are ALWAYS welcome to play!! If not for you, my husband wouldn't be able to ask me each evening "And what did the pinkos on your message board do to raise your blood pressure today?" :P:P

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Well, if we are going to let this conversation degenerate into who said what first, then actually TigerMike jumped on you about "nukalur" or whatever before I did.

It appears you are correct Jenny.

(Tiger Al @ Feb 12 2004, 12:03 PM)

Only if Dubya says it and then only if he's also going to say nuke-ular in the same sentence. 



Is that from the liberal elitist handbook?    :rolleyes:

I just couldn't help my self.

I still think the book will be a good read. Even the Boston Globe makes the same assessment in their review. :D

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If not for you, my husband wouldn't be able to ask me each evening "And what did the pinkos on your message board do to raise your blood pressure today?" :P:P


That and "Hey, did you eat a basketball?" ;)

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If not for you, my husband wouldn't be able to ask me each evening "And what did the pinkos on your message board do to raise your blood pressure today?" :P   :P


That and "Hey, did you eat a basketball?" ;)

Basketball? Try MEDICINE ball - or one of those huge balls you do yoga on at the gym - honey, I passed basketball comparisons three weeks ago... :D

Carl even suggested that I NOT enter the political boards on days when I know my BP has spiked, because it is really not good for Katie to have Mommy blowing a gasket. :D

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